Love the Black wheels w/ black walls. My spare set are black steelies w/ wide whites. I think I'm gonna see if I can sell them and stick a set of black walls on instead !!!
Thanks, Jeff...I love the one in my avatar better.[I even know the guy who drew it!] The 55 went to a fellow HAMBer.
Even though next to red, black is probably the most common color, I still think that is the color of speed on almost any 30's car....I don't think I would paint an A any other color, but there are some that look great in stock and custom color, but black just looks fast sitting still.
Larry Ya know I just don't have any good pics to post. I am not a real flat head guy in that I don't normally run one in my cars but for some reason this one just floats my boat. looks like it is ready to go racin'.
in '08 i got a new job ,at that time i had my flh bagger torn apart,i was taking all the cheesy stock harley chrome to be acid dipped and then powdercoated black,when i got to the firehouse for duty there where two guys there that had matching new ff edition roadkings (first bikes for both,midlife crisis?) ,i had to laugh cause they where bolting on god awful cheap (made not priced) chrome shit way faster than i could take mine off.even now when i ride to work and park near them mine always draws the crowd and its 13 yrs old .i know its ot fir the ride but in short black rules,i gotta get the deuce in line to go to black,maybe some black kelsey hays too?
Triple black is the baddest combo, All the door cuts and hood lines are gone. Noth'in looks better to me clean or worse dirty, Indy
This car was in the first post. Does anybody have any infoon it or know what the body is? Is it one of those extended RPU bodies or ??
Here's one for the B on B on B thread.... It's my Dad's Fiat. 'Course he doesn't play by the rules either.