I'm trying to locate some funky 70's Naugahyde for my nomad. My grand mother did the interior in the 70's. She cut it into the door panels and and in the bucket seats as well as the rear seat and cargo area. I contacted Naugahyde and they weren't much help. Best I can tell it was used as kitchen table upholstery. I'm really wanting to put this car back to the way my dad built it in the 70's. Any help is greatly appreciated. Sent from my iPhone using TJJ app
ya have to go out at night..........kinda like snipe hunting.........use a flashlight,and a burlap sack...they will hop right in
You need to contact a"distributor"of U.S.Naugahyde.They should show you more interest..I got my Naugahyde from John K Birch Co in Dallas,,but has been many years ago...Most any leading upholstery warehouse should be able to help you..
here's the door panels back seat rear cargo area front buckets, the outer panels need the flowered Naugahyde. Now you can see why I need it. Bitchin interior isn't it?
Only one more...??? He said '70's...I had some seats in one of my '57's done with similar material...it was "kitchen stock" as well..dark brown in a Cordovan Brown '57 210 Tudor...it was bitchin' back then...!!! R-
Everyone knows Nauga's can shed their skin and it doesnt hurt them.....well at least they will know when they read it! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Naugahyde "... unlike other animals, which must typically be slaughtered to obtain their hides, Naugas can shed their skin without harm to themselves"
I thought velours took over the nauga's breeding sights.....just waiting for an Animal Planet expose. Don't kill a Nauga!!!!
Tough luck. There is a quarantine on domestic and imported naugas due to an outbreak of Mad Nauga Disease.
Just got an email from Dad, He thinks we may still have some at home. Going by tomorrow to see if its there. If not keep on bumpin LOL!!!
What's all this BS about Naugas being extinct? As everyone knows, they were easy pickings at first, but after the baby seals started squealing so much about the two legged killers with sticks, the Naugas have learned to hide very, very well. Every once in awhile, someone spots some dead, molted skin, but that's about it. Nauga bashing aside, isn't it just vinyl with perhaps a heavier canvas backing? And fewer PVCs? Gary
Let's hope your dad has what you need. If not I would start looking at old family upholstery shops. They may still have stock on their shelfs. I remember that pattern when I was in the business back then.
No need to kill Naugas anymore. They now make high quality synthetic substitutes for Naugahydes. You can't even tell the difference!
There use to be a farm on the east end of Long Island, but since property values went through the roof they gave up and sold the land for houses.They tried a polyester farm for a short while they required less room,just hasn't been much of a market since the 70's though.Just figured I'd give it another bump.That's the price you pay.