Hi sorry for the delay in reply I don't have the exact measurement but I can tell you how I worked it out. (Edit Feb 2021 - 2 and 1/4 inch chop, was supposed to be 2" but I had to take a bit more out due to error on my part) I personally don't like the radical chops and wanted this one to look like it was stock to the untrained eye but would reduce the size of the stock door window opening - which to me seams out of proportion with the rest of the body. The way I worked it out was I actually chopped the doors first. You will see the 30 coupe in the background - I figured if I made the door window height the same in the pickup as it was in the stock height coupe than if it looked ok in the coupe it would be ok in the pickup The door window opening height (hole height in the door) is 13.5 inches so that is what I made it on the pickup. Pretty sure I have read it on here somewhere (might be in this thread) is that an easy way to chop the top of the windscreen posts is to unpic the header bar, chop the top off (not in the middle of the posts) and then refit the header bar. This way you don't touch or disturb the hinges. Also much easier to chop the doors above the hinge post and that keeps it all pretty simple. For round the back of the cab I made it a bit harder becasuse I sliced some out from below the window and also cut some out from above the window. The bit above the window isn't so bad though becase you can just bend over another top edge. Not much welding required that way
Sorry for the delay in reply I need to work out how to use the thread tools better Here is an early pic of the blower set up Blower is a GM453, manifold is a 2 carb Luberg (Australian) machined flat with a custom plate to the blower - BDS blow off valve fitted to front of adaptor and pressure relief valve fitted to snout. Carb adaptors - custom machined as is the rear cover plate. Carbs are blower referenced 94's by Neville Anderson Blower snout is a modified M90 from a V6 Commadore. Oiling of blower is via main oil feed from block (oil feed and return lines not run yet - oil goes in the side of the blower and drains back to block via internal lines in adaptor plate -then back into block in front of oil breather). Custom pullies - tension on belt is via alternator - hoping to get away with 1 v belt but if it slips will chnge to 2 belts. All machine work done by 34 pickup - thanks Phil
Theres still one more out there,this is my 34 with a extra long bed.Traded or it last Sept. and I am having a ball working and driving it.
My early christmas present....believe it or not,early farmer hotrodding.Deuce cab on a 29 gmc frame.He didn't even know what it was.
DANNY, sorry for the delay, been waiting for better weather to finally get the frame painted. YES it is RED.