All they say is that is was the end of Summer, so it would be August/September period. Here is what Wikipedia says: In the late summer of 1962, recent high school graduates and longtime friends Curt Henderson and Steve Bolander meet John Milner and Terry "The Toad" Fields at the local Mel's Drive-In parking lot. Despite receiving a $2,000 scholarship, Curt is undecided if he wants to leave the next morning with Steve to go to the Northeastern United States to begin college. Steve lets Toad borrow his 1958 Chevy Impala for the evening and while he will be away at college. Steve's girlfiend Laurie, who is also Curt's younger sister, is unsure of Steve leaving, to which he suggests they see other people while he is away to "strengthen" their relationship. Curt, Steve and Laurie go to the local sock hop, while Toad and Milner begin cruising. En route to the hop, Curt sees a beautiful blonde girl in a white 1956 Ford Thunderbird. She mouths "I love you" before disappearing down the street. After leaving the hop, Curt is desperate to find the mysterious blonde, but is coerced by a group of greasers ("The Pharaohs") through an initiation rite that involves hooking a chain to a police car and successfully ripping out its back axle. Curt is told rumors that The Blonde is either a trophy wife or prostitute, which he immediately refuses to accept. Don
I'd say that's about right. The Northeastern college I attended (in ME) requires entering freshmen to arrive during the 3d week of August.
I agree!! Maybe we should switch over to "Star Trek"!!lololol JimV PS You think "trekkies" read these & make fun of us?
Yep in the movie it was called the "Freshman Hop" and when they intro Steve and Lori at the hop he is the "last years class prez". So it was either the week before school starting or the first week of school. Thats what my pops said anyway.
Deep down inside, we're all the same. Trekkies: Drive girls away by obsessing over details that don't matter to the general public. Try to lure younger kids into their cult. Dress up in Star Trek costumes and go to conventions. Argue over "canon" on internet forums. Canon: the body of rules, principles, or standards accepted as axiomatic and universally binding in a field of study or art. American Graffities: Drive non-Graffities away by obsessing over details that don't matter to the general gear head. Try to lure fellow beer drinkers into their cult. Dress their cars up to look like those in the movie and then take them to car shows. Argue over "canon" on internet forums. HAMBies: Drive women and ricers away by obsessing over details that don't matter to the general public. Try to lure younger guys into their cult. Only use parts on their cars from a particular era and then they take them to car shows and Sonic drive ins. Argue over "canon" on internet forums. Elvis fans: Drive men their families away by obsessing over details that don't matter to the general public. Suffer in private silence but are ecstatic when they find another of their cult to show their shrine to. Day dream about being Mrs. Presley and secretly wear Elvis underwear which is only rarely seen by Elvis impersonators. Argue over "canon" on internet forums.
does seem to take place at the end of summer since Curt is leaving to college back east the next morning, but then a school dance during the summer also seems odd.. maybe it was more common back then..
Well, I think some colleges start the first or second week of September. I'll buy the freshmen dance...
steve did comment that he gratuated last semester to the guy at the HOP, who said you are out of here dont come back . So id say September as well. Kinda weird time agree who cares about the month watch and enjoy the flick...
actually....more like "...that's his car you gotcher butt parked on". and since Kay Lenz was buggin' her teacher whom she was having an affair with..I'd say school was in full wasn't just freshman orientation week. But really..who cares?
Yep, we aren't much different from Trekies. If I ever met George Lucas I would be like Chris Farley interviewing Paul McCartney. Don
Are we talking "original" American graffiti or ""Next generation"?And "Curt or Steve"?? lolololol JimV
Probably mid to late may to eartly to mid june. It was about the time that graduation happened and th kids had to deal with being grownups all at once.
But why would the guys be going off to college in June? Usually you have to work all that summer before going off to college.
End of summer and just before school was to start. The freshman hop was a way to introduce the new highschoolers to thier future classmates. The four main charecters had finished school and were facing thier futures. File this under "shit that won't mean anything in 1 minute".
What time period week or decade was Joanie Loves Chachie set in. Oh never mind, Next Generation's on.
It was set on July 17-18 1962 between the hours of 8a.m. of the 17 and 3:25 a.m. of the 18th. This I know because I was so obsessed with the movie I called the producer to find out. I have all the details including the tire pressures for all the cars used in the cruising scenes.
Seriously I think it was either Saturday, Sept. 1st into Sunday, Sept. 2nd (Labor Day weekend) or the weekend after, Sept. 8-9 right at the start of the school year. For that matter, the kids wouldn't have been listening to Wolfman Jack on XERB until 1965... where were you in '62, Wolfman? KCIJ in Shreveport. So who would they have been listening to in Modesto?