Anyone have a pic of a '35 '36 Ford Roadster lower "B" mount, so I know what the hell to look for? Thanks!
No photo but probably very hard to find an original...I had a pair last year,but shipped them to Sweden...they are all cast iron..a left and right hand
Yep, probably hard to find so just wanting to see one so I could maybe fabricate a pair....................
try posting on Fordbarn. Seems like someone was doing a limited run of repros a year or two ago. Probably the same guy who does the brass dash windshield inner brace pieces.
Hi Bob and Bigrat! I am the guy who bought the B-pillar brackets..... still not mounted to the car but it´s getting closer Here´s some pics of them. /Andreas.....
Andreas, thanks for posting the pic's it sure helps knowing what a part looks like! I have a guy ready to pour a few of those but needs an original set to copy. Not going to ask you to "share" but if their was some way of protecting your investment and getting them back I would like to brainstorm a little further. I have an extra set of Stanchions & under cowl Stanchion brackets for sale or trade! Would these B pillar brackets be the same on a '35 '36 Ford Phaeton?
Thanks Swedeshoebox,,Maybe you could also show him photos of the filler plates that hide these from view behind the seat....
Brigrat for your car I would just fab something out of 1/4 in steel plate. you dont have all the wood that original roadsters have, & you can weld it in which will make it even more solid.
carbuilder, yep that's what will probably happen. Just thinking I could do the steel B support and affix the original brace to it but maybe not! Hows your Roadster coming along, the one that used to be your Avatar?
Bigrat, i understand your idea!, My plan is to start putting my big puzzle back to a car pretty soon i have been waiting for a new Bradley floor for about 2 years and now my new floor is on the way from USA so i will need the brackets for the mock-up But i can make some templates for you if you like? Then you can pretty easy make a pair that looks like the originals if you are building a roadster it have to look like a roadster even when you open the doors are you going to use any of the wood? Here´s the pics showing the "filler plates"
Brigrat regretfull it & another project or 2 are up for sale due to major medical issues in my house I need back surgery 3 herenated disc & my other half is going in for major heart surgery in Dec her first phase Dec 5 then the biggie Dec 14.
I am sorry to hear all that. Hope to meet you at the next Monroe Swap Meet and hope things will be getting better soon for you both. Lon
Sorry old post but it's an update! Patience pay's off, just picked up a set of original under stanchion supports and what's supposed to be NOS lower "B" pillar brackets, one not drilled yet. Now just have to fab up the covers you posted Swedshoebox.....................................
Picked up a set of savable "filler plates" for the roadster, never seen any after markets offered so if there is any interest may have a few sets made up!