Small stuff, safety glasses, ear plugs, fire extinguishers, coffee pot and shop radio. The big stuff, vise, compressor, mig/tig/oxy-acet, grinders, fab table and good lights.
I started off with a grinder and drill. Now I have a small workshop with everything I need including, lathe, mill, gillo, bandsaw, drill press, welders(7 of them), oxy, plasma, 3 sand blasters...the list goes on and on. Here is a pic of my workshop to get an idea. It has taken me 10 years to get this far.
Nice going... I'm getting there but need more space than the 20 x 12 workshop I have - still better than working in the yard under a tarp.
plan on doing alot of bodywork or impacting a big compressor with a torch being the next thing a torch will replace an impact time and time again but a big compressor is needed for most other things
i'd have to say my four post lift is my most used right now.. then the air compressor, mig, band saw, 4 1/2 angle grinder.. and on and on. oh yeah, a good radio too and a comfy couch
It has taken a lifetime to collect the tools I have. There isn't much I don't have now, but I am a tool junkie. My friends come over and say, "Gee, it must be nice to have all these tools, and I ask them how their last trip to the tropics was, or how was their last trip to Vegas? I have never been there, and don't care to go." Don't smoke, don't gamble, and drink good beer in small quantities, but I do enjoy tools. One that really puts a smile on my face is my Kama bandsaw. Perfect cuts every time. The one thing I tell my friends is that there is hardly a project I do that I don't walk over and use the combination belt and disc sander. I am also thinking the best tool, as quoted by someone above might be the "big ass lock on the door" as I am deathly afraid of being ripped off.
got all them air compressors,band saws ,welders ,drill presses,b ports lathes BUT really like my PULLMAX ,ROLLER , NOW I NEED A ECKOLD, FLANGER MORE SHEET METAL EQUIPTMENT /i am just a tool whore !!!!!
I know its already been said, but a fridge with beer is the best tool in my shop. The custom ideas start flowing after a couple beers. haha
Mig welder, Compressor, Throatless shear, 4 post lift, 48" pan break, 48" slip roll, mill, lathe. Most of mine is because i do a ton of sheet metal work and its stuff that helps me do all that without having to pull out the snips and do it by hand. Matt
My blast cabnit. Considering the local blaster charges $75 an hour. After that is my compressor, welder and my hand tools.
Might not be the Most Important, but MeanGene is right. A forklift is damn handy. My back wasn't made for the real heavy stuff and the ol' hyster is the ticket. Smile every time I use it, plus it has a cool little flathead and a smooooth suicide knob that I may just have to transplant onto something else if I ever sell it.
Beer fridge....yeah thats pretty much it. cause all those tools mean nothing if you cant sit back with a frosty beverage and admire your work
"If you had to start over with nothing what order would you acquire your tools. Thanks" Same as I did originally....Cam grinder first..Then support stuff,(Lathe,mill,cutter grinder etc etc)