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Vintage shots from days gone by!

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by Dog427435, Dec 18, 2009.

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  1. adfokker
    Joined: Dec 28, 2011
    Posts: 2

    from nj

    awesome pics man ,terrific .....i saved some on pc ...
  2. Novadude55
    Joined: Nov 10, 2009
    Posts: 2,352

    from CA

    The sheep is actually Denise Diplock at 15.
    She went to Norwalk High, class of 72..

  3. Hate to correct you is actually a 1955 Eldorado Brougham concept car that was at the 1955 Motorama. I've seen it on a video:

    ...and more pics:

    On the front, the production Broughams had a different styling on the headlight bezels plus there was some sort of round thing below the lights.
  4. RoddyB34
    Joined: Oct 13, 2009
    Posts: 542


    ,,,,Maybe the guy already had his Beer Goggles on ,,,
  5. ehdubya
    Joined: Aug 27, 2008
    Posts: 2,315



    Returned servicemen making a motorcycle side-car at Fewing and Company's factory, Christchurch, [ca 1920]
    Reference Number: 1/1-019509-G
    Unidentified returned servicemen making a motorcycle side-car at Fewing and Company's factory, Christchurch, taken by Steffano Webb, circa 1920.


    Clyno motorcycle, [ca 1920]
    Reference Number: 1/1-008536-G
    Clyno motorcycle with a wicker sidecar and passengers, including a dog. Photograph taken circa 1920, by a photographer for The Press newspaper, probably in the Christchurch region.


    Group around a Zenith motorcycle with sidecar; location unidentified, [ca 1930]
    Reference Number: 1/2-024679-G
    Photographer unidentified. Includes Steib pattern chair, probably with J A P engine.


    Group on motorcycles in Paraparaumu, [ca 1913]
    Reference Number: 1/2-071053-F
    Group on motorcycles in Paraparaumu. Includes Harry and Georgina Heffer on a Douglas motorcycle with sidecar (in front), a child on a tricycle, Mr Vaughan with children (middle), and Mrs Vaughan (back). Photograph taken circa 1913 by an unidentified photographer.


    Man painting the sign at the entrance to the newly opened Kilbirnie Stadium, Wellington, 1929
    Reference Number: 1/4-032457-G
    Man painting the sign at the entrance to Kilbirnie Stadium, Wellington. Taken by an unidentified photographer in 1929.


    Group with bicycles and motorcycles outside the business of James Tasker Harris, motor and cycle engineer, on Sumner Road, Redcliffs, Christchurch, ca 1925
    Reference Number: 1/1-023957-G
    Two men (Mr Harris on right?) and a boy, with a row of bicycles and motorcycles standing outside the business premises of James Tasker Harris on Sumner Road, Redcliffs, Christchurch. The one storied wooden shop is on the corner of the street, alongside houses. A sign on the front reads: "J T Harris, Motor & cycle engineer". "Barnet Glass" is advertised on one side. On the right is a motorbike with a sidecar. On the left a poster advertises Everbody's (cinema?) and the (film?) "The Sea Wolf".


    Harry Heffer and his wife Georgina with motorcycles outside their home, Paraparaumu, [ca 1913]
    Reference Number: 1/2-071000-F
    Waikanae blacksmith Harry Heffer sitting on one of two motorcycles in a driveway (a Douglas motorcycle with sidecar), while his wife Georgina looks on from the verandah of their Paraparaumu house. Photograph taken circa 1913 by an unidentified photographer.


    Creator unknown :photograph of group with motorcyles on the shoreline of an unidentified river, [ca 1920]
    Reference Number: 1/2-037561-G
    A group of Maori men, women, and children, with motorcycles on the shoreline of an unidentified river, possibly in Northland. The boys and girls are sitting on the ground on a flax mat covered with a fur skin, while the young men and women lean against motor bikes, including Indian Powerplus combinations, a British single (second right), and a Triumph. Photograph taken circa 1920, by an unidentified photographer.


    Indian motorcycle, [ca 1914]
    Reference Number: 1/1-019924-G
    A 1914 Indian 1000 cc motorcycle with rider, sidecar, and a passenger. Photograph taken circa 1914 by Sydney Charles Smith, probably in Wellington.


