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WEAR YOUR HELMETS!! Accident pics of me

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by cfnutcase, Feb 6, 2009.

  1. Gnashty1
    Joined: Jul 21, 2006
    Posts: 142


    Mentioned this to my RN sister. She said at the hospital ATV = Adult To Vegetable.

    I split a helmet front to back while trail riding, took all the bark off the bottom of that limb, too. Delighted to have kept my meager brains inside my skull.

    Glad you will be ok.
  2. lostforawhile
    Joined: Mar 23, 2008
    Posts: 4,160


    rider training won't help you when your luck runs out and some moron on a cell phone knocks your bike off the road. it's a fact that even if you are on a bicycle ,just the fall from the seated height to the ground can cause brain damage, now think about the damage flying off your bike and going a hundred feet and slamming your noggin into the ground. I wish i had a clip from that wildest police videos, guy was minding his buisness going through an intersection on his bike, green light, and some moron running from the cops just creamed him. hurt just to watch.
    Last edited: Feb 17, 2009
  3. Gnashty1
    Joined: Jul 21, 2006
    Posts: 142


    BTT for the evening croud
  4. cfnutcase
    Joined: Nov 29, 2008
    Posts: 1,032

    from Branson mo

    Well dug this thread up for an update, I have been having headaches for the last year or so and I have had a "dent" in my head where I crashed, so after many complaints to my Dr. he finally had a CT done on my head, seems I have a blood clot in my brain where the accident damage was. I didnt get any real info from him as to what is going on with me other than that, he is sending all of my info to a specialist now, so I am suppose to just sit here and wait for a call now. I have noticed that the headaches started about a year and a half ago or so, mild and have been getting worse to the point now they are at migraine status now when they hit me, so now I am curious if this blood clot has been growing since the accident or what, is that even possible to have a blood clot in your brain growing for years like that? I dont know.....sure am tired of bad news...Thanks for letting me vent....Jim
  5. TrannyMan
    Joined: Dec 3, 2005
    Posts: 473


    Man I hope it all works out for you. It sucks being hurt, especially for so long.
  6. Jim ,prayer for your recovery.Lifting you up to the Lord for strength as you go through this ordeal. May God guide those that treat you. Gary
  7. KustomCars
    Joined: Jul 31, 2011
    Posts: 3,544

    from Minnesota

    Prayers sent! Hope you get better!
  8. Hope you get better bro. That's a tuff break
  9. RatPin
    Joined: Feb 12, 2009
    Posts: 574


    That makes the loose clavical bone I have jutting out of my neck from showing off on my ATV in 2006 seem like nothing. Hope you get better.
  10. rainhater1
    Joined: Oct 5, 2009
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    from az

    When your number is up it makes no different what you are doing, I have been to many places to not believe this. And I believe in god
  11. Blue One
    Joined: Feb 6, 2010
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    Blue One
    from Alberta

    I spent most of my summer in Texas and assorted states in between. It never ceases to amaze me when I see all the motorcycles running around with bare headed riders.

    I will never ride without my helmet. The US should not have a shortage of organ donors thats for sure.
  12. woodbutcher
    Joined: Apr 25, 2012
    Posts: 3,309


    Sorry to hear about your ongoing problems.Hope things will be sorted soon by your doctors.God bless you and yours.
    Good luck.Have fun.Be safe.
  13. Positive thoughts out to you.
  14. Dane
    Joined: May 6, 2010
    Posts: 1,351

    from Soquel, CA

    How come nobody asked if beer was involved? Usually 50-60 mph with no helmet and a snow pile you didn't see involves beer. :D
  15. Salty
    Joined: Jul 24, 2006
    Posts: 2,258

    from Florida

    I was going to make a smart assed comment such as "I think the OP is likely healed after three years" (directed towards the dead thread digger uppers)

    However, thankfully I read back through the last few posts (damn glad I did cause now I don't look like an ass!) and will respectfully refrain from any shennanagins.

    Hope you get better bro...the brain is kinda like brakes and really don't wanna fuck with em too much and if they may wanna get that fixed PDQ.

    The last thought, even though it's only been three years, medical technology just keeps growing by leaps and bounds.

