For me it's a '39 Ford Tudor Deluxe. I can picture my grandpa driving the family around playing some Glen Miller. What a car!
If only I could expose more of the Marcy Riv.... a select few have seen whats to come... A Riviera like no other before it, with ideas never before imagined.. That project begins tomorrow, as I ride with Marcy back to the homeland with a trailer full of parts... Imagine, Marcy actually driving a sweet car instead of just hauling them around.... Silver Arrow X, coming soon!
1930 or 1931 Ford Coupe. I know I'll never get one, I have too much other shit that no one wants. I guess a guy can dream.
prolly a chopped full fendered 33 3-window coupe. close behind, in no particular order: 57 corvette 39 buick 2-dr sedan 65 rivi and after the 65 cut-off: 66/7 nova hardtop 68 charger in all cases; mile deep black paint
I gotta agree that the 65 Rivera is probably the best looking factory built car. You cant really do anything to improve it other than change the color.But my favorite of all time would probably be the 32 Ford 3 window or Cabriolet.
Yeah, I kind of agree, especially these 65 Riviara's, they seem really out of place, to modern for a site like this.
If you have a fuel tanker to follow you maybe. My Father's '64 Riv is horrible on gas and it's 100% as OE.
59' Elco!..When I'm done with my 54' Chevy 210 and 65' C-10....I'm gonna find me one of dem muthers!!
I'm mostly a Chevy guy... but I've always like the 39-41 ford coupes, the 60-61 ford starliner hard top... and the 1960-64 ford 2 dr hard top. -W