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Vintage shots from days gone by!

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by Dog427435, Dec 18, 2009.

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  1. Chris Garner
    Joined: Dec 2, 2010
    Posts: 101

    Chris Garner

    The top photograph is a still from the 1953 film " Genevieve " The car is a 1904 Spyker and depicts Kenneth More as Ambrose Claverhouse and Kay Kendall as Rosalind Peters. The plot involves a race between the car and another veteran, a 1904 Darracq, and is recommended viewing. It is a very British film and very funny.
  2. jimi'shemi291
    Joined: Jan 21, 2009
    Posts: 9,499


    C'mon, sing along!:D

    "And we'll have fun, fun, fun,
    'til daddy ..."

    OK, never mind.:eek:

    Posted by Gary/SWI66
  3. Smirnoff
    Joined: Jun 17, 2009
    Posts: 151


  4. Ester Eddie
    Joined: Feb 26, 2012
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    Ester Eddie
    from Alaska

    Thanks for sharing what this is from.I found it on Photo bucket and there was no description :)
  5. jimi'shemi291
    Joined: Jan 21, 2009
    Posts: 9,499


    Kind of a THEN&NOW item here.:)

    Most of us (myself included) wouldn't tend to think of 1939 as being one
    of Plymouth's brightest years, despite the fact that, since 1928, they'd
    gone OVER 3 million cars! Also, brave little Plymouth had bouyed Chrysler
    and DeSoto though the awful Airflow debacle -- which proved that you really
    can build cars TOO GOOD.:eek: (Being Chrysler's "experimental" wing -- much
    as Pontiac was GM's -- DeSoto, with nothing to offer but Airflows, nearly
    went the way of the Dodo bird!:p)


    Me, I think the '39 sedans look a little dumpy and unbalanced:rolleyes:, but the coupes looked right
    decent. The company went with the split windshield which, seems to me, borrowed from the
    Packard line at the time, My two bits there!


    Who'd have thought that PLYMOUTH would be the only company to build a rumbleseat
    car in '39? Not only that, it was the last U.S. rumbleseat model of all, ending a trend that
    had started in the 1920s.:( The example here, shown in the W.P. Chrysler Museum, re-
    presents one of the rarest and most valuable Plymouth cars of all, being that it has the
    open feature and the rumbleseat. Amazingly (to me anywho!) is that the top was hydrau-
    lically operated. Wow, things to COME, eh?

    I DO NOT KNOW when the REAL rumbleseat trend started:confused: in the '20s, though there
    are probably some earlier bodies people might argue were "rumbleseat" equipped.:rolleyes:

    I asked my Dad once why the rumbleseat died out of demand. His answer impressed me by
    its simple truth.:cool: Even though the Great Depression was going on through the '30s,
    roads and highways were generally improving steadily -- many places, anyway. Auto
    design kept pace. Dad said, with cars traveling faster, it became increasingly impractical
    to ride in the wind.:mad: The days of the leisurely, lollygagging drive, with two folks in the
    rumble, became a thing of the past.:rolleyes:
    Last edited: Dec 14, 2012
  6. jimi'shemi291
    Joined: Jan 21, 2009
    Posts: 9,499


    <!-- / icon and title -->

    Though this '39 Plexiglas "bubble top" Plymouth has been shown on this thread before, this
    is the best photo of it that I have seen. It was posted on the Hemmings blogs by well-known
    car writer Daniel Strohl who sourced it from the HAMB's T-Head :cool:(Dave Greenlees). After
    shepherding a pretty popular HAMB vintage-photo thread, "History in Black and White,"
    David founded the online vintage magazine most of us are familiar with: "The OLD MOTOR.";)

    Dave noted that the top appeared to be in two pieces, to cover the length of the Plymouth
    P8 Deluxe four-door convertible sedan, one of less than 400 such cars built that year.
    The tires were white rubber, the paint, pearl. NICE show package! David further noted
    that Plexiglas was patented in 1933, with a first market appearance by '36, making it
    possible that Plymouth engineers and designers were first to get the bubble-top idea --
    ahead of Pontiac's show car.;)

