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Anyone know how to git rid of spiders?

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by Toqwik, Jan 16, 2012.

  1. 1929CDAN
    Joined: Mar 18, 2006
    Posts: 349


    Get rid spiders, put a spool in it !!
  2. mashed
    Joined: Oct 15, 2011
    Posts: 1,473

    from 4077th

    For crying out loud, set off a few bombs in the garage.

    The car has no top. The bombs are made for inside your house and the fog gets into all cracks and crevices. You don't have to set it off inside the car.

    As for harming the paint, if it doesn't damage black laquer furniture I think you're safe.
  3. jimi'shemi291
    Joined: Jan 21, 2009
    Posts: 9,499


    As stated in this thread and at various sources on the 'net, hard scientific evidence has not been sufficiently accumulated through bench study to move the debate about plant-based repellents from the realm of wives' tales to fact, though some of these compounds clearly have been found by lay observation to have at least some repellent effect. As the following article shows, however, time-consuming work has indeed been under way which seems likely to fill the informational vacuum! :cool: This is a fairly short article regarding formal ongoing research to nail down the repellent mechanisms of biochemical compounds found naturally in certain plants. This is from fall 2009 from the Iowa State University College of Agriculture and Life Sciences.

    Repellents with the Right Stuff

    By Barbara McBreen

    When Joel Coats washed his dog with an orange-based shampoo, he was amazed when fleas jumped off and expired. He immediately wanted to know why. That was 20 years ago. Since that moment, Coats, an entomology professor, and several graduate students have studied the natural repellents found in oranges, catnip and hedge apples. Following a trail based in folklore, Coats says they have investigated more than 50 essential oils produced by plants as repellents.

    Five patents later, Coats says he's on the cusp of investigating the molecular basis for these natural repellents and insecticides. "I've been waiting to get the right people and the funding and it's finally coming together," Coats says. What's coming together is a microscopic view at the molecular make up of certain compounds called terpenes. Molecular-level research is easier than it would have been 20 years ago, but it's still an intricate investigation. Molecules of the terpenes are so small that more than 6 sextillion (6 with 21 zeros after it) could fit inside a pea. Building on data from scientists throughout the world and using computers makes it easier to study the molecular characteristics today. The software can analyze more than 100 characteristics, such as topography, shape, polarity and solubility.

    "It's very arduous to separate and do testing at the molecular level," Coats says. "We've separated the individual terpenes out of the oils that are the best repellents and best insecticides and now we are looking at the molecular structures and those relationships and how the structure is related to potency." It's the same type of research pharmaceutical companies use to determine the best analgesics for pain relief or other prescriptions. Coats is searching for the mechanism of action - how compounds affect insects. Several of the insecticidal compounds he's studying over stimulate the central nervous systems of insects, which literally stops them in their tracks. Coats says bugs that are sprayed with this compound, freeze within five seconds and one minute later they're history.

    "Green chemistry is definitely the future in insect control," Coats says. An advantage of using natural compounds is that there is no residue. Since the product is plant-based, it readily decomposes and disappears. Currently, there are a handful of companies marketing the essential oils, but few are researching the molecular structure of the compounds. Looking for the right stuff means comparing the essential oils of several plants. Gretchen Paluch, a graduate student in entomology, is using molecular modeling to isolate the most potent repellents and predicting the effectiveness of the next ones to pursue.

    To test the molecular reactions for toxicity to the insects, another graduate student grinds up flies' heads and extracts the gamma amino butyric acid (GABA) in a centrifuge. GABA is the mechanism that controls part of the nervous system in flies. The GABA overstimulation is the key to freezing insects in their tracks. Coats says they are just beginning to understand the molecular structures that have protected plants for eons. From Vietnamese pemou wood to hedge apples, the molecular clues are there, it just takes time and minute detective work to discover the answers.
  4. young'n'poor
    Joined: Jan 26, 2006
    Posts: 1,281

    from Anoka. MN

    Standard gas&oil, nice gory spider bite picture, but what does that have to do with trying hedge apples? Von rigg fink didn't tell him to hold a hedge apple and try to smash spiders with it, he suggested that he has heard of spiders being repelled by them.

