I'm with those who say that those who are in prison with no chance of getting out get pretty proficient at looking for any thing that they can use to get a reversal and they often send letters to people who they think will lend a sympathetic ear.
In my work I sometimes see bad things. I try really hard to minimise my exposure to them but sometimes the work just has to be done. Once you see something you can't unsee it. It's done, in there forever. All you can do is work out how to deal with it and understand it. I think your letter is like that. You might wish you hadn't read it, but you did. You can't unread it so now you have to work to understand it and how it affects you. I say you should write about it, but only in the context of how the original event and now the letter have affected you. It really is a burden you now have to carry, so do what you have to to make sense of it. Pete
After guarding prisoners in the Army I soon realized that almost always they claim to be innocent of their crimes, what else are they to do, if they were responsible members of society they wouldn't be in prison in the first place. The second point I would make is what we almost always see in crimes such as this, who would gain from this situation the most? In this case it was all about the love of money, greed and hate is what it comes down too. This guy will never repent for what he did, so why waste time trying to understand what a loser like him is up to now? This guy is just trying to use us to feed his own ego.....
Goodwin was found guilty by a jury so that's that. Very unusual to convict for murder based just on the words of Goodwin said many years prior. No physical evidence at all,no for sure witnesses.Interesting....
Harm's Way, I'd add a number 4..."Who will it help?". If the information is of no help to the victim's, it is of no good. "To show compassion for the crimminal is to show contempt for the victim" Teddy Roosevelt
This letter came from a person who has all the time in the world to twist it up in his head that he didn't do it. Not to mention that our tax dollars allow him internet use and time to try and get anyone to listen to his last gasp for freedom. If it's really true that he didn't do it, this letter should be going to a lawyer for an appeal. Obviously, he's not getting their attention is he? File it under lost wimpers from behind bars and move on. Just too bad he ruins our educational enjoyment on this wonderful website.
Ryan, I'm sure that you'll do what you do .... Just be aware that the story is far from over yet, Court Proceedings continue... -As a person in the public eye, If you do post a comment (either now or in the future), cover your ask with the phrase "In my humble opinion". Those 4 words will protect you from any and all possible/future litigation and/or prosecution as a public figure... ------------------------------------------------------------------- Check this link: http://www.justiceontrial.com/blog/details.aspx?Entry=78 For the time being, Perhaps the best comments are those left unsaid .
I know too little about this story to comment, but i say something else to all the smart asses saying that everybody in prison "claims his innocence" ... Theres documented cases of people spending years behind bars for a police "error" and i dare you saying is their fault. One of my neighbours in london spent 10 years for murder and he wasnt even remotley involved in the case. Or shit like: "if they were responsible citizens they wouldnt be there"...gimme a fuckin break. EDIT: i just spent one hour researchin the matter and i hate to be the voice against the choir but the situation is way more complicated that you guys make it look. Was MG much of an ass? It apperars so. Did he do it? Im doubtful. And i wont say anything else althou now i could. i pan out here. I think who said to add an "IMHO" was right.
Nice to know we are paying taxes for their Internet access in prison WTF File the letter Ryan that sort of fellow is beneath you.
Ryan, Hat's off to you for your integrity. Perhaps it would be ok to contact Mickey's sister and share it privately with her. Sadly, it is part of the historical legacy of that tragic event and should not be destroyed.
