I never wear gloves while welding. I've been working on an OT vehicle welding in floor pans for my boss. I don't notice any ill effects from not wearing gloves, I do have very thick callouses as well. However it does make me wonder how all that UV light is affecting my hands. Anyone else go gloveless, or am I being a complete tard?
Burns and peeling skin and melanoma lesions are sexy to some? Leathers and good gloves are your friend!
Obviously you are smart enough to realize you might be putting yourself at risk because you mentioned UV exposure. Why the hell wouldn't you take an extra minute to put on a pair of gloves and even a welding jacket, and give yourself some protection? Skin cancer might not show it's ugly head until some years down the road. Why risk it? Yeah...you are being a tard. But it may not be too late to stop. Good luck.
I always wear gloves when I weld. I am a Machinist and my hands are always getting covered in coolant and oil at work and it's very hard to get rid of the smell. I need to find some kind of glove to protect them but not slippery like regular rubber gloves.
There is a reason they are called welding gloves. Almost as retarded as striking the weld then lowering the helmet. Sooner or later you will see the damage just to late to do anything about it.
I don't wear them either. All my welding gloves have got hard spots in all the wrong places and I can't get the proper feel. The tough part is not flinching when a little red ball of molten metal finds it's way into the palm of your clenched hand. I also weld in flip flops despite that occasional need to kick furiously.
.... and welding in tennis shoes isnt a good idea either! (Question to myself, "Why am I even commenting on this thread?")
Wow, really? No gloves? Thick leather ones at Harbor Frieght... 3 pack for $9 I guess you haven't burned yourself bad enough yet?
all my gloves are holy and catch slag making more burns and holes. But I wear them in winter just for the warm factor. usually roll up my sleves when welding in a place that its gonna come back at me at catch them on fire. I have a leather welding jacket but only wore it a few times when welding overhead it does work nice. Summertime forget about it. you might catch me with my holy gloves on the odd day but most of the time not. If im welding alot i might make an effort to protect myself a little better but most of the time its just a spot here or a line there no major exposure
my dad never liked to wear gloves and he was a arc welder full time in his younger days. about two years ago he was cutting some steal and a couple days later he noticed this bump he thought it was a wort but it got worse. so i took him in and they cut it out to sample it and sure enough it was skin cancer. they cut a size of a half dollar out and left him with a scar on his hand. the doctor said more then likely it was from the years of welding with out gloves. now i weld gloves all the time
I try to wear them when welding but got lazy last week and didn't want to walk across the shop to grab them and now I'm paying for it. Had a dingle berry go in between the cuff of my sweatshirt and my wrist so now I've got a nasty burn the size of a quarter probably a severe second degree burn if not third degree that is gonna leave a permenant scar plus I had to smell burnt hair and flesh for a week.
Recipe for non glove welding- 1) strike your favorite arc,add generous beads throughout. 2)continue project until you think your done,then continue "just to make sure" 3) clean up welding mess,put tools away,and shower 4)=IMPORTANT STEP-put hands to nose and inhale your burnt skin 5)remind self that you will use gloves because you just realized that if you have'nt just got totally burned by hot slag,you don't like to smell like charred flesh(well,unless you do) 5) serves as many people who care about you,and your longevity on this rock. 6) ENJOY!
I wear full body protection in the sun and welding, lost a brother to skin cancer 10 years ago. Gloves as well as arm protection are manditory to weld, even if it is a tack weld or two. After having metal drilled out of my eye twice in he last 3 years eye protection is also a must even for a 2 second grind.
long ago,lets say twenty years i did a little mig welding project,took maybe 1/2 hour to do.my jeans had a hole in the knee,maybe three times the size of my kneecap. took a year for the extreme sunburn to disappear. gloves,boots,welding jacket(in summer no shirt,just jacket if im outside) the other day i had dingleberries rolling down my arm and falling onto my boots during my lame attempt at overhead flat welding. no shirt-no shoes=no skin
They make gloves for that? Whats next? Wearing respiration devices on our faces while painting and using lead?
I'm a pro, I make-made my living welding and teaching welding. Started when I was 17 and am now 57. No way in hell I will ever or have ever welded anything even tacking without proper welding gloves and long sleeved cotton clothing. Safety is first and don't follow the lead of all the idiots you see on TV and even in some videos we have seen of guys welding without gloves and with bare arms etc. Lots of the same type of idiots have responded here saying how bad shape their gloves are in etc., News flash There are lots of places that sell new soft and comfortable gloves at reasonable cost. The arc can be upwards of 50 times more intense in UV output than the sun. Can we say melanoma ? Our welding apprenticeship students are not allowed in the shop without good welding gloves.
Had a skin cancer cut out a few years ago. That was about as much fun as hot slag on the strawberry patch. Both leave a nice reminder of how stupid you were.
damn man your skin must be as strong as leather. i know my hands get hot when im welding with gloves ON! its also bad for your health. it might seem like nothing is wrong right now but it will catch up to you down the road.