    Honestly, I would remove the car from the garage, have pest control spray the shop, and give your car a real good wash and clean inside and out while you wait. Be careful while you clean and watch for spiders.
  5. RAY With
    Joined: Mar 15, 2009
    Posts: 3,132

    RAY With

    Always had a few spiders in my car barn and did the bug bomb thing. It kept them in check but never got rid of them all. My friend has a pest controll co. and I ask him what to do. He said spray the outside area around the building because if you eliminate the spider food source they will leave. He was right. I sprayed the area about 15 feet all around the building and did the bomb thing again to rid the ones inside and so far I am spider free. I spray the outside 2 tmes and year and it works for me.
  6. Stevie Nash
    Joined: Oct 24, 2007
    Posts: 2,999

    Stevie Nash

    Move north, you won't have ANY bug problems 7 months out of the year...
  7. Look at the tag, thats a Camel Spider bite. Good advice for Mustafa in Iraq but lets compare apple to apples. And yes a Brown Recluse bite can get as bad. :rolleyes:
  8. OK here is the deal, I have used hedge apples for years. I don't need a study by some fella at a university I know they work because I have used them and they work.

    When my granddaughter first moved in here she was using the spare room bedroom in the basement. it had a fair spider population because no one use it and it was in the basement. I tried the sticky traps because a pest control guy told me how well they worked. Well they caught a cricket or two and a few ants. No spiders. So I said hell with it and went out and cut some hedge apples. Cut them, put them around in various places and guess what no spiders.

    It is not a wives tale it is a proven method to ride you self of spiders. You don't always need hazardous chemicals just because someone who sells chemicals for a living says that they will work, if there is a non hazardous method that works as well.
    Last edited: Jan 18, 2012
  9. screwshiney
    Joined: Jan 2, 2009
    Posts: 96


    First let me say i friggen hate spiders, from the teeny tiny ones to the giant ones.

    .22cal or 9mm for the big ones and bug bombs for all the others.

    I just moved to Indiana from NJ last April and I couldn't believe the amount of spiders out here.

    After buying like 10 different kinds of sprays that didn't work for chit. I decided to try the bug bombs. Shut the garage doors and popped off 3 of them (like i said i hate spiders). I did this twice in 2 weeks and did have any problems the rest of the year.

    I then noticed I had a problem with them up between the side of the house and the roof. I mixed up a little concoxtion of gel, terpentine, floor cleaner and bleach. Sprayed it up there and they were dead in about 30sec.

    I'm not looking forward to the spring time...
  10. I met a gal in the Philipines once with one of those growing on her lip. She said it was just a big bite but I wasn't going to kiss here even if it was only a buck. :eek:
  11. Von Rigg Fink
    Joined: Jun 11, 2007
    Posts: 13,404

    Von Rigg Fink
    from Garage

    from the advise of some older and maybe wiser folks than I in my local area, I never had reason to doubt. when you see them sold, and sold out quick..why would people continue to buy shit that dont work?

    I dont have a spider problem, but if I did i would go the natural route first, because i dont dig sucking up chemicals or having them fuck up an investment of mine. or be in my water supply

    Would i trust it with out testing it for myself, nope ..would I stick my hand in some place to get bit when I know full well I have this pest problem..nope

    would I find out if the "bad" spiders are repelled or killed by this Osage orange betcha

    problem is these days too many think we need deadly chemicals to do everything for us, when mother nature can do it fine on her own if we let her and learn from in tune with your world, dont introduce harmful expensive shit if its not proven to be necessary..some just want a quick fix and when some bug guy says only chemicals will kill them, than they buy into it with out looking at other alternatives

