The UTI Foundation set up a video contest for high schools all around the country. We basically made a video showing how our shop could use $25,000 towards new equipment and tools. If you can vote for our video it would be greatly appreciated. My High School's video is UTI OLCHS. Thanks. -Dave
This isnt spam. We need as many votes as we can get. I just thought some of you guys would be interested in helping my HS out. We can really use some new epuipment. I should have mentioned you do have to sign onto facebook in order to vote. I agree this is a stupid way of doing it but some of you guys have to have one!
I went to UTI for refrigeration 20 years ago. Great school that turns out many very good auto techs that also enjoy our hobby. Count my vote
I dont understand some of you guys. This is not spam, it's my son and his fellow auto shop students trying to get some cash to update their shop so they can actually learn something constructive. I went to school there in the 70's and the shop was better equipt then. Where do you think the mechanics are going to come from if they dont learn at an early age thru good high school programs. I understand that alot of you dont have FACEBOOK but please, give the kid a break. My son is all about traditional HOT RODS cause he has been around my garage all his life , hes not some tuner beat-off like alot of kids these days, all he's trying to do is help his school get a leg up so lighten up guys. if any of you want to donate the kind of money that UTI is offering then step up otherwise please give him a chance. Mitch.
Dave ( sonofamitch) is MITCH36's young son . He is a great kid and I applaud him for taking an intiative to help benefit his school and others that will attend in the future. Any support you can give him will be greatly appreciated by all of the SW Chicago Hamb and Eggers .
Yes its universal tech institute. I appreciate all the votes guys. So far we have the lead by 700 votes. Hopefully we can keep rackin them up over the next couple of days.
You have my vote young man. Good to see you are learning a set of skills that will allow you move forward in your life!
When I read the OP's post I surmised much of what you have gone on to say.......nonetheless, wisely or unwisely, I took the opportunity to poke a little fun at what I considered an incomplete post. Plus the fact that I have absolutely no interest whatsoever in Facebook and resent the assumption by the Facebook crowd that the rest of us are as enthralled with that site as they are. This site is chock full of chiding, teasing, critical, and even cruel, posts that seem to be well accepted if not outright applauded. It's YOUR turn to give us a break. You are too close to this issue to be objective about some of the responses received. Now, that said, I have no doubt that all us support your son's activities and want to encourage him, and other young people like him, in this endeavor and his future plans. Ray
Thanks for the help guys and a BIG THANKS to you Larry for the kind words. Sorry for loosing my cool, just looking out for my son. Mitch.
UPDATE.....Once again I would like to thank all the "face book" types that voted for my sons school, OAK LAWN COMMUNITY HIGH SCHOOL . they won the money that was offered by UTI and will put it to good use buying much needed tools and equipment for the shop. Its tough to teach kids these days when the shop doesn't even have a code scanner. The only thing they are able to do is look at stuff on the computer and change and balance tires (maybe a little more but not much.) When I went there we had an alignment rack, chassis dyno , spray booth, rows of engines to dismantle and reassemble etc. Now its like the desert in there....Thanks again all, these kids feel like super heros now. Mitch.