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Drag Strip in Lake Havasu City, AZ

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by nugget32, Mar 23, 2012.

  1. nugget32
    Joined: Aug 21, 2011
    Posts: 260


    Anyone heard anything about a proposed Drag Strip being built in Lake Havasu City, AZ?
  2. Rocky Famoso
    Joined: Mar 30, 2008
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    Rocky Famoso

    The neighbors in California will complain about the noise.
  3. Rocky Famoso
    Joined: Mar 30, 2008
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    Rocky Famoso

  4. Rocky Famoso
    Joined: Mar 30, 2008
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    Rocky Famoso

    Stupid links:

    Drag strip talk begins with NHRA
    Today's News-Herald
    Published Tuesday, March 6, 2012 3:06 AM MST

    Initial conversations have begun regarding if a proposed motorsports complex, to include a drag strip, will be part of the National Hot Rod Association. The racing organization formed in 1951 and hosts 20 different competitions.

    Architectural renderings or financial backing hasn’t been announced for the motorsports project, which has yet to trigger a city-approval process. The project is in its preliminary stages and has not been before the City Council — nor is scheduled to be any time soon — for final approval. The current proposed parcel is about 90 acres of city land off of State Route 95 between the airport and an RV resort at the north side of the city. Resort residents and neighboring home owners told Lake Havasu City council Feb. 28 they had concerns about noise. Initial plans presented in 2010 for construction within a city-managed park on federal land at the southern end of the city sparked similar concerns from residents living near that property.

    Mike Rice, NHRA Pacific Division Director, said a former NHRA vice president has been in contact with local organizers.

    “I know he has talked with some of the people involved with this track already,” Rice said.

    Although only conversations have taken place and nothing final or official has been determined with NHRA’s potential involvement, Rice said the chance of a track being built in Lake Havasu City to seat 20,000 people to grab national events is “pretty slim at this point.”

    He said the majority of NHRA’s tracks are “member” tracks, which reach 130 nationwide, cater more to weekend hobbyists. There are 16 member tracks in the Pacific division, which includes California, Utah, Nevada, New Mexico, Arizona and Hawaii.

    “(There are) more closures than openings of member tracks in our division,” Rice said. “Two tracks that have shut down and are no longer running, both of those are in the high desert area of Southern California … but both of those pretty much went away about six years ago due to complaints about noise.”

    Rice said it’s up to the track operator to determine if he or she wants to meet construction, safety and insurance guidelines to be accepted into the NHRA. Rice said acceptance is pretty much guaranteed if the guidelines are met.

    “We will gladly accept them into the member track family and be a member,” he said. “Below the national event level, (there are) regional and divisional programs out there, we are always looking to new tracks to take those events to.”

    Rice said NHRA will consider both 1/8-mile and one-quarter mile tracks. He said the majority of the NHRA 1/8-mile tracks are on the East Coast.

    “I love the 1/8-mile racing,” he said. “The 1/8 mile, it’s quicker, I think, it makes you a better racer overall. You have to think.”

    No announcement has been made regarding the potential length of the proposed drag strip for the complex.

    Rice said being accepted as an NHRA track helps support the operator, but also racers by the insurance coverage.

    He said it would be up to the track operator to determine race frequency.

    “We are going to welcome any new track being built regardless if they sign with NHRA or not,” Rice said. “Hopefully, we can work together with (the Lake Havasu City organizers).

    Greg Tryon, an organizer of the newly forming Lake Havasu Drag Racing Association, said association members have been in contact with NHRA.

    “Our plan is to have them involved in it,” he said.

    You may contact the reporter at
    Opposition follows drag strip plans for Havasu
    Today's News-Herald
    Published Friday, February 24, 2012 11:00 PM MST

    Not only has the plan to build a drag strip moved from the southern end of the city to the northern — but also so has the opposition from neighboring residents to the proposed project.

    Jim Larson, a Havasu RV Resort resident, started collecting signatures opposing plans to construct a motorsports complex behind the resort. Jackie Leatherman/News-Herald Photo

    “If (the drag strip plans are in their) infancy, now is the time to stop it before it gets growing, before it gets legs,” said Jim Larson, a part-year resident at Havasu RV Resort. “I guess the old saying is the squeaky wheel gets the grease. If we don’t say nothing, they are going to think we are all fine and dandy with it. We got to let our beliefs be known.”

