I currently have a 6-71 blower and an Enderle Bugcatcher injection setup. We are striving hard to get this old engine to propel us 200 MPh, so we need to milk every HP out of it we can. Therefore, I'm contemplating switching over to a Procharger style supercharger, to gain some of the 'parasitic drag loss HP' back- we need everything we can get! Has anyone ever seen, or have experience with, converting a bugcatcher style setup to a blow through system? I've been thinking about it, and it seems like it would be a doable thing.
why not just leave the six under the hat and stick a couple of turbos on and blow through the lot with those. a pal of mine did it using electronic injection so it may be possible to do it with the mechanical setup
Everything is doable if one throws enough time and money at it. What parasitic drag are you trying to overcome?
Sounds to me you want the system that was developed for early Turbo /Hilborn setups. The one I've seen runs as a blow through as well. It runs like a regular one, with an extra system to ad fuel as the boost goes up. Not sure you are going to gain a lot with the parasitic drag thing. But you will be able to put a huge intercooler on it ( icewater ), and that will help a lot.
I have seen stack injection set up to blow through, it was one way they set up the early front mount super chagers. If you can blow through a stack you chould be able to blow through a bug catcher.
Thanks! 6-71 or 8-71, they both take more HP to turn than a procharger, and cause a lot of drag sticking through the hood. The parasitic drag is the HP it takes to turn the supercharger. A roots blower takes more than the procharger style. We have an intercooler now, between the blower and intake manifold. With a procharger style blower, we could leave that one, and add another intercooler on before the procharger. Good point!