Here's my 30 AV8, its got a 46 59AB. The first 3 pics are of the car all mocked up for Autorama. The final pic is how it looked last night when I was working on the pedals and transmission.
Thanks Kris, I saw a roadster in the Hop Up Anual back in 2004 or so that still had the aprons on it and I really liked the look. Then you built your roadster and I was sold. I haven't seen a nicer Model A since, love that car.
Beautiful car Doug. I love the inner door panel treament and the tach placement amongst the obvious things.
Thanks but I'm waiting for a clear day to take it up to my buddy Paul's shop to have the rest of the interior done. The wood is only temporary and since the interior pictures were taken there's now a 15" Bell steering wheel.
Why does it always become sexual with all you farmers. It's about hotrods, get over it you prison inmate.
Lots of great influential AV8's here, always really enjoyed this thread. Getting close to having mostly all the parts for my AV8 build. In the mean time here's a pic of just a mock up from last spring. Had fun with the banger over the summer, next summer hoping AV8.
Yes, Coker Classics. They are great. I had them on my coupe while finishing this car, two fingers on the wheel at speed.