For my 47 Dodge what's that reinforcement piece called that runs the width of the car between the bumper and the body? In other words when I look down between the body of the car and the bumper all I see is the bumper brackets and the ground. There's supposed to be an insert there. The guy I got the car from took em out and got rid of em. Clearly he hears a different drummer than me. He also cut the drip rails off...........sigh. Thanks!
Rock gaurds, valance, or splash gaurd, and I'm sure their are others names for it.. Good luck, Nice ride
the valence? You are talking about the piece of sheet metal that filles the space between the nody and the bumper right? I have heard a different name for it but valence is the only name I can come up with.
Is that a canadian built car??? The Dodge in Canada was a Plymouth body with Dodge trim. American Dodges were longer and the front fenders flaired into the doors. Also the rear fenders aren't correct for a 46-48. What length is the engine block at the head?? Gravel shield or splash pan, or bumper valance. They were two piece from the factory riveted in the middle. Nothing fancy you should be able to fab one out of sheet metal. cut a chunk out of a scrap hood or trunk lid.
What a cool Dodge, I had a 48 years ago and never see Dodges. I think the pieces would be called splash pans or gravel guards. Should be able to find some on a Plymouth sedan as there seems to be way more of them than Dodges. Good luck man, way cool car! ~sololobo~
Thanks! Yeah I am going to have to make some. No it's not Canadian and you're right about the rear bumper not being the original, it says "Fluid Drive" but the car's a regular 3 speed
Wow, great looking car....that belongs right on the top when the moredoor guru's get there dander all up about moredoor's not being cool. That car rocks man!! I really like it, and sorry, but I like it without those sheet metal inserts between the bumpers and body.. Hey all the early cars were that way!! Good luck, and build it the way you want it...and ENJOY, Cheers!!!
Rear fenders on the stock cars did no have a fully exposed wheel tire at the rear. and the front sheet metal is definately Plymouth not America Dodge Plymouth 46-early 49 46-eaaely 49 Dodge, note the front fender line and rear fender cut out. Also Dodges had a clam shell hood that opened from the side, Plymouth standard hood opening from the front. Plymouth Wheel base 117 Dodge 119.
Official name from the Chrysler parts list is Stone Deflector. It is made of stamped sheet metal. There is also a rubber Stone Deflector Seal and Stone Deflector Anti Squeal. Took a little time to find because they are in Group 13 (Frame) and I looked first in Group 23 (Body).
This newbie thanks you all for the great info! I grew up in L.A. in the 50's and I've always wanted a traditional bomb. Skirts, visor, spotlights yeah.. So this car is is gonna be that for me. Here's some more pictures if I can get them all up here.
Well that is deffinately a Plymouth dash board, and those are definalty Plymouth tail lights, but that is a Dodge Grille. Me thinks you have a Canadian Dodge that lost its way and got south of the border somewhere a long the way.
Hey, To build one of these rock deflector panels check out "Hammerforming'' & "Hammer forms" in the tech archives as well as the on-line etc. A couple pieces of plywood or MDF, a jig saw, some gee clamps, a router & some sheetmetal will yield jus what you'll need to build those panels. A very easy beginner metalshaping project! You go now! chop! chop! " Humpty Dumpty was pushed "
Gravel shield, gravel tray stone tray? This is my NOS '46 Olds one. Old one was full of fatigue cracks, poorly repaired and bent pretty bad. Will keep it as a spare. This saved me time, effort and money. I was going to hammer form one using the old one as a template but this came up.
You have a 1948 Dodge D25 with Dodge D24 bumpers and that could be the reason why the gravel guards are removed as the bumpers are different shape. Parts from a Plymouth P15 will fit your car. The probable reason the grille is painted is that it is made of pot metal and most of them are pitted. Do you know about the P15-D24 website?
YEP! If I had seen this yesterday instead of now I would have run you through the same 20 question deal '46 Plymouth did! I absolutely covet those rear fenders, I have been wanting a pair like that for mine for about twenty years now... We just don't find them very commonly down here in the southwest. As far as your aprons go, hammer form is going to be your best bet. Take your time and use 18 gauge if you can.
Ya, I think your right. But I wouldn't put it past Canada to have gotten the "old stuff" to use up for their production. Just saying those high arched fenders are thin on the ground! And I found out the hard way that '42 Dodge doesn't fit a '48 Plymouth like I thought it might... Hauled those damn things all summer long all over Washington state after picking them up in Idaho, then back yo Phoenix! If anybody needs a pair, let me know.
Wow! Just from askin a question about the name of something I've got so much information uh what the hell kind of car I'm driving. Thanks guys for all your friendliness and generosity!