really concentrate on seeing the puddle develop... prior to adding filler rod.. you dont want to add rod to create a puddle... i would practice with out rod a few times to watch puddle develop...
Good machine. I've used the same one for years, and I like it much better than the Lincolns we have at the school. A couple of common problems I've found from teaching TIG welding: After you grind the tungsten, be sure to rotate it under a good light and look at the tip. It must be smooth all the way around with no "facets" like you'd find on a diamond. These flat spots will let the arc "leak" out the side and give you an uncontrollable puddle. If you're welding and find yourself hauling ass to keep up with the melt, DON'T FORGET THE PEDAL! It's not a switch... I tell my students to imagine a cop RIGHT behind them, and the puddle width is the speedometer. If you've ever eaten a cheeseburger while driving and haven't crashed, you can TIG weld. If you THINK about it, it's exactly the same skill set...
You tube is an awesome way to atleast get an idea of how to start... Welding tips and tricks are pretty good videos and have helped me fine tune some skills when i needed guidance. But if you have someone that can teach you hands on is the best way i learn, i look and listen and not so much read.
Only read one reference to gas welding,but when I learned to TIG back in the 70s.. we still call it Heliarc...knowing how to gas weld fairly well was a big help,to me anyway. Both hands,filler rod in one,torch in the other. Made me wish I had a foot pedal for gas welding.. Once I learned how to TIG,my 225 amp stick machine was never turned on again.
2 percent and 100 percent tungston has some radioactive materials in them,most welding supplys try to sell the cerriated types now.I guess they are healthier to use,when i grind my tungstons alot i start to feel like godzilla so try cerriated instead. I dont think the hi frequency is high enough to maintain a point in ac,the inverter machines are more likely to maintain a point. I have used them and they are a joy to use but a tad spendy for a good miller. Right now i use a miller syncrowave 300 at the shop daily, and a lincon ideal arc 300 at home. These two welders would be the last two tools i would ever sell. There are many good tips and advice here so good luck,and practice practice practice. Btw the next investment should be a good saw,i bought a femi about two years ago. When you can cut a straight line it makes welding all the easier.
Well, if you can gas weld, then tigging is basically the same (sort of), but not really, but sort of....... My personal views on tigging: Not to be taken as law. 1) It's mostly mental. It's like jazz---you either got it, or you don't. However, just the fact that you are asking the question means you are at least interested which means you probably will get it if you don't at first. 2) i think the best way is to take classes from a decent instructor/school. This coming from someone who tig welds like this: NOTES: i have done other "styles" of welding previously, esp stick and are more versed those "styles." This was my second attempt at tig---on aluminum at that. i have since improved---slightly.
C-10 Simplex has it right. Do yourself a hugh favor and take a class. Took one while I was unemployed. I gas and stick welded for years, but no way would I have gotten it right on my own. In a class you get to try different machines, learn to hold an extremely close gap, get to play with pulse, work with steel, aluminum, and stainless. You will be a TIG welder when you get done or at the least you will recognize when you get it right. Tony
What's the general consensus regarding wrapping the cable(s) around your arm and/or body as far as: a) safety? b) in general? i don't really like the cables just hanging there--kind of affects torch control. There is a somewhat famous "celebrity" that does this.
i found it to be really close to gas welding. If your gonna do any serious amount of welding a WATER cooled torch is a must because they get hotter than hell.
I haven't crashed even with a stick shift, but I get secret sauce and tomato parts all over my shirt. NO wonder I can only TIG weld half assed...
The hosing (what you call cables) have a lot of weight to them - esp the water cooled machines - so to keep the weight off the torch you support the hoses. Working on car stuff you work either at the bench or on the car and in either case it is easy to support the hosing. Wrapping it around yourself might look impressive on tv but seems pretty dumb to me as the hosing will move when you move and that is a bad thing. You will shift yourself around quite a bit to see whats' happening and the torch can't be shifting with you and if you got hoses drapped on you they'll shift the torch. Bad ju-ju. Be like playing a guitar while somebody is twisting the tuning pegs on the strings. This is the first i have heard of using helium with aluminum, why is it an advantage over pure argon? helium is flammable, what precautions need to be taken?
A good water cooled 20 series torch is way easier to use than a cheap torch with vinyl lines or an air cooled assembly.By the sounds of your post it seems you haven't tig welded to any extent to give info about hoses or helium.Use a crafter series weld craft or any good manufacturer and you hardly notice it your hand,no need to wrap it anywhere. Helium is flammable!!! that's a new one.Truly an inert gas.It does not undergo chemical reactions of any kind, under any circumstances. My2¢ T
By the way you asked your question it wasnt clear if your machine was already set up & ready to weld & if not you need to get back to the welding store & have them get all the essentils for you to use the machine. Welding gas. this comes up on the HAMB often so here goes again. For TIG welding of all materials use 100% argon. Helium was years ago the gas used for TIG welding thus the term (heli-arc). Unless in manufacturing a specification calls out for its use argon is used. The main advantage for helium use is its ability to conduct electricity & on very thick non ferros metal that is an advantage when welding in the A/C mode.
I still have not tried it, as I have been too busy doing a bunch of mig welding on my 41 pickup cab...but good info here, Thanks.