Let's see now...I bookmarked the last page of this thread last night and it reads in my Favorites' Automotive folder: NHRA Junior Stock - Page 493 - THE H.A.M.B. And just now I look, and it's on page 464?! Nice delete 'job' Mr. Moderator! Lots of memories, stories and photos down the drain! Bravo!! P426
looks like this one will die the death of an off topic thread too I would LOVE to find a forum about the 1960's muscle cars that would include 1320 shots and history. does any one know of a place like shangri la???
YES! I had't posted on the JR. threads, just look and learn.but most of the content is off topic here on the HAMB, saying were can i go to see the 1960's muscle car and drag race history, in a forum as GREAT as the HAMB?
This is the promo for the new Junior Stock book by Doug Boyce. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V9CfASbKI2I
Nice photo: I would like to find a similarly nice clear picture of the Mike Schmitt '65 Galaxie. BTW the Mike Schmidt spelling is the ballplayer-not the racer. Common mistake. BTW2 "They trust me...Dumb F**ks" is a Zuckerberg quote referring to Facebook users.
Spelling duly corrected. If anyone sees any errors in my views, let me know and we'll get it right. Thanks!
In what year did aftermarket tube headers commonly become legally available for junior stockers? Who introduced them? In which cars were they more advantageous in terms of horsepower, E.T. and Mph?
Tube headers have been commercially available since the early 1950s, with Hedman Headers (http://www.hedman.com/) one of the early manufactures of note. In terms of performance gains, all internal combustion engines benefit from their use as opposed to the typically-restricted cast-iron manifolds standard on most engines. Steve P
Thanks for the replys fellow members. However, I meant in what year did headers become LEGALLY SANCTIONED in NHRA drag racing? I seem to recall them being introduced around the 1961-62 era on the Top Stock 409s, Pontiac SDs, Ford 406s, etc. When they first became Legal which driver / team / vehicle seemed to get the most out of using headers at the drags. In other words, who got sorted out first? I know that the use of headers were mostly regional in the early days. Sanderson, Jardine, Belanger among others all had select racers using their products. Which product in your opinion was superior in terms of performance? Terry
The first year open exhaust headers were allowed in NHRA stock was 1961. Im told that early on, Doug's was the largest seller (stock and other wise) but by the mid/late 60's, Hooker had displaced them. Performance wise, people still swear by Stahls. Doug
In '66 Dodge specifically used Doug(s) Header's on the Dart D/Stock Drag Package which turned out 50 or so equipped with the package to compete in the Junior Stock class.
You guys are still more than welcome to start a thread on the Dogfight Forum to cover the years that are too new for the HAMB. http://www.dogfightmag.com/forum/forumdisplay.php?2-The-DOGFIGHT-Forum Its an option, if you want to use it...
First week out for this car..My friend who was 17 and dropped out of Hackensack HS and worked as a get ready boy.. for a Dodge dealer in Paramus..told me about a customer was going to bring it to Etown RP..for a try at some fun and games.. ..We went and we watched it ending up running in D/STK elim and lost first round (he could not shift that C4speed) ..Pissed off..by the lack of off the tow bar performance ,weeks later he put a full ex. system and and ran it on the street for years.Then moved away. He Later installed a low mile 340 w/thermo.carb from a wrecked 70 Duster, And beat alot of cars w/ more HP/CI ..up in the BOS Mass. area..Im told that the car eventually ran 12'0s w/ the stick and more mods..at Conn Dragway..and sold it to a Mopar parts dist. from the Lansing Mich. area.in 1976. I lost track of him and the car, well before that. At the time I thought it so cool that a 273 ci Mopar was to challenge the small block stick class ,Chevy dominace. Not to be.
In regards to Bob Benders saying the cost was too high, Too bad Colesy didn't ask the loyal followers for a donation or what ever to keep it going. Had a lot of good stuff for all the years.
First set of pure race headers I ever saw were the Stahl set that Grumpy Jenkins had built for Don Gist's 62 Corvette A/Sports entry 327/340 in 1962. Im not saying they were the first set, just the first I saw. He did set the record with them too
I believe that the 1965 Shelby GT350 Mustangs were the first cars out the door with an installed factory (aftermarket) tube header setup as standard equipment. I also believe that the headers were Belanger Tri-Y's and very effective for the little asthmatic 289. Drag oriented setups also used other brands as preferred by the user / racer.
While there were plenty of viewers/members, the number of members actually posting photos had dwindled away to almost nothing. That's the main reason the owners running the site decided to shut it down.