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My friends dont like hot rods

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by GovernorKC, Jul 11, 2012.

  1. Django
    Joined: Nov 15, 2002
    Posts: 10,198

    from Chicago

    I would say most of my friends fall into the hot rod/rockabilly/swing dancing/warbird categories with some overlapping and some not. It's probably only about 5% that aren't into at least one of the above categories.
  2. My neighbor for the last 7 years has become a good friend and he's constantly hanging out in my garage, giving me a helping hand.

    I think I've even convinced him to get an oldie. He wants an early Falcon Ranchero but his wife is vetoing him pretty heavily. He needs to override that veto.

    (I'm pretty sure he's even starting looking at the HAMB so he may read this. If you are's time to take the plunge buddy!)

    I also have a pile of friends from my days as a K-9 handler in the military, but I don't get to see them much.
    Joined: Aug 7, 2009
    Posts: 2,069


    Sound like your hanging around a bunch of girls
  4. davo461
    Joined: May 13, 2007
    Posts: 345


    Maybe you just need some additional friends; of the motorhead variety.
  5. Cars- Are My Friends :D

    Oldmics / People just suck !
  6. noclubjoe
    Joined: Aug 24, 2005
    Posts: 639


    you need new friends, all of my friends are gearheads, of my few friends that are not gearheads or dont have a car or bike, still hang out, get it and love to look.

  7. or shooting

    Attached Files:

  8. Lone Star Mopar
    Joined: Nov 2, 2005
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    Lone Star Mopar

    Daaang you gots friends....yer lucky
  9. GovernorKC
    Joined: Sep 8, 2008
    Posts: 167


    I would be on your side of that convo. My friends would say things like Bugatti, Lamborghini, Ferrari. Maybe they'd through in a 69 Camaro or 70 Chevelle.
  10. Model T1
    Joined: May 11, 2012
    Posts: 3,309

    Model T1

    A great read and some nice answers. I'm an old fart always into old cars and bikes. I really never gave this friend thing a lot of thought. It's a fact, we all need friends. You may think you don't but it's a lonely life without good friends. Even the lousy ones are nice at times.
    My very best friend has been by my side for over 55 years, my wife. She's as much a car and bike guy as anyone. It's true, she don't know crap about working on them and doesn't get dirty too often. But she will spend hours in the garage, at shows, or swap meets just lookin.
    Most of my other friends are also car guys, and gals. Just sort of worked out that way. But we also have non car friends and non biker friends. They are all fun people and all good friends. Some even play golf or hunt. Things I never do. I never talk about their sports but we often go out to the garage to tinker on some of my junk.
    The main thing is have friends and have a good time. Everyone doesn't have to like motorcycles or cars. After all, there are barely enough to go around for us!
  11. GovernorKC
    Joined: Sep 8, 2008
    Posts: 167


    yeah I think you're right
  12. I told mine"I could always go back to drinkin". She tells me "go to your garage!":D
  13. rcoffey
    Joined: Dec 13, 2007
    Posts: 161


    my best friend is in prison,he wont be out untill a few more years.I have a few from church and regulars at the local car shows we have.I work construction so I am not at home much always traveling .I gues my wife an grand kids are my best friends ,and the dog any one else would just want to borrow my stuff!
  14. Well I had to learn to enjoy myself this madness, because no one understands and tell me why you bought that pile of rusted sheet metal, is a 32 ford I say, and no one understands and feels what I feel, sometimes I would be living in USA to attend a show and have a beer with friends ...
    When I got the 32 frame I brought to my home and look for a while, I realized that just by looking and thinking ahead in my project I am happy, is a true ground wire for me, just like now I write this ...
    Sometimes I wish I could finish the project right now, for rolling out one afternoon and hear the engine roar and the wind passing over us, so that you do not need friends, they are just you and the machine ...
  15. Mr48chev
    Joined: Dec 28, 2007
    Posts: 34,596


    Well, as an old fart with a lot of friends who have a lot of interests I can tell you that the most boring people in the world are those who only have one all consuming interest or hobby. It doesn't really matter what that interest is be it hot rods, Nascar, golf, Watching the Packers, playing pool or some other activity if they can only hold a conversation on one subject they get pretty boring damned fast.

