1954 buick skylark stolen in las vegas nevada 4-24-12 thief was arrested 5-10-12 and released ,antonio carrasco age 32 would not tell police location of car or trailer he posted 15 k bail to get out.. now out to steal from someone else
God this is terrible. Makes me sick to my stomach to keep seeing this threads. Hope that dude gets what's coming to him.
I work in the court system and I see it all the time the perps are turned loose because the jails are full and the counties can't afford new jails. The bad guys know this and take full advantage of the situation and the Judges hands are tied, try driving a bus with hand cuffs on, that's what it's like. Not a good situation for the public citizens, take care.
A 54 Skylark is very rare. Didn't they only make a few thousand? You should pressure the police auto task force to run DMV's on every registered Skylark. I'd bet someone (locally?) has a basket case Skylark that is going to receive the "old switcheroo"; it'll wear their 'legal' VIN plates on your car, perhaps with a repaint. Might not happen over night, so you may have to Google for ads for years. Possibly the police can receive an "alert" whenever one is registered/transfered??? If the police aren't following him, you can hire a P.I to follow him for a few days, or you can place a GPS on his car. Be interesting to see who/where he visits. Have you spoke with the DA? I bet his attorney will try to get a plea/reduced sentence by having him cough up the location of the car. Don't go for it.
I understand the judge's position - although I consider the judge screwed up and that the 15K bail light. He was un-cooperative and didn't deserve any consideration from the judge until he did give it up. I know it is no consolation but this guy ain't out of trouble yet. Who ever made the initial down payment is now on the hook to the bail bondsman for the balance (plus interest) AND since he's a thief - meaning he'll likely skip - bail bondsman will be chasing him and harassing whoever for the balance.
Kid nap the prick and stick his nuts in a vice and tighten 'till he says where it is. Then give him one between the eyes and dump him in a land fill!
If he's got 15 k to post bail then my guess he is working for someone whose a much bigger fish in stealing high end classic cars. Get the Feds involved, there is interstate transport involved, I can smell it.
the problem is 15k bond only cost the perp 1500.oo to get bond less than a night work by far, x2 with WILLBE he could make the grass so much greener.
Wow, this has to be part of a big ring. Like shipping stolen cars overseas big. Lots of this type of high-dollar stuff being snatched up nowadays and its really sad. I would hope the dollar value would cause a larger investigation. Maybe they let the guy out because the Feds are tracking him and want to see if he goes back to the hornets nest. I sure hope they can recover it.
Actually they only made 836 1954 Skylark convertibles. I had to hunt that one up. Evidently potential buyers were upset because they were built on the Special/Century short wheelbase chassis rather than the Roadmaster/Super chassis and thought they didn't "project" the image they wanted. The police officers I work with often voice complaints on how they can't keep car thieves in jail and that quit often they are out stealing another car before the officer gets all the paperwork done. Maybe it's time to outsource our low level criminals and get other countries to build huge prisons to send car thieves and other low level non violent jail birds to for fees that are a lot less than it costs to keep them in jail here.
Nevada has long been a state were people just disappear in the desert. Take him for a long ride in the desert on a hot day. Then stake him down & wait for the buzzards to start hovering, don't say a word till he see's the buzzards. Then ask him just one question," WERE IS MY CAR " Then drive away & let the buzzards have him. In a day or two there will be no evidence he was ever there. Were's " Jimmy Hoffman "
Jimmy Hoffa is re-bar in a building somewhere. in the trunk, into the shredder then into the blast furnace. Shot in the head is too good for this perp, a vice, a torch and a bolt cutter properly used he'll talk then gut shot for those buzzards
How was he arrested and charged if he was not caught with the car or trailer? I hope you find your car .. A car that rare will pop up eventually like many others this one will not be going to the crusher.. Keep your eyes out.. Especially around California .. Posted from the TJJ App for iPhone & iPad
anybody watch Hawaii 5.0 the other night? they showed a bunch of containers with stolen musclecars in them ready fo shipping. that's probably what happens to most of these high end thefts. high dollar crime with a low concern from the police. people suck.
Another problem is if the '54 is like the '53 I had, which was an old wreck and no question it was an unaltered original car, the serial tag was just held on with phillips head screws.