ok guys he chrisntx fucked up. i dont think he was being dead serious,just bad tatse in humor or atleast bad timing.but estes you are way over the top.nice way to make friends.
I had something like this happen years ago. They burned down my GTO, it happened to be in the garage at the time. The insurance wouldn't cover anything that was a "car or car part" so I lost the GTO and a '35 Ford. I did get a nice new garage out of the deal. I know from my experiance what it feels like but life goes on and although the hurt is still there enough time has gone by that I have to go looking for the pain.
What ever the reason behind the fire after the break in it takes a low life individual to do it. In this area we have seen a few fires started after break ins and thefts occurred. Usually intended to cover the tracks of the individuals who broke in.
You could sue them but if they don't have he money your still screwed. One of our neighbors burnt trash when it was to dry and burnt a barn full of tractors. We sued them and have only gotten a few thousand dollars out of them. Because that's all they can afford.
Thats it! I'm buying cameras now.. Steal my shit, I'll kill you. Steal my shit and burn my place and my cars, I'll kill you! Not trying to make light of your situation. I'm SUPER sorry to hear that. There is no reason for any of it.. bastards!
The torching of the building might have been done to destroy any security cameras (and the recording device). Interesting that nothing was mentioned as far as items being stolen. Sure sounds like someone was out to get you (my opinion). I don't think kids/teens would have bothered cutting the lock to gain access ... my guess is most kids/teens would just set fire to the outside of the building or to something beside the building (and let the building catch). Either way, that's gott suck HUGE for you.
Yeah, well this isn't the first time chrisntx has fucked up. This isn't his first time getting flamed for saying douchebag things in other peoples threads.
When you're sitting there at the keyboard, wondering if you should post something inflammatory, take a moment to ponder the words of the great Will Rogers, who said... "Never Miss a Good Opportunity to Shut Up."
Dear ChrisinTX, you are a scumbag in the first degree and a no talent yuppy hack at that. Our show the Rat Rod Rumble is in it's 8th year. Started long before Rat Rod was a bad name, if you want to tow what ever piece of crap of a car that you own to our track we will drive my 81 year old fathers car that he build in 1965 and just got back from the drag racers reunion in FL with his old club mate Don Garllits or my car, we will run you. TN has save TX ass once we will be more than happy to hand you your ass back. Our family has been racing bikes since 1929 and drag racing cars since 1948, so when you can be more than a keyboard racer and build something that runs faster than your mouth. I will be on the line waiting on the flag to drop. Judge me not by my name but by my actions. Sincerely, Dan Cain 423-715-4267
It might be a long shot but if you know any doctors/nurses/ER-people/etc maybe they could look to see if anyone was checked out for burns or smoke inhalation around that time? Anyone who would do such a stupid thing might have been dumb enough to injure themselves in the process.
I know hindsite is 20/20, but I have posted before about the inexpensive security measures out now. Motion detectors for lighting and alarm sirens, nite vision web cams that page you when someone trips the dectector. Sucks when these fucktards do this shit , but we need to be vigilant with our security so we can atleast catch a few and start posting their mugshots online . Do this a few times and the rest of them will start thinking about it and possibily save some cool shit from being destroyed.......
Why would you say that? Exactally Dude that' even worse to say! Very good advise. Think for a minute, This dude's shop just got torched , Wheither you like rat rods or not, It doesn't detract from what happened to him! That just plain sucks. Man I hope things look up for you, and enjoy your RatRod Rumble .
Sucks this happened. Sorry for the loss. Pay attention to people who " just stop " coming back to your shop. People you MAY have had a disagreement with, or somebody who recently MAY have accuaed you of wronging them. Definately keep us posted. Meth heads and mteal recyclers are a problem here. Not sure why anyone would feel compelled to burn a structure to the ground, for ANY reason. Also, ya might wanna take your phone number off of here (speaking of wackos)! Good luck in your quest for justice. Sent from my iPhone using TJJ
I saw in your post about these human waste burning your shop. I can tell you from personal experience that is an amazingly bad feeling to lose your stuff in a fire. I lost 20 acres and a barn full of antiques and WWII airplane parts several months ago in a Texas wildfire. It is a real kick in the nuts. You said they used a cut off saw to get in. Is it possible that these turds lit off something inside the place with a shower of sparks off of the saw? I know I've started a few flare ups in the shop due to cut of wheel sparks. Either way they deserve to be strung up. I really hope for the best for you as you recover from the mess these idiots left you to deal with.
In my book its called arson. Your Fire Marshal will be challanged with this call but he has 10 yrs to investigate before he puts it to bed. Work with him, the more you do the better your chances of catching the dirt bag. Remember although you lost your property (which I hate to hear) your local fire department risk human life to put out the fire. That helps raise the anti to catch the arsonist. Just my two cents worth!!!
Also, don't give out to many details of the fire and how it happened. Usually the culprits will run their mouths at some point with details that only you or the police can know. I know I've caught a few when they ran their mouth with the impossible to know unless you did it details. Jason Barnett
I hope they catch these bastards or they happen to have a terrible accident where they suffer a while before they die. This is all the more reason to get a camera system like this: http://www.harborfreight.com/4-chan...and-mobile-monitoring-capabilities-68332.html . My friend bought and installed it on his place. Pretty nice setup, 500 gig HD and you can view cameras remote over the internet or your smart phone. Use a 20 % coupon when it goes on sale for $299. Thats what I'm waiting for to get one.