This little Wichita built pickup was worked over in a one car wood garage with a dirt floor. Started in '55 by three brothers it was chopped, bed shortened, and a later flathead installed. In '56 it was painted the ever popular Siera Gold, it's still on it. It went into long term inside hibernation around '63 or '64. It turned up for sale on a photo board at the Wichita swap meet in 2005. It's not easy changing anything on it. In the name of ride & stance the '32 Heavy axle was dropped by Okie Joe. There's a 5 spd O.D. in it behind the '46 flathead. It's a survivor!
I agree with HRP, give that Farmall its hood back and put a '32 grill and shell back on that Fordor, even if its a repop. A Deuce can never be a "rat", they are so much better than that!
My 32 was found as a channeled car in western Kansas in the early 70's and stayed that way until I traded a 32 sedan for it about 10 years ago. I built a new chassis for it and un channeled it and added steel fenders. Since this picture, I've pulled the fenders and hood back off for a more hot rod look.
Hey, Larry, Am I in now? When is initiation? Are there any ladies involved? What about the secret handshake?
Mine came along way to make it in the club and now the interior is getting done .I cant stop driving long enough to finish it !!
My wife just got a 32...can she join? Plans are for a dropped axle, reversed eye springs and 16" Kelseys... Neal