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Projects StNick's - 1957 Ford Custom 300 Build - Progress Begins!

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by StNick, Apr 4, 2010.

  1. benchseat4speed
    Joined: Feb 11, 2008
    Posts: 420

    from Golden, CO

    GO MAN GO!! Just came in from the garage gettin the 56 ready. Lookin good Mike YOU CAN DO IT!!! Nice progress keep it up:cool: I bought that same ice cream on saturday nite too haha
  2. When I got to the shop this morning...

    TJJ on iPhone
  3. Clean Shop, dad stayed late!


    Where I started from... fuel lines!


    We set the car on jack stands to work on the ladder bars, final fit and weld with weight on it.


    I asked my neighbor Dave Barker of Speedmetal if he could take on the job. He's an artist with the welder!! Big thanks!!


    My buddy Thomas stopped by & cut out some metal for radiator brackets!! Thanks "T"!!



    Aaron came by later and got all the front fuel lines plumbed, regulator, carbs, return, gauge!! Thanks Man!!

    <insert picture here>

    Dad and o sized up the dumps and got the caps located, I welded both headers & we mounted the up!



    Then we compared hoods out back.....


    The front clip is partially bolted on too!! We are gonna fire it tomorrow!!!!

    Oh, I got a little surprise in the post today....



    TJJ on iPhone
  4. Victory at LAST!!

    After a long day of running around we made it!! She lives and BREATHS!

    Why not have dessert first?!

    And how did StNick feel about that?

    Even Mason give the big THUMBS UP!

  5. Just so I can remember my day (some day), here's the recap!

    Started off like this...

    "Take a picture of the Carbs and ask Rob at Blue Oval where to hook the carb vacuum hose"


    And he said I needed a screw in nipple, I found one in my pile of carbs keep for some reason.

    Get some longer header bolts (1"), you know this thing takes 32! you can't buy a pack of 32 (easily), you have to buy SBC kits! I finished welding them up the night before...



    Bleed all the brakes lines, we had a few leaks and one bad plug in the Line Lock. No issue, they seem to work on the lift. We have yet to try them on the road.

    Me up top filling and pumping....



    Aaron below bleeding and getting a DOT 4 shower...



    Then we had an issue, the rear drums where rubbing the shoes. Trim the
    shoes down... what else you gonna do?

    "T"homas stopped by and helped fab upper rear shock mounts, THANK YOU! So much to do and just the right amount of people!




    A few other under body shots (Dad got ahold of the camera)!









    Finished Radiator mounts the night before, they just needed to be bolted in.


    Look MA! New bezels!!

  6. [​IMG]



    I got my turn under the dash hooking up the speedo cable and removing the E-Brake cable.



    And Ready to FIRE


    A little gas drip line....


    Then (@ 8:30 pm) we found out we had left the ignition on too long and fried the pertronix coil and pickup. I mean FRIED, CRACKED, MELTED! Not sure how long it was on earlier testing the other items, but it was all toasted. Even the cap and rotor were covered in plastic soot! Smelled really bad!


    I rode the honda 50 a few blocks down to Blue Oval with a flock of kids behind me on bikes. Luck would have it Rob was there and had just what we needed to get us back on fire! HA, on FIRE....all 8 cylinders.

    Everyone liked my little syringe contraption to fill the bowls for testing....
    (used to fill forks on motorcycles)


    After the initial run, Dad had to tune the carbs, make sure all the venturies where distributing fuel.... I LOVE THIS ONE!!

    I think he's in LOVE!

    We ran it in gear on the lift for 10 minutes both directions to ease the 3rd member in. then we took it off the lift and pointed it at the back door.





    Jane came by to see the progress, and she showed off here owiee...

    Last edited: Aug 17, 2012
  7. And so we prevailed....

    This is our MACHO look...


    And our Business well done look...


    And our gratitude for each other look...


    Its been stressful, rewarding, and I'm ready to get on the road to JOPLIN!

    oh yea, I forgot we have a leaky water pump we have to fix tomorrow.
    Pack, Load, Drive...... I'm ready for vacation!

    We'll Be there!

    Thanks to all those who have helped us, we would not be here with out all you!

    • Dad
    • Aunt Pattie
    • Foster
    • Mason
    • Bourcy's
    • Virgo's
    • Todd
    • Dave W
    • David B
    • Ryan
    • SpeedMetal Crew
    • Front Range Drive line
    • High Plains Welding
    • On-Track
    • O'Leary Racing
    • G King & the Rat Pack
    • And so many more!
    Peace Out!