    Also, HAMBer ehdubya thinks it's probably the same car that was called the "Talking
    Plymouth" at the '39-'40 New York World's Fair -- one of the stars depicted in Chrysler&#8217;s
    &#8216;Five Star Motor Show&#8217; fair brochure. He said it's thought have been designed by Loewy
    agency employee Oliver Lincoln Lundquist. (Interestingly, the car "spoke" in the voice
    of radio personality "Major" Bowes!):p

    Okay, folks. EhDubya said he'd found a photo, showing that the Plymouth at the '39/'40 world's fair was definitely NOT the bubble-top (experimental/promo/concept) discussed a little earlier! Just setting the record straight! Thanks, ehdubya, for your research!
    Last edited: Dec 14, 2012
  7. indybigjohn
    Joined: May 22, 2008
    Posts: 1,713

    Member Emeritus

    "For the love of Mike. When did it become a crime:rolleyes: to be a veteran, a patriot, to value a work ethic, or to adhere to a religious faith (any of many)??? We used to call the U.S. a 'melting pot,' where all were welcome, SO LONG as they swore allegiance, learned the standard language (in addition to their own), and brought talent and/or a good, strong back and arms to make the country better. I guess that was the era when the Statue of Liberty was built. Sorry if that sounds political."

    Jimi - I spent 30 years in the newspaper business and I consider myself pretty good with words, but I could not have put that any better. Thank you.
    <!-- / message -->
  8. RT HEMI
    Joined: Dec 3, 2012
    Posts: 16


    my 58 Pontiac Star Chief had this radio !!<label for="rb_iconid_10">[​IMG]</label>It's called a "sportable".... less than 1% had this option !!!!!:cool:
  9. jimi'shemi291
    Joined: Jan 21, 2009
    Posts: 9,499


    Thanks, BigJohn, but it was more than I started out to say.:eek: Heck, being originally from a newspaper background, I guess it at least came out TIGHT:p -- one of the tenets of proper journalism. On rereading it, I realize that it does sound like a letter-to-the-editor, doesn't it?

    When somebody abuses a vet, a current serviceman/woman, or a woman, the elderly, or a child, I see red.:mad:
  10. jimi'shemi291
    Joined: Jan 21, 2009
    Posts: 9,499


    Art thanks to Vintage Los Angeles
  11. jimi'shemi291
    Joined: Jan 21, 2009
    Posts: 9,499


    Hollywood and Vine, 1949, thanks to FlickR member Nick Faitos.
  12. tinsled
    Joined: Sep 7, 2007
    Posts: 614


  13. tinsled
    Joined: Sep 7, 2007
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  14. jimi'shemi291
    Joined: Jan 21, 2009
    Posts: 9,499


    Okey-dokey! :rolleyes: People seemd to like seeing a couple of Yosemite's "Big Trees"
    a couple of nights back! Most of the trees pictured on the 'net are in Yosemite
    National Park, most of those in "Mariposa Grove." You'll notice that the
    Wawona "drive-through" Sequoia is probably the most photographed of the
    giants. The cut-through was accomplished in 1881 when two men were hired,
    at $75, the pair, to cut through the tree. (Now, THAT must have been one
    HARD day's work! :D)

    Any-who, enjoy the pix, BUT here's a contest nobody, probably can win!:eek:
    ID and date as many cars as you can! Commentary WELCOME on individual
    photos, folks! :)
    [LEFT][SIZE=2][FONT=arial][COLOR=black][IMG][/IMG] [/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE]










    [SIZE=2][FONT=arial][COLOR=black][LEFT]<TABLE class=en_img_tbl><TBODY><TR><TD class=en_img_tbl>[IMG]$T2eC16JHJG8E9nyfmI-cBQ(5ivVH-w~~60_57.JPG[/IMG][/LEFT][/COLOR][LEFT][/left][/FONT][LEFT][/left][/SIZE][LEFT]

