I'm going to build an OLD SKOOL gasser! I love your thread & the others on here! I'm able to pick up some valuable info! swade41, you need to post some pictures of yours in that show if you get to make it in there!
Hi Phil: Would this be the Cavalcade show at the Fairgrounds?? http://www.the-fairgrounds.com/the-fairgrounds/events-calendar/March 2-4-Cavalcade-of-Cars-Auto-Show Car looks good. Luke
Right on, I know it's the latest craze but these cars are the ones that always drew my eye's attention while looking at what now are old magazines. Luke that's the one, I'll be in the back room where I had the t-bucket last year. It's nice and laid back, no ropes around the cars, just hanging out territory . No leaks at the fuel lines and got one header on today, now where did I put that other header gasket...lol
I've always been a Willys freak, but when it comes to Gassers I think theres nothing like a Henry J! I can't wait to get mine home & get started on it!
Ha ha, I carried a picture of two gasser Willys smoking off the starting line, that I cut out of a mag., in my wallet way before I even had a drivers license. I've had the sickness for a long time...
Phil, I'm looking at the front end of your Art Morrison ladderbar setup. What am I seeing at the front heim joint? Is that some type of reinforcing brace welded to the bar? I'm building essentially the same thing using 1 1/8 DOM and saw yours. Jackie
These bars are a bit dated but it is a safety brace to catch the bar from digging into the track surface if the front of the bar breaks at the heim. The modern bars have another at the bottom of the bar and a half round strap connecting the two to incapsulate the heim bolt. Chris Alston does a single side mount brace and S&W has the one I described, NHRA requires them.
Thanks Phil. I understand now. That has been a concern for me for a while. Trying to decide between the ladder bar or a 4 bar setup. ladder bars will be easier and now I know how to make them safer. There's a lot of strain on that one joint on take off.
It's freaking alive !!!!!! No leaks and good readings on the gauges, didn't run it long but the damn thing is making some noise once again. Hell Yeah ! Monday it's supposed to be 40 degrees so the garage door will come open and some screw turning will commence on tuning a bit. It'll take awhile for me to have confidence in this engine but damn it, it's back together and running !
Good Job Phil!!!!!!!!!! I'm also wandering what to do for the rear suspension? What all did they use back in the 60's for rear suspension setups? I want to go ERA correct! Did a lot of guys build there own bar setups?
Thanks guys, cool to have it running again ! 64 Tbolt most of the gassers ran leaf springs with a truck arm looking bar under there. The modern drag suspension we know today was not yet invented.
So what your saying here swade41 is that back then they had something like what was on the Thunderbolts? Anybody have any pictures?
Here is mine from the early 70's. Was an old altered, you opened the door, crawled over the motor and sat over the diff. Had an 60's ladder style chassis. Now I wish I would have kept it!
I assume your radical engine set back put it in Altered class? I have the engine in mine set back to where the front of it is about even with the firewall. I don't know whether that would make it an Altered, Gasser or Street Freak.
Don't know how well you can see them but here are the ladder bars I fabbed up. I fabbed shakles in the front using urethane bushings I trimmed to fit. I know some get away with solid mount ladders and leafs but it really isn't the best idea.
Here's the new engine, still needs fine tuning but I figure the neighbors had enough for the day. It runs better once warmed up and also noticed that you have to crack the throttle blades to get it to start. It was starting right up when the idle speed was at a grand,but not so much so once lowered down. We have a bit more to go before balsting down the track and that's 5 months away so I got some time to dicker with it.
Thanks guys, it's good enough to get to that Calvacade show in March and that's first on the list. It sure sounds better in person than on that video, weird, but it's up and running anyhow. I think I'll try to make up some pipes with mufflers to slip over the collectors for the at home running of it. Needs more run time to starighten it out for sure.
Ha Ha, here's my 7 dollar slip on exhausts, now remember these are just for running in the garage not for hi-way use ha ha. Tomorrow I'll see how they sound or if they blow apart, that exit pipe is only 2 inch. I cut that part off on the front and noticed it held the guts in, don't want to do that in the back it might blow apart ! <center> </center>