Sounds like you've got a good plan there Dave. Patch that leaky boat and drive it till winter. Thanks for the tips and encouragement last Sat. We'll be in touch when we're ready for the fire-up !!!
Mart Thanks for the encouragement Any time Brett wish i had more time to help ya out, Its looking good. You going to The Silver city shakedown?
Do what you need to do so that you can enjoy the car. You're not doing a total redo, just fixing stuff that needs to be fixed. As I said about the engine, if the original builder had the means and opportunity to do it differently and better, they probably would have. (They were probably trying to figure out why stuff kept cracking too...) I don't think you're doing the car a disservice by making it safe and enjoyable.
I agree Pat that is my outlook thanks for the reassurence. I am going to try and redo it with minimal tools and arc welder to keep it old school
Whipped this up quick to get Jake back on the road. I made some bushing with the right taper for the tie-rods so they will tighten up and not float in the torched hole in frame.It use to chuck back and forth and you could hear it moving back and forth...I boxed the trailing arms so they wont keep breaking. Hope it last the summer will have to redo it this winter.
Had a great ride to Meriden CT with Dualquad55 in the coupe and his 54 chevy this weekend to the SILVER CITY SHAKEDOWN, It was a good show thanks to The Others cc and all the guys Derrick,John,Bob,Keith etc. Met a bunch of good guys Mark general gow Bob etc Jake ran great and the rear is sqaured away for the summer it has got some travel now and is a joy to drive, I still need to add shocks and a few other little things. I did have some issues about a mile from home the tranny started slipping so now i need to repair that but it was worth it I hope i can get it fixed for the next few shows coming up.
congrats on the trophy! If it comes down to it you could always blow the car completely apart over the winter and into the spring and fix what needs to be fixed and add things that will make it more reliable. i understand your desire to keep it original to the way it was built and keeping it traditional but that can still be done if you decide to go a different route to cure the issues. Good luck!!
Fgal Thanks It is a awesome trophy and was a great show. I am fixing everything that needs fixing and keeping it as traditional and original as i can. It dont drive to bad with some shocks it will be fine. PAT IT was a great time great show. I pulled over 2 miles from my shop @ The fitchburg airport to show Joe just how close we were to my shop so we chewed the fat for a second and then took off so i got into it pretty hard spinning the tire and then it started to over rev so i backed out of and could just keep a small load on it to keep it moving, I tightened the band today but its only a little better might beable to put around town but im sure it will juts get worse. So now I need to find out all i can about the B&M hydros if anyone has any info i need it and would appreciate it. I been gettting some advice on what i should go with s-10 tranny or a turbo 350 or 400 I would go with a laselle or 39 box but thye wont hold up, I am not going to be easy all the time i like to have fun a little ok alot. Frank i only would fess up to you and did!! I am so pissed at myself for not rememebering to switch my phone over, would have been a good ride with ya!
Great to meet you and see the Coupe at the SilverCity event. Did anyone count all the '32 5Windows, seamed like there were 6-7 of them, Great Show, look forward to next years. Bob
Think this out. Fess up, because some Olds guys know that a LaSalle trans will hold up to a warmed 303. A S10 should, on a 303,..maybe. But everyone would say it won't if they knew the whole story. Because I do know the story, I doubt I would do the LaSalle, and I am positive the 39 Ford box will not last a weekend. So, I would either stay with a repaired Hydro, or I'd maybe consider the very early Ford Borg T-10. That would date it back to very early 60's for the me ..or for more money for a different repro bellhousing that is pricey, I'd consider an early Borg Chevy T10. That could date it back to the late 50s..57/58 or so. The very early Ford T10 should fit the less expensive, used, "Olds Motor-to-49 & up, Ford 3 speed bell". I thought Titus had NOS one for sale but it might be gone by now? ***I have a 56 slant pan you can borrow for the season. 60,400 mile car, clean red fluid, no apparent leaks, car was parked in 92 with a bad rod. I rather walk, than use a TH350 or 400 in that car. Think of the fastest gas class cars that ran the Hydramatics up to the mid 60s. They handled some nasty motors and good slicks on heavy cars.
Oh, and you need to find out what torus cover you have? is it early or late as to what tooth count on it's ring gear? Mine is the later one, I think 176 tooth. Need to know if you have the correct starter if you need my transmission. I don't have a good used starter to fit the higher tooth count one.
Here is that list from Squirrel. I think you said yours is an "R 55" ? well, it could be a 55 Olds, or if it has the 280-R55, it would be a 56 like mine. Either way, I'd say it's a match...or should be. ..
Brett A muncie is cool to cruise or drag but i want to drive this thing and hard! The little 303 is warmed over pretty good i spent alot of time on it, massaged it the best i could. Bob Thanks glad Jake was a hit its a time capsule for sure, great to meet you and all the other guys. You need to come up to oxford mass to the Alterboys jalopy jamboree another good show worth the trip. Frank bring your magnet.. I will post pics of what is in the motor asap, Its not what everyone thinks... I mighta said it but dont mean i meant it..... Geesh a guy puts a good sounding cam in a motor and he got himself Top fuel dragster The egge pistons are holding up so far .060`s. and the chevy valves too. I think i lost a few pounds when i ported the heads. The car sounds mean and thats all i wanted not that fast but it dont have to be its cool looking I need as much info on the B&M hydros as possible if anyone knows of any let me know the previous owner said it had a B&M but didnt know if it was the tranny or maybe a shifter and i need to figure out what i am going to do to get this back on the road.. Hydro R-55 266743 Tail shaft # 8617118 3-20 Rear diff #501826
There are some hydramatic guys on hamb, and some have not posted in a long time..but someone should be able to help. Many smaller shops redid those to work just like a B&M. B&M would have a B&M tag. The smaller shops probably did not have their own tag. If the parts car was a 49 Olds when the coupe was built, it should have a 49 trans, but it has "the gooder one" a 1955, so it might be a modified one that acts like a B&M. I believe B&M used the Pontiac version? Let me know if you need a pic of my tailhousing or whatever, in case you want to try a quick swap for now.
Would love to When frank has time we will head over I`ll wait to see what he says if not i will be down asap. I have a lead on some parts and a tranny thanks to tONY GOATROPER02 HE IS THE MAN WHEN IT COMES TO OLDS and Thanks to Frank to offer his spare If everything works out may not have to much down time..
Count me in. I just have to tell myself that I can take time off once in a while. I got another invite from HammeredT just now on a pm.
general i remember now he is the guy we where waiting for saturday but it was raining and he had a convertable oh wait so did you and you drove 100 + miles didnt you?
i've only met him in person twice, so i'm not gonna be THAT mean to him. but you can be... sorry jeff.
All in fun Mark So as it has it I got lucky again but i did drive quiet a bit today just to get these parts but it was worth it, and be back before my sons championship hockey game he was with me and we thought it was @ 6 not 5 did i get lucky didnt see one of the 3 states finest and hauled the mail all the way home! THEY WON!! 4-0 his 4th shutout this season he is the goalie. So heres what i got Thanks Goatroper Tony is the man! hope it all works out. Was good Meeting Stan and his son nice people and a cool little Hot Rod hope we some pics soon.
Man Dave, you had me worried that you were going a TH instead....then we'd all get together to bitch slap you Enlarged it to see whachyougot... UC model, that means you can't put a blower on it.... You'll try your best to blow it all to shit, because you are a hoodlum. Good score for sure. I can't wait to see what the test drive shows. Let us know if it can hold first gear? You might find that handy at Orange/Fitchburg 300 foot drags.. yeehaa, stretch some rods..