    Dad's still at the shop putting his interior in !
    I think he's stoked to have this baby running!
  8. NoSurf
    Joined: Jul 26, 2002
    Posts: 4,536


    Finally!!! Wahoooo!

    What a long time for a dream to be realized. But oh so worth it!

    Now get some sleep.

  9. WTF are you doing up? going to work?

    Dang, I'm just going to bed..... thanks for the advice.

    See you late tomorrow !
  10. StNick
    Joined: Apr 23, 2007
    Posts: 49


    WHOOPEE - did you hear that beast - I'm stoked - I'm ready to give her a trip around the block - OH - no exhaust system - OH - do we care - thats why they invented side dumps - saves on pipes and mufflers - - To echo Mikes comments - thanks again to all who have been helping and to those who will most likely get to help in the future - mostly thanks to Mike for making this a neat father/son experience (OH, in case you haven't got it by now - MIKE'S THE MAN) - - - YEP - decided to stick around and work on the interior - My lady friend Jane came by to hear the 57 fire-up - said she'd stick around and help work on the car - Whats up with that - it's already past midnight - I got her under the car working on the seat belts - 4 hours later we got to set down on the newly installed rear seat and test the really cool 50's/60's flap type seat belts - anyway - by the time I got home the sun was already on the horizon - Now for a shower and maybe a nap before returning the get the front seat in - OH - best not forget that the water pumps needs replacing also (a brand new leaky water pump) - after the many setback/recoveries we had in the past few days this is just another bump in the road - gona go get a VIN inspection and hopefully a tag today - then get headed East to Kansas and MO - catchcha at the drags - Ole' StNick

    Attached Files:

  11. You guys Rock!!!! Awesome!
  12. general gow
    Joined: Feb 5, 2003
    Posts: 6,423

    general gow
    Staff Member

    so awesome. congrats to you all! wish i was gonna be there to see it!
  13. C. Montgomery
    Joined: Dec 18, 2003
    Posts: 1,010

    C. Montgomery

    that thing sounds NASTY! Great work guys!
  14. Stoked for you guys. Joplin's gonna be great. Can't wait to see her run.
  15. Malcolm
    Joined: Feb 9, 2006
    Posts: 8,084

    from Nebraska

    So awesome!! Looking forward to seeing you guys in Joplin tomorrow!


  16. OahuEli
    Joined: Dec 27, 2008
    Posts: 5,243

    from Hawaii

    Congratulations! Man oh man there's nothing like the sound of open headers on a cammed up motor at 4:30 AM! My day is made!
  17. Congratulations guys!!! The car looks and sounds fantastic!!!
  18. SwedeVedette
    Joined: Feb 15, 2008
    Posts: 368


    One of the best threads Ive read for a long time. Awesome work and thanks for taking the time to document everything allowing us to follow you down the road!

    Good luck on the drags and have a great time!
  19. TexasSpeed
    Joined: Nov 2, 2009
    Posts: 4,631

    from Texas

    Awesome! One of the cooler tri-5 Fords out there.
  20. jim galli
    Joined: Sep 28, 2009
    Posts: 385

    jim galli

    Now, THAT just gives a whole new meaning to "whatever blows y'ur hair back"
  21. Woogeroo
    Joined: Dec 29, 2005
    Posts: 1,260

    from USA

    sweet music!

    congrats fellas!

    hard work pays off.

  22. We are finally on the road, just driven through Limon.

    The day started by fixing a leaky W/P, the bCk cover had a steady drip.


    Then I fixed the seat mounts...


    I hot all the hardware on the seats, & got seat belts in while dad did garnish & dot panels.


    First drive...

    After a few more it drew quite a crowd.. :)




    TJJ on iPhone
  23. Teaser....

    TJJ on iPhone
  24. Got to NoSurf's at 6 am


    Went to Dons tire for new front tires & an alignment



    & back to where it all began!


    TJJ on iPhone
  25. Line Lock!!

    TJJ on iPhone
  26. Tim
    Joined: Mar 2, 2001
    Posts: 17,902

    from KCMO

    wow! so stoked on this and i've got nothing to do with the car haha. super cool
  27. shoprat
    Joined: Dec 23, 2006
    Posts: 1,109

    Member Emeritus
    from Orange, CA

    Very cool,it's come a long ways since I met you guys at LARS. Love it.
  28. Even put the old hood on!!


    Love This!!


    Following NoSurf family to Joplin, my crew is lights out!!


    I think this build wiped StNick out!


    TJJ on iPhone
    Last edited: Aug 17, 2012

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