    Motorcycle display, possibly Invercargill, [192-?]
    Reference Number: 1/1-011119-G
    Motorcycle display at a motor vehicle show, circa 1920, possibly in Invercargill. Signs advertise the businesses of Wilson and Fraser (of Invercargill); J Bath and sons; Triumph Motors; Johnson's prepared wax; and Dunlop tyres. Photograph taken by Samuel Heath Head.


    Motorcyles and riders at a show, probably Christchurch region; includes a BSA solo and a Harley Davidson with a sidecar, [ca 1926]
    Reference Number: 1/1-005674-G


    Indian motorcycles outside the premises of P C Price, cycle importers, Stratford, 1915
    Reference Number: 1/1-012816-G
    Indian motorcycles outside the premises of P C Price, cycle importers, Stratford. Both of the motocycles are being ridden by women, and the one nearest to the footpath has a sidecar attached. A sign advertising Ah Ping, fruiterer, is next to the cycle shop. Photograph taken by James McAlister in 1915.


    Motorcycle rally, New Brighton beach, Christchurch, [ca 1920]
    Reference Number: 1/1-007225-G
    Motorcycle rally, New Brighton beach, Christchurch, circa 1920, photographed by Samuel Heath Head. One rider wears a shirt advertising the "Excelsior Autocycle".
  6. ehdubya
    Joined: Aug 27, 2008
    Posts: 2,315


    man cave or stalkers lair

  7. glenn33
    Joined: Sep 11, 2006
    Posts: 1,838

    from Browns, IL

    Yep, saw the bucket-T too, but I knew what that was. Not sure what the Rambler/Rogue is across the drive. Looks too much like a SC/Rambler, or one of the Mexican SC/Ramblers that were built with no scoop and a 6 cylinder.

  8. Still_Crazy
    Joined: Sep 30, 2011
    Posts: 350

    from . .

  9. LeadSledMerc
    Joined: Nov 29, 2003
    Posts: 4,105


    Awsome pictures, ehdubya...thanks!!
  10. gnichols
    Joined: Mar 6, 2008
    Posts: 11,396

    from Tampa, FL

    This must be Nurburgring, eh? I remember seeing the jumping cars at certain "photo opportunity" places. What you can't hear in a photo are the engines gaining several hundred revs in the process. That always blew me away. Gary
  11. swi66
    Joined: Jun 8, 2009
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  12. swi66
    Joined: Jun 8, 2009
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    The Ice Cream Parlor is now vacant as well...............

    You don't know what you've lost till it's gone............
  13. swi66
    Joined: Jun 8, 2009
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    One season in 1948 before being ruined by high winds. Located near where the Transit Drive In is today
  14. swi66
    Joined: Jun 8, 2009
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    Now Regal Cinemas and Imax theater
  15. swi66
    Joined: Jun 8, 2009
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    Now a BJ's Wholesale

    There was also a Fun N'Games amusement park there, and a Twin Fair Store

    Thanks to NY Drive for all of these
  16. swi66
    Joined: Jun 8, 2009
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    Niagara Drive In is now a Verizon Wireless and a Starbucks
  17. swi66
    Joined: Jun 8, 2009
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    lasted longer than most............but now a medical building.
    Torn down 2007
  18. swi66
    Joined: Jun 8, 2009
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  19. swi66
    Joined: Jun 8, 2009
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    Now Allied Frozen Storage
  20. automaticslim
    Joined: Aug 31, 2010
    Posts: 367

    from new jersey

    Could be Nurburgring. But I'm pretty sure that it's Graham Hill chasing Jimmy Clark, both driving the new 3 litre Lotus. You can tell from the position of the velocity stacks that these are the new for 1966 3 litre engines.
  21. Critical Mass
    Joined: Aug 3, 2008
    Posts: 159

    Critical Mass

    I'm 99% sure it is the Nurburgring, I think the hill is called "Flugplatz" for " Flying Place". But that is Graham Hill following teammate Jackie Stewart-Clark never drove for BRM.
  22. leon renaud
    Joined: Nov 12, 2005
    Posts: 1,937

    leon renaud
    from N.E. Ct.