    Larson started collecting signatures from an estimated more than 300 people living at the resort, which abuts city property where plans are just getting under way to build a motorsports complex, including a drag strip. He said he plans to submit the signatures to City Council during its regular meeting at 6 p.m. Tuesday at the Lake Havasu Police Facility at 2360 McCulloch Blvd. As of Friday afternoon, the council was not scheduled to officially discuss the potential motorsports complex project at its Tuesday meeting. By law, issues must be placed on the meeting’s agenda to allow the council to discuss them. Anyone can address the council on any issue during the routine “call to the public.”

    The newly forming Lake Havasu Drag Racing Association announced within the past two weeks that it was changing its focus from constructing the complex within a city-managed park on the southern end of town to city land near the airport on the northern end. The Association has collected more than 600 signatures in support, said Greg Tryon one of its organizers.

    The city leases 1,042 acres from the U.S. Bureau of Land Management creating the Special Activities and Recreation Area (SARA) Park at the southern exit to the city.

    A group of residents living on the south side of the city opposed the City Council’s 2010 vote allowing the council to consider construction of a drag strip and off-road track within SARA Park. Joe Merrick, one of the southern opposition organizers, previously said they wanted the city to stick to 2006 plans for non-motorized sports within the park. The group had concerns with noise and dust levels. Merrick said the group supported the Association’s intention to move the project to the northern edge of the city. Merrick didn’t immediately return a phone call seeking comment Friday afternoon.

    City officials have previously said constructing the complex on northern property would ease potential plans because the city owns it, eliminating federal government approval, and the project would spur economic development to the industrial area.

    The roughly 90-acre, vacant parcel lies between the resort and the airport. City Development Services Director Larry Didion said the land is currently zoned “general agriculture,” which is a “holding” zone for when the council decides the appropriate zoning. Didion said the city’s general plan, which was developed and approved by voters 10 years ago, shows the property as appropriate for either light or heavy industrial.

    Several City Council members said resort residents and guests knew they were moving into an industrial area, and they also said they weren’t surprised that northern residents are opposing the project. The resort is located on Victoria Farms Road, which is just north of Lowe’s.

    “There’s a lot of people into that sport and then there’s a lot of people who are against it,” said City Councilman Lee Barnes. “It’s kind of damned if you do, damned if you don’t. It kind of frustrates me that we are trying to move forward and try to make things for everybody to do in the community and we are always running into resistance. Actually, I think you should realize that things like that are going to happen when you are in an industrial area. It goes back to SARA Park, it was designed out there to be a multi-use recreation and park area and “multi” means many things. We’ll take the signatures and some day, though, we are going to have to make a decision for it go somewhere.”

    Bill Anderson, the resort’s developer and manager, said there is the equivalent of around 200 to 225 single-family homes on the 40-acre property.

    “There will be an enormous resistance to this and there will be lawsuits,” Anderson said. “It will just go on and on and on. We knew it was an industrial facility, but a drag strip, with its noise, is an enormous nuisance.”

    Tryon said Association members are meeting with developers and investors within the next week to start drawing plans for the complex on the northern property. The plans would have to be submitted first to the city’s planning and zoning commission for its recommendation to City Council, which ultimately gives the final word on if the project goes and where.

    “I think that this project out there will be the biggest economic boost this community ever had and I don’t see how a few people could stop this,” Tryon said. “It’s too important.”

    Larson said resort residents are not only concerned with the drag strip, but also with talked about motorbike racing and related concessions and businesses.

    “First of all, I can’t figure what the city figures they are going to gain out of this,” Larson said. “It’s not big enough to bring in the (National Hot Rod Association.) There’s not enough room. That’s where the money is. This is going to be a local mom and pop track. The only people that are going to come and race on it are the people here, you might get a few out of Kingman and a few out of here and there, but they aren’t spending money here. They aren’t staying here. I don’t see the return on the dollar. We are concerned owners. (Some) are not full-timers, but they are here for five, six months of the year and invest a lot in this. With all the vacant land south of town, I don’t know why they aren’t looking down there. Why would they put something out here that would disrupt everything else? Why isn’t the city developing something like another RV park to the north of us?”

    In regards to living near the airport, Larson said “once in a while a plane comes in,” but the airport noise doesn’t “bother any of us.”

    “We knew it was here,” he said. “At night, you don’t hear them at all.”

    Several email messages sent to NHRA seeking comment on its potential interest in a drag strip in the city were never returned. Today’s News-Herald was unable to reach an NHRA representative by phone or to leave a message.

    A few residents living in neighborhoods lining Chenoweth Drive, on the opposite side of State Route 95 from the parcel, said they weren’t in favor of the complex.