    Besides..all I was doing was imparting a lesson learned from older wiser people than I..
    dont we see that happen alot on this site? if one cares to open their mind , there are a lot of things that just arnt so dam difficult

    some people just have to make it a big dam deal..hey blow the fuckin garage up..but first take that bad ass hot rod out of there..ok?:D:cool:

  12. Fink
    I may be older but probably no wiser. I have been doing it since I moved back this way in the '70s. Moved into a house in the sticks that was full of spyders, some of them not so nice, that I rented from a farmer. his wife gave me the hedge apples and said they would drive the spiders out. She was right.
  13. Von Rigg Fink
    Joined: Jun 11, 2007
    Posts: 13,404

    Von Rigg Fink
    from Garage

    And thats all the proof I need:cool:

    As if you'd have a reason to lie about such a thing...right?
  14. Apparently neither of you have any brake cleaner :)
  15. I know that a .040 quench area is pretty close to perfect for modern pump gas. Funny thing is that i don't know why it is good enough for me just to know that it works.

    I am lazy I guess for me knowing that something works is usually good enough for me without knowing the why and wherefore.
  16. I bought a '64 Chevy truck last year that had been sitting in a field for years, and when I got it home, I discovered that it was completely infested with black widows. We must have killed well over 75 of those bastards in a 2 month period. It was hatching babies like a spider factory. I would have loved to have had something like hedge apples at the time. Standard bug chemicals won't do a thing, as I learned.

    And to think, I crawled all under that thing in the field when I hooked the chain to it to drag it on the trailer. Yikes.

    And to top it all off, the driver's side saddle tank was full of pissed-off bees. You couldn't get near the truck during the day.
  17. Spiders wouldn't have bothered me, but the bees scare the hell out of me for sure.

    I actually got bit by a black widow in an outhouse in South Missouri. Actually according to the lady of the house it was a black widder. Now talk about wives tales, and old timmey stuff. She put cotton gauze over the bite and poured amonia on it. It started bubbling this real ugly stuff up. I lived, she said it worked for them fiddle backed spiders too.
  18. If you got bit in an outhouse, I can only imagine where that bite was at!

    Spiders, for the most part, don't scare me too much. Except the Brown Recluse spiders (or Fiddlers, as some call 'em). When those bite, it'll rot the flesh around the bite and leave a crater. It happened to my Dad.

    Yeah, the bee thing was kind of freaky. Anymore, I can't tell the difference between a Honey Bee and an Africanized Bee, and I sure as hell 'aint gonna get close enough to find out. I do know that most things from Africa make a real mess wherever they wind up............
  19. mrconcdid
    Joined: Aug 31, 2010
    Posts: 1,156

    from Florida

    Drive faster!!

  20. African or Italian or German, honey bees are honey bees and they all make me sick.

    The brown recluse is not always as bad as all that. i don't know what the difference it if it is an immune thing or maybe if it just bit something else before it bites you. I have seen people with the most horrendous abscess from them and other people with just a little sore spot.
  21. hot_rod_bones
    Joined: Sep 25, 2011
    Posts: 194

    from topeka, ks

    it seams as though the hedge apple is the general thought after reading the entire thread. one observation i have noticed with the kansas variety of hedge apples, they seem to attract ants like sugar water would. which might give the spiders more to eat. if it was me i would get the leftover permithien that i treat my military uniforms with and spray along the edge of my garage. i can understand the hippie view on chemicals in the enviroment, but if it comes to something like an insect hurting my family, i personnally would take whatever measure possible. and this is all assuming they are dangerous or poisonus spiders. until you catch them and verify, i prefer to take every measue possible. throw some hedge apples in there, put some moth balls in the car, maybe get a new car cover (might be there sex playground) do whatever you feel is needed to protect yourself and your family.
  22. Standard gas&oil
    Joined: Dec 3, 2010
    Posts: 289

    Standard gas&oil
    from USA #1

    If you dont want to spray around your shop you can use glue boards to catch spiders. Warning - Hedge apples will attract ants,insects,mice and rats. Rodent urine will spread samonella around the shop. With a population of rodents feeding on apples around your shop you will then attract snakes in most parts of the country. People have different reactions to spider bites and the spider does not have to be poisonous to have a bad flesh rotting reaction in some cases. Protect yourself and your family with proven metheds to kill them. Remember hedge apples will "NOT" kill spiders. It is just a hoax.