    Sure looks like some kind of hot rod roadster! one year of the scramblers was built without the scoop and some were built without the red white and blue paint scheme.I no longer have my AMC published history book but I remember reading that a friend of mine was a huge AMC fan he even owned stock in the company moved from scramblers to Javelins
  23. jimi'shemi291
    Joined: Jan 21, 2009
    Posts: 9,499



    I've found this 1857 photo fascinating and have intended to post it for a long time. I just
    needed time to find a little background info about the subject shown. COMMENTS wel-
    come!!! :cool: It is from the vast catalogue shot by famed Minneapolis photographer Edward
    Bromley and was finally publish in a circa 1890 Bromley Collection and is now in the
    collections of the Minnesota History Society, as I understand. I ran across it on a keen
    site called Chuck's Toyland.

    It depicts a band of fur traders who used oxcarts in the fur trade on the northern Red
    River, mainly in the region of North Dakota, Manitoba and territory of the old Hudson's
    Bay Company. This must have been a tough life, considering the number of frost days
    still can exceed 150 days each year. Interestingly, I think I do see a bedstead loaded on
    the carts. Does this suggest that these folks stayed in one place seasonally and drove
    furs to market in, maybe, the spring? :confused: Given the year, I'm also wondering if Bromley
    shot on glass plates and printed his photos on tin? Tin or paper, I'll bet after his field
    work, he did all of the printing back in the city in his darkroom, rather than carrying dark-
    room equipment with him on what had to have been some pretty rough forays afield! I
    hope everybody enjoys Bromley's photo half as much as I have, but I still have so many
    questions about the content, for sure.:rolleyes:
  24. jimi'shemi291
    Joined: Jan 21, 2009
    Posts: 9,499



    Another 1857 Bromley photo that gets my vote for CLASSIC status! :eek: This semi-formal
    family portrait is just priceless, showing a slice of life and its trappings, just four years
    before the civil war's outbreak! This would have been in the Minneapolis region,
    though I cannot GUESS just how far Bromley ranged during his period of greatest
    activity, from about 1849 to 1885. I'm transfixed studying this photo! The folks' period
    handmade clothing (Sunday-go-to-meetin' wardrobe, ya reckon?:confused:) and the fence of
    saplings are great. BUT, the cabin is a WONDERFUL example :) of the earliest log-cabin
    construction methods -- save for the fact that these folks apparently did well enough
    to be able to afford double-hung glass windows! The logs are round, not with any mill-
    hewn faces, as on later cabins. And those are hand-split wooden shakes on the neat
    roof there. I'd give a dollar to know just WHEN this log home was ACTUALLY built --
    a decade earlier? Two? :rolleyes: Again, THANKS to Chuck's Toyland!
  25. scrubba
    Joined: Jul 20, 2010
    Posts: 939


    Jimi, to answer you're question, I could safely say pictures would have been made onto "Tin plates ". These would have been easier to transport safely as opposed to the Glass plates I have come accross in the Meuseuem business. I build exibits for a couple of historical societies . scrubba
  26. moefuzz
    Joined: Jul 16, 2005
    Posts: 4,951


    Well that's actually Denise Diplock at 15.
    She went to Norwalk High, class of 72..
  27. moefuzz
    Joined: Jul 16, 2005
    Posts: 4,951


    That's the original Ford dealership in Calgary Alberta Located somewhere along 9th ave S.E.
    I believe the building still stands but the face has changed.

    Your pic is a vastly improved pic of this original dated June 4 1914

    Last edited: Dec 29, 2011
  28. Blackie
    Joined: Jun 8, 2004
    Posts: 596



    Gary Cooper and his hot rod.

    Sent from my POS phone.
  29. Apparently someone working at the Library of Congress cleaned it up; that's where I sourced it. They did a great job on it.
  30. dukeofearl
    Joined: Mar 10, 2010
    Posts: 42


    Gee now you have gone and done it. I live in Calgary and now I have to figure out exactly where this building is located. It definitely is not in the S.W. area as that would put in in present day downtown. I think it would have to be somewhere in the S.E section of the city. The area is now known as Inglewood and was supposed to be the downtown section of the new city until CP rail arrived. The pioneer settlers of Calgary got wind that the railway was on the way and figured on making a few dollars off the railway. CP Rail got wind of this and said noway and literally moved lock,stock,& barrel across the Elbow River to where present day Calgary stands. They built the railroad station where the currant Calgary Tower stands today on 9 Ave X Centre Street. Anyone who wished to be part of the growing city was forced to move their businesses across the river. Inglewood has buildings dating back to the 1890s and is undergoing a massive restoration and is one of the trendier areas of the city. Houses that were basically slums are now been restored to their former spendor
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