    But Bill Dyda, a full-time resident, said he was a “car guy,” and would probably be at the races if the complex was built across the highway from his home. His wife, Mary Jane, said she likes races but didn’t want them in her backyard.

    “Nobody does,” Bill Dyda responded.

    Mark Connors, a part-year resident, said he can hear aircraft at 4 a.m. from his home.

    “I could tolerate it,” he said.

    Councilman Sonny Borrelli said he supported potential plans to construct the northern complex.

    “I think it’s a great idea to have it out there,” he said. “You have the airport out there, you got the highway and the mall. It’s real close to an industrial area. It’s just kind of a shame that there are people opposed to any type of improvement or growth in this city.”

    And Mayor Mark Nexsen said “nothing ever surprises me at this point” in regards to the new opposition.

    “They live in an industrial zone area,” he said. “Frankly, I don’t know what was expected from them in terms of whatever would be built. …We know we need those jobs (that could be associated with the complex). While there may be some opposition, in the end it is my job to do the absolute best for the community as a whole and the community is telling me: jobs, jobs, jobs. I guess people do complain, but after all, they did decide to move into an industrial zone area next to the airport.”

    You may contact the reporter at
  5. drj70
    Joined: Apr 2, 2011
    Posts: 23


    I heard about it. went to the city council meeting there was way more support in favor of than oppossed . I'd like to see it happen but ? We'll see .
  6. 57Custom300
    Joined: Aug 21, 2009
    Posts: 1,425

    from Arizona

    I hope it goes thru since I'm moving to Kingman in a few weeks.
  7. ardyboy
    Joined: Mar 5, 2008
    Posts: 664


    I've stayed in LHC for part of the winter the last three years. It's a great little hot rod town. I've watched this story on and off for the past couple of years hoping that a strip would be built but never expecting it. Good luck to the local association with this venture. I'll be watching with renewed interest. They have my vote and I'll be back.
  8. nugget32
    Joined: Aug 21, 2011
    Posts: 260


    Heard some positive news today that City Government is in favor of the new track with a final decision soon.
  9. ottos
    Joined: Jan 25, 2011
    Posts: 278


    from what I read latey, the track is going to start being created after summer and it will have pro garages, towers, race car storage rentals, and the track will be a nhra can do events there if that goes that way....this is what i read only I hope it happens but not holding breath.... I have a drag/street car im building in havasu so this would be great as my house would be 4 miles from track..
  10. gconnsr
    Joined: Sep 14, 2008
    Posts: 144

    from AZ

  11. OoltewahSpeedShop
    Joined: Oct 18, 2007
    Posts: 3,103


    Can't help but think about the last time I took my boat to Lake Havasu.

    Just Kidding. Good luck on the racetrack, everybody knows that area needs more entertainment. Between the lake parties. :rolleyes:

    Attached Files:

  12. Opposition to most anything is normal when applying to zoning and permits. I've done it twice myself in the last 20 years. Each time, I was successful getting my zoning and permits even though it was hotly contested.
    I hope they do not get discouraged when there is opposition.

    On the other hand, we have 3 nice full 1/4 mile drag strips in Arizona already and I would hate to think that a 4th will have to compete for the seemingly dwindling number of drag cars.
    Also, could not imagine running at Havasu in the summer unless it sarrts at midnight.

    Speedworld outside of Phoenix has lots of homes within spitting distance and they often run past 2am. I have personally fired and ran my blown nitro burner ther past midnight. No one seems to mind.
  13. I'm all for it!!!
  14. filthy frank
    Joined: Jan 25, 2008
    Posts: 541

    filthy frank

    more and more tracks in calif are dissappearing , and it really makes me sick ! calif speedway was a mistake ! i knew it wouldnt take long before it was gone ! i remember when i was a kid , our dad could take us to a race from trak to another ! but whats left ? pomona , only two nhra sancioned races per year , the new irwindale's 1/8 mile track , but its better than nothing ! barona's 1/8 mile track , and fomosa in bakersfield , thens theres sacromento and other tracks north of us ! but it dont matter where you want to put a track , for example IN THE MIDDLE OF NOWHERE ! NO HOUSING ! some asshole is going to complain ! when penske got into calif speedway , he didnt care about longivity , he only cared about his pocketbook ! i miss going to terminal island , palmdale , and calsbad , ocir ,lions ,and the real irwindale ! but those days are long gone ! i just wish somebody would step up with big balls to make an all around facility for everyone ! and someone with big lawyers to go against all these crybabies that are complaining all the time ruining our sport and our pastime ! southern calif was famous for the drag racing world, and i would really hate to see that go away !good luck on your track !
  15. gconnsr
    Joined: Sep 14, 2008
    Posts: 144

    from AZ

  16. Kustom.Falcon
    Joined: Nov 1, 2010
    Posts: 502


    My uncle is part of the crew trying to get this thing together. For a bunch of retirees with some time to burn, they do a pretty good job pushing this thing. I'll get some info from the source if I get a chance.
  17. nugget32
    Joined: Aug 21, 2011
    Posts: 260