    Get better soon
  16. bonez
    Joined: Jul 16, 2007
    Posts: 3,487

    from Slow lane

    I know how bad a headache can be. I was poisoned about 12 years ago and laid in bed a full week with a headache so strong no painkiller worked, i still remember it like it was last week.
    Best of luck dude.
  17. jazz1
    Joined: Apr 30, 2011
    Posts: 1,543


  18. rustednutz
    Joined: Nov 20, 2010
    Posts: 1,580

    from tulsa, ok

    Yes it is possible for a blood clot to continue to grow. Head injuries are strange animals sometimes with far reaching symptoms. My youngest son had a fractured skull when he was three. Mild headaches for the next couple of years then at age five he started having fits of rage that would sometimes last for twenty minutes then suddenly he would be his sweet self again. This was in the days before the internet so my wife would spend hours in the library doing research as the doctors we were taking him to really had no answers for us. Then one day a specialist on head trauma was on a TV talk show and mentioned peoples wierd reactions to head injury and described exactly the symptoms of my son. Somehow his skull fracture had triggered a sensitivity to certain food preservatives and food color dyes. My wife painstakingly worked to find what these were by eliminating everything from his diet except all natural foods then added different food back to his diet to see his reaction. After 6-8 months of her work we found that foods containing these four unnessary preservatives and dyes: caramel coloring, Yellow #5, BHA & BHT preservatives. By ten years of age he had outgrown these allergies with no long lasting problems from his injury. We pray for your full recovery and return to good health.
  19. chubbie
    Joined: Jan 14, 2009
    Posts: 2,336


    hi jim, all those old injury's do come back in time...i layed in the recliner for years. but i was able to get on with my life, then the scar tissue on the brain started to grow. witch resulted in "strokes". the dr.s' were going to do surgery to remove the scar tissue, i asked what replaced the scar tissue?? he said "scar tissue" i was full of NO THANKS!! i made the right call for me. do some research. Dr.GOOGLE is your friend. only you can know whats best for you
  20. Mike51Merc
    Joined: Dec 5, 2008
    Posts: 3,855


    Helmets save lives. When I was 12-13 yrs old I was riding my Yamaha 80 in tall grass and hit a tree stump. Went ass over tea kettle and landed on my head. My helmet saved my life and I remembered it diligently ever since.

    I can't understand how people ride without helmets. You'd think the insurance industry would fight for helmet laws, but they don't because statistically less helmets equal more death and death is less expensive than long term care.
  21. chubbie
    Joined: Jan 14, 2009
    Posts: 2,336


    rustednutz thats a great story!!!! this may have helped me 30 years ago.

    JIM keep us informed
  22. willowbilly3
    Joined: Jun 18, 2004
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    from Sturgis

    Sorry for your bad injurys and not to dis you in anyway but I have always maintained that what you have inside your head is a lot more vital to your survival than what you can strap to the outside of it. A helmet can still only compensate for so much erroneous judgement. I have ridden and raced a lot of 4 wheelers and it would scare the shit out of me to ride one 55-60 without full gear, including chest protector.
  23. NickJT
    Joined: Jul 17, 2012
    Posts: 640

    from S.E. PA

    Jim, I'm praying for a good recovery for you!

    And thanks for posting this since I'm hoping it teaches a lesson to my two sons, 16 and 17 years old now.

    Another plus for me is after seeing the pics of your injury my sons lost their appetites which left more of the good stuff my wife cooked for me.
  24. gas4blood
    Joined: Nov 19, 2005
    Posts: 787

    from Kansas

    About 40 years ago I got the stupid idea to wear a half helmet to race motocross instead of my full face. It was too hot today, I thought. I landed on my face that day, but didn't realize I broke my nose. A deviated septum isn't visible, but it has impaired my breathing to this day. A "fix" by a quack left me worse than before. Constant infections, and sometimes hard to breathe through my nose at all. One short lapse of thinking, a lifetime to remind me to wear a good helmet. As for lack of vision or hearing, I have a hard time buying that. I have great peripheral vision, the only time the helmet messes with it is if I look sideways with my eyes while keeping my head pointed straight ahead. I compensate by turning my head a bit as well, and having good mirrors that are well adjusted. No mini-mirrors for me. As far as hearing goes, the windblast makes so much noise I can't hear much anyway if not wearing a helmet. A long ride with no helmet or a half helmet leaves my ears ringing. But I don't have a problem with folks that don't like to wear a skidlid, unless it's my kids. They have no choice if I'm around! Have a full recovery!
  25. Sphynx
    Joined: Jan 31, 2009
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    from Central Fl

    Wow your lucky. One of my friends dad was at the park with his two grandsons recently. They were riding bicycles he hit a parking stop and hit his head and died on the way to the hospital. It can happen so quik.... Play it safe guys.
  26. Toast
    Joined: Jan 6, 2007
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    from Jenks, OK

    Wow! you are lucky to be alive! Bet you wear a helmet in the future:rolleyes:
  27. Engine man
    Joined: Jan 30, 2011
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    Engine man
    from Wisconsin

    One of those "Hold my beer and watch this" moments!
  28. Deuces
    Joined: Nov 3, 2009
    Posts: 24,895


    I was riding a little honda 50 without a helmet back in 1970... I went flying into a ditch and that cost me 10 stitches... 6 on the front of my head and 4 on the right side.. I was only 10 years old at the time...

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