Here's a Carl Rubrecht photo of the Bad Bunny. I'd suggest you contact Carl directly as he has a number of pro shots of the Camaro and probably the Corvette as well. His email, Doug
Thanks for posting R.W. The book is like no other before it as it focuses on the stock class cars which ran between 1964 and 1971. No rehashed articles here, just a countless number of first hand bios of all the key players. Approximately 500 photos (the majority from personal collections) help walk the reader through this glorious time in drag racing history. The Chevys, Chryslers, Fords, Pontiacs, Oldsmobiles, and even the Hudsons get their mention here. You gotta love the variety of 60's stock class drag racing! The book is available for preorder online or through your local bookstores. Doug
<HR style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #e5e5e5; COLOR: #e5e5e5" SIZE=1> <!-- / icon and title --><!-- message --> Anyone know why the other Junior Stock site is not working? I think they pulled the plug.
Yes they pulled the plug. I just got an e-mail saying so. Now it is time to bring this site back to life. Start posting those Junior Stock pictures again.
If thats true, thats a real pity. Thanks to Colesy for all the stuff that was posted on there & all the hard work. Hopefully he will be back on here instead ? Anybody got any pics of the white 'TENSION' 57 Chevy that are not already on here ?
Not sure about the Chevy, but believe the the '62 Ford is my buddy Harold Mullins, I helped him install the hood scoop in a service station he worked at not long after he bought the car. Had a 390 3 speed. He wasn't the greatest driver/shifter..... Since the scoop wasn't "real" most strips let him still run stock class with it. I remember him running 15's with that car....
It's time to get this site rolling again. This photo may have been shown before but here we go. Junior Stockers on the return road at Indy in 1966.
I'm new to this whole thing, but I always appreciated the Jr Stock cars. One thing that killed my interest in racing was the intro of Pure Stock and the elimination of the old Jr Stock rules and classes during the NHRA goes corporate era. Anyway, here's a view of Jim Hayter from Cushing OK at a Div 4 points race at La Place, LA in 1967.
I'm guessing that Mike Schmitt from California is here at Tulsa, OK in May of 1966 enroute to the Springnationals at Bristol TN. He had both this A/SA 64 Galaxie and a 1966 car racing this day. I'll post the red one in the future.
I am truly sorry to say that I just don't have that many Jr cars. If you'll note in the ongoing list, Div 4 had only a few top Jr Stock cars and I didn't get all of them by any stretch. When I was at the Nationals or World Finals, I spent more time watching than shooting. Maybe my buddy Bob who has my original slides has more than I remember-we can hope.
This is the other car that Mike Schmidt had with him that day in May of 1966. His cars always seemed to be strong runners.
Hope somebody can jump on this one...Mammy's Wammy '55 Chevy sedan....
Hope somebody can jump on this one as well...Mammy's Wammy '56 Chevy sedan Delivery wagon....
FACEBOOK is taking over as thee place to do this stuff !!! me, it's NOT just for kids !!!...CB
The 1964 GTO brought musclecars to the upper classes of Jr Stock. Here are a pair of tri-power GTO's launching off the starting line.