    I guess you could say hedge apples repels Black mambas, I have never seen a Black mamba in a hedge apple tree.
  23. carlos
    Joined: May 2, 2005
    Posts: 1,388

    from ohio

    I got a shit load of hedge apples every fall I have 750 feet of road frontage in front of the house and its lined with hedge apple trees never seen any for sale around here but they are NOW currently FOR SALE or TRade for car parts:D Best damn spider geters on the planet:D How much they going for guess it depends on how BIG the spiders are:D Truthfully tried em and they didnt work for me:mad: But did have an old fellow stop and ask for some said his aunt said they cured cancer by eating them I told him they were posionous and he took some I hope they worked for whomever he was getting them for:confused:
  24. lakester47
    Joined: Feb 24, 2008
    Posts: 117


    I agree with Shamer about spraying with Cyper WP. I have had good results with spiders and scorpions using it. Need to spray every 3 months. We have too many bad spiders where I live to take a chance.
  25. Not sure how well they work as spyder repellant but the Osage Orange, monkey ball, hedge apple is the hardest wood in North America. Also has the highest BTU value if you heat with firewood. The wood resists rot & termites don't eat it.

    Bois D'Arc is a reference the French coined as the they observed the Caddoan using the wood exclusively to make bows/arrows. The Caddoan Indians traded the wood but not the oranges/apples/monkey balls. They kept the seeds at home to raise more trees. The French horses & mules though ate the monkey balls & after a few days ride, they dropped the seeds with a load of fertilizer.
  26. AllthenamesIpickaretaken
    Joined: Mar 26, 2009
    Posts: 37


    Well I dont know how to actually get rid of them but I can tell you that I hate the damn things ... here in the woods of CT we have these huge Man eating (and Dog) wood spiders ... I can tell you that when you walk into your house and close the door only to notice one of these bastards standing in the middle of the floor and the 75lb Dog jumps in your arms because hes just as much of a pussy as you are only to then realise that you are now backed up against the only way out and moving an inch forward towards the spider to open the door is obviously not gonna happen , anyway if this ever happens a Word to the Wise is that it is NOT a good idea to resort to plan B which entails spraying the 2 full cans of Carburator cleaner sitting on the nearest table on the spider because when the Wife comes home You, the almost Dead Spider and the Damn Dog are all gonna wish you never met one another........... Ask me why I know this ..........
  27. flat black bart
    Joined: Feb 1, 2009
    Posts: 3

    flat black bart
    from illinois

    thanks alot everyone, just got my car shipped from arizona to illinois, and wasn't really thinking much about this problem untill now. hopefully in the next couple of days when it's between 9 and 19 degrees out it'll freeze em to death, right?
  28. Tony Ray
    Joined: Sep 8, 2007
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    Tony Ray

    I used to get alot of spiders and spider webs in my old garage and then again when i moved, in my basement.. ..Id walk down stairs and there would be webs everywhere.. both times I just put a small window aircondition in, with in a week or so the spiders and spiderwebs were gone..was told that spiders are attracted by moisture..and a ac acts like a dehumidifier..and lowers tempt..not saying its going to work everytime in every application but I was surprised at the difference when i tried it
  29. k32t
    Joined: Jan 2, 2011
    Posts: 297

    from Hog town

  30. fastroadster
    Joined: Sep 20, 2005
    Posts: 112


    Put a couple of flea collars under seats. For some reason they don't like them. It will work!!!

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