Gotta add a HB here as well... I went thru hell with my bro's '54 Caddy when we replaced his rusty rockers about 8 years ago now...I had some bent up and finally got them to look halfway decent...but those repro pieces look to be top notch...wish I had known about them back then. R-
thanks guys!! and that would be my version on how a rocker should properly be installed. time to turn the car around and start on the other side on monday still gotta a little welding to do on the rockers!!
Ok, Flop. How did you gring the weld in the fillet? Oops. My bad. The weld was up on top, not in the 90. Those are hard to do.
Looks wery nice. Old Cadillacs looks ewrytime wery wery nice. I think this Cadillac is the coolest custom Cadillac i was ewer seen. Good work and wife likes too.
thanks everyone!! spent a little time out side today . cleaned the shop and turned the car around to finish the passenger side.
merry christmas to you james d !!! turned the caddy around gonna bang out the rot work then onto the scoop on this side. this side is alot less rusty and beat up . a big crease in the ol door .fender took a good hit as well . got most of that mess out made the door fit in its hole again some previous pull marks and some damage. burned out the lead . its a damn shame i had to cut out the rocker it was really solide but im guessing dirt behind the trim made the outter swiss cheese some red oxide on the top weld through on the bottom. rocker will be in tomorrow!
Looking good Flop.The second side always goes faster I try to do the worst side 1st..makes the 2nd seem even faster haha !
hahaha thats hilarious ted!! seems like it is def going faster kool. just started on the passenger side being the worse side by luck . thanks bill and kali new rocker in. spot welds on the bottom this door is still a little tweaked i always hope cutting a giant hole in an inaccessible part of the car will find me lost money or an old gun . no such luck . just dirt rust some old undercoat and more dirt tacked in startin to look like sumthin!!
Excellant work flop . You make stuff look easy . What do you use to finish out the repair area when you get it all welded ? Looks like 50 or 80 grit ? Thanks for your knowledge .