Does anybody have any pics from "Old Bridge Stadium" in New Jersey? My Dad used to run back there in the early 60's. (Note: I don't mean Old Bridge Twp Raceway Park) Thanks, Dave
According to some So Cal racers , the 1/8 at Iriwindale Speedway and the circle track are in financial trouble, Fontana is fighting noise issues . Pomona only available for limited dates. That leaves Famoso.
This is sad news!!!! Kansas City International was taken by Iminent Domain BS and demolished last fall!! HOPE this does not happen to anymore strips!!! We are losing wayy too many.
In the late 50s and early 60s they used to race at Akron Airport in Akron Ohio .The strip was right along side of the Goodyear Flying Club hanger just west of the main airport tower.It used to draw big crowds .Art Arfons used to run there with several of his Green Monster cars.Ed Schartman and Ron Hassel used to run strong Chevy gassers there.
Is this maybe Larry Sattler? If it is there's a shot of the tail end of your car back on page #19. A couple shots of our '68 'Cuda on there too! Welcome to the H.A.M.B., whoever you are! Clay
Terminal Island-Brotherhood Raceway Park-Ended as Port of Los Angeles 1996 Project-Transfer Coal Station-PROJECT "BACKFIRED"! The most contaminated project that the City Of Los Angeles and Port of Los Angeles ever did in its history=Black Coal Dust all over the place. 28 million bucks wasted and no city officals wants to talk about. Big Willie had something going good there=Brotherhood Raceway Park Program=Increase the Peace, Stop the Violence, thru the Wheels=(Legal Street Racing). That was his motto! Still hold today, 3-12-2012. You have no idea what's going on in the Los Angeles area everyday now. Be safe, Angel, Whittier Calif.
I raced both Amelia Airheart, Masters Feld,at def times,they were right next to each other and only devided by a RR tracks and one shut down and other opened ,now long gone
Oroville, California = Oro Dam Drag Strip Does anyone have any pics? I do after it closed in the late 80's, My family and I moved up near Oroville in 1990, and the drag strip was still there. I took a few pics, the tower was still there, bleachers, even the trash cans still had trash from the last race. My parents came up for a visit a year or two later, and wanted to check out the track, so I told them where it was. They went there, and all was torn down and was being trashed. My elderly parents found off the side of the track in the weeds, the "Oro Dam Drag Strip" two sided sign that was between the cars, and saved it. When my Dad passed on, it was given to me and I still have it. I would love to see a pic of when the track was in operation . . . . Cool thread BTW . . . sometimes you can't change progress (or so it is called) but we can keep the memories going!
Cool thanks for the info........ so there are just a bunch of containers sitting there now ? I might have to take a drive over there just to check out how it looks now.
During the history of the Brotherhood Raceway Park , 1976-1995, it was a 1/4 mile, 1000ft, 1/8 mile, and ended as a 1/4 mile drag strip in 1995. The property is now downsized big time to less that a 1/8 mile idea and surrounded by rail tracks and trains from the port activities. Thanks, Angel, Whittier Calif
wouldnt we all. been looking for pics of our cuda and 63 max-wedge for over a year. specifically at cherokee race way back in the late 60s we won several coins there with the 63
Boondock's Dragstrip Peoria Illinois. Sky Harbor was a popular spot after the races. Roadster is Bill Curtis. Around 1958..if i have it right. Sign is Bill in 1974.Old house was near the entrance gate. Sad look along the right side of the track...all grown over. Last shot..the starting of January 2005. Have not been back to get more photos..but i've been told that EVERYTHING that is not blacktop is now plowed under/planted. I went to my first drag race there in 196 with my Dad. I was 11 years old.
All true, I was there. Houston Platts dixie twister camaro F/C broke an axle ( what everybody said) and went into the crowd. there was hardly any crowd control, and people were standing 3-5 feet fron the asphalt. I guess out of habit, Houston pulled the chute to maybe bring it back straight, several people were caught up in the chute. this and the ones standing by the side of the strip that were just run over made for a bad day in drag racing history.
Yes it is!!! He has a ton of cool old photos!! Wish i had been around and known him back then and been able to go to some of the strips!!! Would have been GREAT. I was born a little late....dammit, I got here in 1955.