I remember the Super Shops Killings very well as I frequented that store and knew some of the guys. Greg Sturm was convicted and sentenced to the Death Penalty for the murders, which were carried out execution style.. He was a former employee who had recently been fired. He supposedly committed the robbery and murder to get money to buy a motorcycle that he had looked at the day before and told the guy he would be back with the money in a day or so, establishing premeditation. BTW - that was 2 1/2 years after the Thompson murders. I don't recall the tractor pull incident
Ryan, You've done all the right things up until now. Keeping the letter private and distilling the information it holds, like your re-viewing of the video, may lead you to many other thoughts when it is re-read at at later date. And, whatever those thoughts are, your decision at that time may be the one you're looking for. Yes, at this time, you are holding a "piece of history" in your hands, and, whatever the future holds, I'm certain that as perceptive as you are your eventual decision will be the right one. Jonnie
You're his link to the outside world. I wouldn't give him the satisfaction of putting a single word of his out to our society. I'd wipe my ass with it, and flush it down the toilet. Fuck him. Sam
My friend if you were a journalist you wouldn't be worried about family wounds any more than the cameraman that films someone's demise and never lifting a finger, even though all it would have taken was a fingerlift to change the outcome. I was on the backside of nowhere and wasn't aware that Mickey was dead until I saw a documentary/journalistic special on TV several years after the fact. One of the people that I never met although I believe that a chance encounter like so many others that have happened in my life would have been a good thing for me. I doubt that it would have effected anything in his life but it would have made mine a little bit richer. I know for a fact that at least one person and perhaps several know the truth about what happened and why. I seriously doubt that anyone of them will ever speak up. Either for fear of retaliation or just because they don't see that speaking up will make their life richer. There will come the day that you have to make a decision to be a journalist or to keep a writers heart well guarded. It appears that perhaps you are at the cross roads and that the day is at hand. I hope for selfish reasons that you decide on the latter.
I can't add anything that hasn't been said,that is so crazy that he choose to send you this letter.I tried to find what you wrote when you were younger but the link didn't work or was the wrong page.Is he trying to use the HAMB to spread his word?Not sure how how I would deal with it if it was me,but you seem to have yourself together and will figure out how you need to deal with it.
Yeah, it seems to me that whether you like it or not, you are holding "history/evidence, and/or the ravings of a lunatic". No way in the world would I publish the letter if I were in your shoes, but perhaps it does need to be investigated by law enforcement or the Thompson family's lawyers. I wouldn't be rude (for as much fun as that sounds like it'd be) but I'd send this guy a short note saying nothing more than "I cannot help you or your situation. Please do not attempt to communicate with me. Any further communications from you will be instantly shredded without my reading them."
in 2 minutes on google i found an article by a guy who said goodwin writes him regularly. place no importance on the letter. it is meaningless. the guy had a whole different outlook on the case though http://backmarker-bikewriter.blogspot.com/2011/04/mike-goodwin-invented-supercross-then.html
I loved that article. "I could prove the whole thing and name names but they'd put me in jail too" guy's been reading too many jailhouse letters whilst drinking the koolaid
one less asshole to deal with , as if the world hasent got enough of them. I remember the day, I was 25 and helping crew for a friend of mine who raced Mustangs ( start of that season for us up here)..And working my ass off in the constuction industry Psychopaths like this belong where they wont hurt anyone..I think he should get used to the grey bar inn. he's probably of the type that think , just because he didnt pull the trigger that he's not at fault..well in my book, he's just as guilty if not more.
No he thinks you're not guilty if they can't prove you are guilty. If he bitches enough and can get his story before the public he can be proven innocent in the court of public opinion. One thing to remember is that there are no guilty people in prison.
You got that right. Even if he suggested it in a drunken stooper and someone else decided to do him a favor he is as responsable as if he ordered it done as far as I am concerned.
Goodwin defiantly deserves to be behind bars. Him saying there is no evidence against him and all of this is fabricated is BS. "Before Mickey Thompson get's my money; I'll have him wasted." (Quote from Goodwin January of 1988) is enough evidence to have him locked up for the rest of his life for the murders of Mickey and Trudy Thompson.
Could not have said it better! I was in High School in 1988 having to read Time Magazine for some class and clearly remember seeing the article about Mickey and Trudy being shot... I still have that article today and still am amazed at the irony of just what all Mickey Thompson has accomplished in his career and then how he died... RIP Mickey and Trudy...
Ryan.....don't get sucked into Goodwin's twisted mind! He's a convicted KILLER of an AMERICAN HERO! Wipe your ass with his letter and then send it back to him. DONE DEAL ! RIP Mickey & Trudy
yep, X2, unless the letter contained a complete confession, that would be different but i kinda doubt he confessed,
I to remember the day i heard about it, and was shocked. Even down here, there was plenty of Mickey Thompson hot rod products. Although i didnt know much about the man at the time, i knew he made cool shit. As to the letter, i hate to say it, but this guys looking for publicity, and as they say in bisness, any publicity is good publicity. I hope we arnt giving this murderer another platform.