    Obviously I love old hot rods and customs but I have friends who I never discuss them with and I have friends that I mostly talk cars with. I like football and baseball but my two best buddies would never watch a game of any kind unless their grand kids were playing and then you would have to drag one of them to the game screaming and kicking and forget about getting him to go to any soccer match no matter who is in it.
    I like western art and collect a couple of artist's work on a small scale. I can't afford and original but manage to buy a small print or two at the art show in town every summer.
    I sail my sail boat every summer but my two main car buds can't comprehend going out in a quiet boat that only goes 7mph full out and is quiet. Another friend can't understand why anyone would own a boat that wasn't designed to fish from as he fishes about three weekends out of the month on the average year round.

    Sometimes it's just nice to get away from the guys you hang out with all the time and go play hot rod or sail, that lets a guy widen his circle of friends and you can be friends with guys you only see a couple of times a year. Look at the folks on here who have strong friendships with people hundreds or thousands of miles away who they only see once a year or so.

    Plus the unwritten code among car folks has always been that if you drag a non car person along to a car event you are held responsible for that person's actions because you brought him. If he is a cool guy you get a pat on the back but if he makes an ass out of himself you might get asked not to come back or bring him back at the least.
  16. Fedcospeed
    Joined: Aug 17, 2008
    Posts: 2,011


    I have a couple like minded friends but my true blue buddies are my wife and son.Being at home doing our own thing makes us all happier.All three of us are kind of loners if that makes sense.
  17. Finnrodder
    Joined: Oct 18, 2009
    Posts: 2,970

    from Finland

    You cant choose your family,but you can choose your friends...
  18. drofdar
    Joined: Jan 2, 2008
    Posts: 172

    from Fresno Ca

    Mr 48 Chev...... well said!
  19. what he said!
  20. afaulk
    Joined: Jul 20, 2011
    Posts: 1,194


    what he said
  21. Kan Kustom
    Joined: Jul 20, 2009
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    Kan Kustom

    ANYBODY WHO THINKS HARLEYS OR HOT RODS ARE OBNOXIOUS CAN............Never mind, my wife wont let me say it. She`s into Hotrods and Harleys so I trust her oppinion.
  22. It's hard to find friends who"get it" ,I have a mix.You're lucky you have your dad who digs what you do!
  23. chopperwolf
    Joined: Dec 10, 2010
    Posts: 53


    EFF em all but six, cause in the end all we need are six pallbearers.
  24. deucetruck
    Joined: Jan 8, 2010
    Posts: 738

    from Missouri

    Most of the people I worked with (never really friends) didn't get it. They would walk into my office, see all the Hot Wheels, magazines, and cars pics and ????

    So I retired and found a bunch of cars guys for friends. Much better!
  25. bigs merc
    Joined: Dec 8, 2008
    Posts: 183

    bigs merc

    I stand out from my friends, but they like being seen with me :cool:
  26. tfeverfred
    Joined: Nov 11, 2006
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    Member Emeritus

    The friends I have, I met messing with cars. No conflict of interest.
  27. KandN Kustoms
    Joined: Dec 15, 2008
    Posts: 468

    KandN Kustoms

    They don't like HOTRODS?!?!?!?!

    what are they Commies?!?!?!

    Tie em to the car and drag em!!!!
  28. DocWatson
    Joined: Mar 24, 2006
    Posts: 10,288


    Now that is the greatest reply!!:D

  29. Master of None
    Joined: Dec 18, 2009
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    Master of None

    Most of my friends are car people. They may not be hot rodder's, but their race car drivers or muscle car people. They don't get my fascination with the "old stuff" but they like the fact I can help them with their projects. One of them gave me what I call a complement when I was talking about a project. He stopped me mid sentence and said" You eat , sleep, and drink this stuff don't you?" Why yes I do!
  30. 64ONEOFF
    Joined: Nov 30, 2011
    Posts: 378

    from Md.

    I have all walks of life as friends, I also have a harley. I get grief for wearing shorts and tennis shoes whem I ride...Alot of my friends are gear heads, but they are not as envolved as I am....The rest of my buddys cant understand the time I spend, BUT LOVE MY FINAL PROJECTS.Many believe its a waste of $. But I see my friends that hunt, fish, play sports and other hobbies yhat spend considerable amounts of $. WHEN IT COMES DOWN TO IT .....DO WHAT YOU LIKE.....
    AND FIND PEOPLE ,A COUPLE GOOD GUYS THAT SHARE THE SAME INTEREST ....Always healthy to talk shop and drink a few while shooting the shit.....:) Have fun

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