just a reminder you can never lock up good enough. sunday night around 4 in the morning some one took a cut off saw and cut the lock on our door and then set fire to the shop when they left. a true scumbag. we lost all our bikes and a number of our cars that were in there and all our kids bikes and toys that were in the shop. and to comp[ound it there was no insurance .. do not let this happen to you , get insurance. as for our car show the Rat Rod Rumble at the Knoxville Drag way it is still on for sure . this scumbag will not stop us from doing what we love and putting on a show that so many of you love. But please put the word out about the show we could use a good year and its a new track. this is a tradtional style show and drags for lead slead kustoms hot rods and rats thanks to all of you who have emailed and called with support.
That really sucks! I hope that you get the SOB. Really what kind of low life does something like that?
WTF - stealing shit is bad enough but why burn the place down? Sorry this happen to you - hope they catch the pricks soon!
Is this really what they've progressed to? I can't imagine what they were thinking to want to torch the place after getting what they wanted.
find out who is really pissed at you or find the meth head closest to you. man im really sorry this happened to you.i dont know what id do if i was hit like that .keep it strong brother.
Damn, that's some serious shit, there. Assuming the fire inspector will investigate? Hope they catch 'em & hang 'em high. Sorry for your tragedy.
X2 - thieves steal things and want to get out with no attention. People set fire or vandalize to get pay back due to anger/grudge. I hope you find out who did this.
I am so sorry for your loss to the lowlife vandals. It's common for thieves to set fire to a place to destroy evidence of their being there. It makes it hard for you to tell what exactly was stolen, too.
Somebody that you have pissed off. I would suggest to the OP that he take a close look at his friends and business aquaintences. A thief does not usually burn the place when he leaves. Sorry by the way that you lost your shop, that is major bad news.
Ouch! That sucks! But why no insurance? Not even insurance on your cars? Won't your homeowner's policy cover it, or don't you have that either?
So when a guy is down, you want to kick him in the nuts? Maybe you ought to think before you speak..............
x2. The guy's shop just got burned down, and you have to point that out. Yeah rat rods suck but come on he lost bikes, cars, and kid's toys. Again, why would you not have insurance? Good luck with finding who did it.
Being that you don't have any insurance does have an advantage. If they do catch the pos that did it you can sue for the full amount of the damage. With the insurance you would only be entitled replacement cost if you had it. Also if this is a business or you rent out space and did not have any coverage for that you would be able to sue for that as well. Also with insurance you would be subject to limits that would limit the payout on things. You could claim for full value now. Either way it sucks. Here in winnipeg last year we had a string of arsons and it turned out to be a couple of kids that were known pyromaniacs. I saw one garage and the guy was working on restoring his dads 1956 Buick Special and it was destroyed. Sorry man