    Thanks for the updates guys. Keep the info coming.
  18. I wish you AZ guys the best of luck. Nowadays, it's nearly impossible to get everybody on board to agree to a new track, and after it's built, it's nearly impossible to keep it. We have lost so many tracks here in Southern California that having a drag strip is almost a lost cause. We've had many start-up groups get hot-and-heavy into the planning stages, but after they lock horns with the local city council and the complainers, they always give up.

    You can build a track out in the middle of the boonies, and they'll still gripe. It's kind of like the people who buy their house near the airport because it's dirt-cheap, then complain about the noise.

    I really hope this works out for you guys, I really do.
  19. c-10 simplex
    Joined: Aug 24, 2009
    Posts: 1,371

    c-10 simplex

    1) List all steps involved in opening up a strip. (please no smart-butt answers)

    2) Is the main opposing factor noise?
  20. henryj1951
    Joined: Sep 23, 2012
    Posts: 2,305

    from USA

    soon i hope thats a good
    snowBIRD location for me
    and it never hurts to have family already there
    and in diego
  21. hippy killer
    Joined: Jan 11, 2011
    Posts: 210

    hippy killer

    just moved to havasu a in augest and talked to some people last night at a small show said there breaking ground in november going to be out buy lows
  22. henryj1951
    Joined: Sep 23, 2012
    Posts: 2,305

    from USA

    will be there
    in winter time
  23. nugget32
    Joined: Aug 21, 2011
    Posts: 260


    Great Bird location.Lots of motorhead stuff to do and the weather is awsome.
  24. As a ex Havasu resident, I sure hope they do, BUT I have heard this line from LHC for about 8-9 YEARS and have yet to see a christmas tree brought in :rolleyes:

    The snowbirds and the "MTV crowd" have butted heads forever in that town, and lets just say......................... MTV wont come back, Girls Gone Wild wont come back, the English Village is gone, BJs is constantly defending the noise/DJ, Sara Park STILL has no strip. I'll believe it when I hear them fire up.

    Havasu's city motto is pretty much "come on vacation, leave on probation" :D
  25. ottos
    Joined: Jan 25, 2011
    Posts: 278


    I spoke to a guy who is heavily involved in process and He said all they are waiting is on one thing and that is for water runoff that leads to lake b ut he said that should be fine as it was already approved in past and it has gotten improved since as well. hope to break ground late this year and should take 3 months to be active. Also they have room for 1/4 instead of 1000 foot if they want too...
  26. Kustom.Falcon
    Joined: Nov 1, 2010
    Posts: 502


    My inside source says shovels in the ground in February, with a single-pour, 1/4 mile, "class A," NHRA drag strip. 5 on-site garages. Also, they're looking to lease the 40,000 square foot mall across the way to turn into an NHRA-style museum complete with "Nitro Grill" restaurant.

    Sent from my DROID device using the TJJ mobile app
  27. Like I said before, I REALLY hope they do. We all have been waiting, BUT, I'll believe it when its actually happening, not when I hear "its going to happen". Hell, I might even move back.

    LHC residents, both full time and winter visitors, really complain about noise levels and have been very successfull at chasing away anything posative for that town. Thats a big reason we moved away.
  28. Kustom.Falcon
    Joined: Nov 1, 2010
    Posts: 502


    I'm with you on this. Like all things, I'll believe it when I see it. I'm only passing along what the group is saying.

    Sent from my DROID device using the TJJ mobile app
  29. According to Havasu's newspaper, they havent even submitted the proposal as of 10-27.
  30. Mr48chev
    Joined: Dec 28, 2007
    Posts: 35,005


    It's rather funny that the quitest place around is probably a drag strip that only runs a half dozen times a month at most. Of couse real estate people never schedule open house close to the tracks on race day.

    I'd offer first chance at concession jobs to kids and people who live in close by neighborhoodsd. The noise doesn't seem so loud when your kid makes his spending money selling hot dogs in the concession stand.

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