Always loved the early rivieras. Tried to buy a 65 back in the mid 80s. Owner said he didn't want to sell it. A couple weeks later I found a 65 Impala SS that came home with me. Another 2 weeks later, I see that Riviera, with a 'For Sale' sign onnit. I love the impala, still have it. But often wonder what would have been different if I'd gotten the Riviera.
I would like a '40 Willys coupe, '57 vette, '57 Nomad, '64 Sport Fury, '65 Sattelite, the chevy's in this group are tough to admit for a Mopar guy.
I gotta break the rules for a sec, with the 1967 Impala fastback. That C pillar to trunk transition kills me.
I'm in the "can't pick one club" too. I want a 34 Packard. I want a Duesenberg Murphy Roadster, preferably J-331. I too want a 65 Riviera in a state of mild custom. I want my 69 Boss 302 back. I want a couple different Model As besides the pickup. I want an American Lafrance Speedster. I want a 41 Buick Roadmaster coupe. None of these mean anything more than how they stimulate my senses. Values and rarity be damned, I just really like everything I mentioned.
I've always liked the Rivieras. The car I'm really after is a 39' Chevy... with all four doors... I stole the image off of Google, so I don't know anything about this one. Personally, I'd lose some of the accessories, but it's still a sweet car.
Now you've done it - the Flood gates are now open for Mustangs! The Main Man said it's OK (which is fine, I like em, but then again i like LOTS of cars) As for Rivi's - it is probably the only US built car that with a simple wheel change, a SLIGHT lowering and Nothing else becomes a "Custom". Very unique in the automotive world. In fact ones that are changed too much generally ruin the car. How could you NOT like them? As for my all time favorite US built car? What day is it?
Yes, it was a joke... Now, go drive your Volvo...safely... It's always been pre-65 here... cept for the classifieds which is pre-64. And no, we don't cover mustangs here... But I like them ok.
I am going to have to say the '47-'53 chevy trucks. I searched for my '47 for 5 years before driving to California to get it, and it will be the one i own until my last breathe. And the mullet wearing, southern rock band listening, non hamb friendly car guy that lives inside me wants to own a second generation camero. Some day some how.
I dig Rivieras too. But, personally I like the earlier silver dashes more than the later black ones and I'm not too big on the wood trimmed ones either. Other than that, I honestly don't really know what the differences are in the years. '63 (hamb friendly): '65 with black and wood: I think this one is a '65 (according to the flickr photo name), but still pure bad ass: These cars are almost pure bas ass off the factory line. Just a few simple tweaks and you are there. Drop it a little and then optional new wheels and maybe a killer paint job if really wanted - done. That is about all it takes. If I had the keys to an all black GS, I'd probably just drop it a little and roll. I might finally get banned for this - Ryan, don't look now, but: I wish I had the big clams for it.
'65 was a great year for cars..... '65 riv, '65 vette (first year with shark fins), '65;cyclone, '65 chevy II ( the one year with its own grille style), and the prettiest; the '65 chevelle. I am partial to the '65 el camino. I have always wanted to build "new-bomb turks brother's el camino".....looks like this will be happening soon! Also, the 65 chevelle two door wagon..... so, yep, thats my favorite: the '65 el camino.
I do think that youthful memories play a BIG ROLE in the cars we look back on and still drool over. Dad drove a '56 Bel Air that he also dragged at the Freemont Strip back in the day. My mom has photos of me in my carseat on the hood of that car. I grew up loving the '68 Charger in Bullit ever since I first watched the movie at 8 years old with my dad on Dialing for Dollars: and I've always wanted one of these...a 58-59 Chrysler, Plymouth or Dodge of some sort:
"of all time"? Wow, that's a tough one. 65 Riv is definitely a contender, but there are sooooooo many cool cars designed in the USA that I don't think I can put my money down on one. Even limiting it to the early 60's I have to also include at least one T-Bird and a 4-door Continental and a 61 Caddy Coupe in the hunt.
I used to have a beautiful, '65 Riv. It was gold with buckskin interior. Factory air and 100% original. I LOVED that car and could still kick myself for selling it. It was near perfect and low miles. When I sold it, I was bombarded with emails and calls. an airline captain from Chicago drove through the night to Kansas and bought it without even driving it around the block. My Dad's side of the family are Buick lovers and they passed that gene on to me. I should have kept that car.......
yeah me two...I want a Riv really bad...would trade my drop top for one. I was raised with mid 60s Buicks. I like Wildcats too. Actually most Buicks up thru 67 are pretty cool.
OK I know its not HAMB friendly and I thought my Grandpa's was a '65 but I believe his is a '67? Here is a photo of it. He bought it brand new and still owns it (this is a recent photo) Its a clean ass car.
Those weren't "knickers". With that rope belt and over the knee look you were rockin "clam diggers" in 1962. JFK was in the White House and every kid on the Cape was wearing a pair of those. Soon to be replaced by cut off jeans and Sperry Topsiders.
The Riv reminds me of all the car commercials of the '60s like this one: Those Mad Men really knew how to sell the image back then.
Did someone say 1965 GM car????????!!!!!!! Riviera's are cool...because they almost look like the single most beautiful car ever made, the 1965 GTO convertible. Did I mention I LOVE '65 GM A-bodies???? And yes Ryan was joking when he said Rustangs were cool! Holy crap, don't get me started.... I can't even hold still when I hear the number 1-9-6-5! Another reason '65 Riviera's are cool: The same company that made them also made the '65 Gran Sport! I NEED one! Holy crap, I really need to shut up. I....just...can't....stop.... Almost done! Here's my favorite color:
A little tweak for Ryan. There are 11 63-65 rivs in the Sept. Hemmings. 5 are 65s. Go satisfy your hunger.
with all this talk about Rivys... I couldnt help but show this off a little.. I'll be working up real concept illustrations of it shortly but the car is already in the begining stages to get built, off this quicky photoshop rendering I put together... dont want to give away to many of the neato things its going to have but lets just say Marcy is going to be cruising in style soon, in something other than a mobile T-shirt booth!