Since my 60 has a decent amount of rust in it already, I try not to drive in the rain. I have a few times, but I live in a fairly dry climate so I don't think I am adding too much rust when I get it wet. I think if I lived in a humid climate, I'd be a little more careful, until I got it painted. Salted roads and beaches -no F'ing way.
Latest for me was coming home from the Vintage Torque Fest. Driving my 48 Chevie P/U, we picked up a 5" rain storm 20 miles west of Joliet Il., It hooked on to my antenna, and followed us for an hour and a half----all the way home. I have leaks I had for gotten I had and a few that just invented them selves. It was kind of a "Chinese Fire Drill" trying to wipe the "fog" off the windshield, even with the windows partly down, we couldn't go fast enough to keep the "fog" down. Lotsa fun, don't cha know!! Done it before and Hell Yes, we'll do it again!! BILL RINALDI
This is Western Washington. If I had a problem driving in the rain I would never get out of the house
Rain,wind,sleet,hail,sand & snow been in all of them. The worst part is the cleanup after. Headin to kool april nights one year I got stuck behind a snowplow & when I got to Reading Cal you would have thought the car was brown from all the mud. The color was 96 ford deep iris(maroon) . Same trip I got got caught in a whiteout & when we stopped to thaw out @ a resturant we had to dig the poor roadster out of the snow before we could get underway. Needless to say the CEO was not too impressed. Then there was the hail storm in Yellowstone while on a poker run large hail was flying & bouncing of the dash like bullets as I was trying to out run the storm & only made it sting worse. Lost the hood in Tuba City AZ due to high winds. Broke four latches so I found some barb wire to hold the hood on until I got to a farm store & bought some rubber bungie straps & drove across country that way until I got back to Oregon. In Colorado got hit with flying gravel & the roadster looked like it was hit with a shotgun. Insurance coughed up 10 grand for the repairs when I got home from that trip.Hit a coon last year going to LARS & ripped the shock out of the frame & talking with the ins co on this one. It had bent the bumper & I didn't notice the shock was twisted & by the time I got home it had ripped the shock mount from the frame. Just refiled(opened) the claim as I been in Az all winter.
If its raining, I find an excuse to go drive my '51. Then again, it hardly rains in Reno. I like rain
I'm in south western British Columbia.While I may not take the truck out into the rain.I don't get concerned if it rains after I'm out.
Nope...........I hate rain, it makes everything that can even remotely be classified as fun miserable. If I want to get wet I'll take a shower.
More than a week without any rain is a novelty. I live in Wales which is fairly rainy, between the sea and the mountains, as one wiseguy who moved here put it " If you can see the mountains it's about to rain, if you can't it's already raining!" Rain is the reason for Lancashire / Yorkshire / Derbyshire (England) being in the forefront of the development of the cotton industry as apparently you needed a damp atmosphere to spin and weave quality cloth.( also Water powered mills in the early days of the industry)
Loads - we're actually under water use restrictions because we've had a 18 month 'Dry Spell' but, having said that, if your frightened of getting your car wet here - you aint gonna get out much!
My 60 Falcon gasser is the only transportation I have right now. No wipers, just rain x. the 5.60/15 frontrunners can get a little sketchy in a heavy downpour. Hell I like driving it in the rain saves me from having to wash it.
I usually stay home if it is raining, but I have been caught in it sevaral times. I will make exceptions if I have plans to go to a out-of-town show. Goodguys 2007: It rained on the way down Thursday and all day Friday.
My pal Jo does... This is Jo Kerr heading from Brownburg, Indiana up to Detroit for Autorama. Yes, it's in February. No, he doesn't have any side glass. Yes, he is the real deal...
if you drive a roadster (aka topless) you try not to start in the rain but my no means does rain ever stop you from driving plus you get great looks from people that think your crazy LONG LIVE THE TOPLESS TOUR FROM GOODGUYS INDY TO THE LA FATHERS DAY ROADSTER SHOW
I'm with Muttley on this one. We've been caught out in the rain in our wiperless, topless, fenderless roadster enough times to know that it's no fun and we don't like it. I've learned what most open car drivers know that the faster you go the drier you stay. Doesn't work too well when you're stuck behind some idiot in a mini-van just poking along. I'm sure he couldn't hear me screaming at him over the sound of the pounding rain. Another time we were on our way home from a show when we got caught in a down pour. I saw a business with a portico we could pull under to wait it out. But when I tried to pull in there the bias plies hung a right but the car kept going straight! Not good. So we don't go looking for trouble and I'm not real keen on the idea of sliding off the road. If we should happen to get caught out in it, I'll deal with it, but I watch the weather real close before we go anywhere and if we know it will rain we stay home, safe, warm, and dry. I guess being older and wiser means I don't have to prove my machismo any more.
Many miles on the wagon with the wipers going. Was asked one time when we went to Arnprior for coffee in the rain and I said the car was out side so we took it, besides it is the best way to wash it.
I don't have running boards installed (front tire rooster tail sprays right up the inside of the door)... That's OK, I'm going to get wet. I have big and little bias plys... 3200lb car, the end with the engine and the steery bits has 5.60-15s... OK, just leave some room in front of you and slow down for turns I have rear and side glass... but it'd be better if I didn't, the inside of the window fogs up.... That's the worst part
I have rear and side glass... but it'd be better if I didn't, the inside of the window fogs up.... That's the worst part[/QUOTE] Dude, use Rain X onthe insides of the windows also, it works great as a "defogger". You dont even have to pay extra and buy the Fog X, the regular shit you use on the outside works just fine!
Everyone, Thanks for the responses! looks like i'll be getting some rain-X and enjoying the open road without fear of the rain. If the guys in the roadsters can do it I can handle it
I actually enjoy riding in the rain. Seems peaceful with the rain hitting that metal, vacumn wipers, tires cutting through the water. rained the other the day and I told me wife, "wish I could go cruise right now".....i snapped the leaf springs last weekend so out of comission. ANyway, the rain cruise is very peaceful in my mind.