With the center-outlet heads, I was fooled into assuming it was a 59A - especially since you can't see the distributor.
Well, Yes. I did however what I see today that is supposed to be 50's stuff is not as I remember reality being. What I do see is a lot of what we dreamed of building but the vast majority could not afford to build. A lot of Cars are just an image of someone's idea of of 50's rod's and O.K. for today. A large section are just "Stuff". Stuff we wouldn't have done on a bet. 4 Doors weren't ever Kool. My how things have changed. With anything fair game I do believe the Hobby will make it another generation. I've gotten better at being Open Minded. The Wizzard
Some builders in the 50's were "old school", perpetuating 40's trends because they were building the car they couldn't afford in the 40's. Some builders in the 50's were building 60's rods because they were on the cutting edge and were creating the future. The rest were somewhere in the middle. Few were concerned about labels or rules.
Is that Ron Stetter with his chopped 3 window? Ron showed me the same pictures some years ago and the car is virtually unchanged except for a custom nerf bar and black primer. Ron is still very active taking his 3-widow to FL shows. He is a true hot rodder and gentleman!
Can't remember who posted this but it was such a cool 3 window I had to clean it up so I could see it better.....
Does anybody have any information about the red car in this picture? The info on google says it was taken in Altadena,CA in 1950. It appears to have a single seat in the center so I'm thinking it's a dedicated race car (#518 on the trunk). http://images.google.com/hosted/life/7f59932d2c6a67b7.html
What the heck, I'll throw a few in the collection. Man, there are some great cars in this thread. Maybe bringin' 'er back to the top will prod some folks into diggin' a little deeper for some more good shots. Here's my old roadster, from about '50 to '59, same car. Flathead days, Memphis Added a hemi with four two's. At Halls TN, racing full time now. (yep, with a SBC....oh the humanity, get over it....it really happened back then too) NHRA Nationals OKC '58 (thanks Mr. Norm Jones for the color capture from day!) Then, around '59, she went to copper. So went the life of a '32 roadster through the '50s. Things changed, but if you notice, it was all to go faster and faster. From street driven to the track. Y'all dig in and post up some more good ones! I know they're out there!
Don't know what's up with photobucket. Sometimes the pics show, sometimes a couple a red x's. If ya get a red "x", try right-clicking on it and select 'show picture'. Who knows.....
Wasn't it pictured in Southard's Hot Rods of the 1950s in this guise? I like it all ways, but this version (or its doppelgänger) has always stuck with me.
I love the bardahl ad in the upper left. Anyone have the old bardahl satin jackets from the 60's? thanks, Douglas Johnson "Skrach" www.VividlyVintage.com
hey 3dnsouth, love that pic from halls tn. for those of you who arent from that area, its a old ww2 air force base that was used for drag racing.when i lived in dyersburg tn we use to run there but that was in the 70s and early 80s. god that pic makes me want to go back home!
Great thread.Lovin` it.Brings back a lot of memories from when I was growing up. Good luck.Have fun. Be safe. Leo