    Last edited: Dec 15, 2012
  15. tinsled
    Joined: Sep 7, 2007
    Posts: 614


  16. tinsled
    Joined: Sep 7, 2007
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    with Love from Sweden...
  17. tinsled
    Joined: Sep 7, 2007
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  18. tinsled
    Joined: Sep 7, 2007
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  19. tinsled
    Joined: Sep 7, 2007
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    Sweetheart of all times...
  20. 327-365hp
    Joined: Feb 5, 2006
    Posts: 5,435

    from Mass

    Here's 3 easy ones to guess, to add to Jimmys Wawona Tree Quiz. These were "tour buses" operated by Yosemite Park. These orignal photos have the time and date penciled on the back. You could purchase the photo of your group at the lodge.




    Here's a hint... they are all Pierce Arrows. First one is around 1908, second is about 1918 and of course 1928.
    Last edited: Dec 14, 2012
  21. tinsled
    Joined: Sep 7, 2007
    Posts: 614


  22. tinsled
    Joined: Sep 7, 2007
    Posts: 614


    Hey, It's Friday night, at last - thank god!
  23. fbi9c1
    Joined: Sep 29, 2010
    Posts: 1,375


    Ill take a shot at the "easier ones", '50 Ford, '36 Plymouth, '50 Mercury, another '36 Plymouth?, '40 Mercury, '49 Olds, '47 Chev wagon at the drive though tree in Sequoia. I think the others are all at Yosemite.
  24. BELAIR1957
    Joined: Oct 14, 2009
    Posts: 61

    from PA

    What car!!!!!!!!!1
  25. BELAIR1957
    Joined: Oct 14, 2009
    Posts: 61

    from PA

    what car!!!!!!!!
  26. BillSharp
    Joined: Oct 25, 2012
    Posts: 22



    With all due respect, my opinion differs. I think we all miss a lot by only seeing the bad news. Today, bad makes news. Back in the day and before today's instant communication, we rarely heard about stuff that went on two counties over, let alone in the next state.

    My older cousin, Darv Purvis from Mars, PA, had five or six tanks shot out from under him in WW II, and my Uncle Vic Renno was in the Navy and served during the invasion of Sicily. They were highly respected, as were all veterans. One of my good friends was a Navy Seal in Vietnam and today suffers the long-term effects of Agent Orange, and he is respected by us all for his service.

    Moving to today and talking about respect, my adopted step-son enlisted in the Army as a way out of lousy circumstances and to escape an unbalanced mother. He's been educated, become an orthopedic surgeon, had two (2) tours in the Middle East, and is now on duty at the White House. I'm so proud of Capt. (soon to be Major) John Walker that it brings tears to my eyes.

    Most of us still highly respect our military personnel.
  27. jimi'shemi291
    Joined: Jan 21, 2009
    Posts: 9,499


    er, hmmm! Noticed the porn catalog cover disappeared in minutes.
    Wrong thread. Probably even the wrong internet forum.

    Hotrodders traditionally love the ladies, which is why half the hotrods and customs ever got built! :D LOL. The combo is: noisy, fast scratch-built machines, traditional vintage Rock&Roll music and, of course, babes (throw in burgers, fries & shake at the nearest drive-in 'spoon!).:cool:

    We may joke a little about gals showing a little skin at the track, etc.:p, but it's all done in a good-humored, tongue-in-cheek manner, ya know?

    In the old days, the PORN (or even pix borrowed from an older brother's Playboy) were MEANT to be in your bedroom, UNDER the bed, where -- inevitably! -- your mother would find them! :eek: Yike.
    Last edited: Dec 14, 2012
  28. 327-365hp
    Joined: Feb 5, 2006
    Posts: 5,435

    from Mass

    These two at Wawona are "tour buses" operated by Yosemite Park. These are probably both made by White. Previous to this they used the vehicles I posted above.


  29. jimi'shemi291
    Joined: Jan 21, 2009
    Posts: 9,499


    Well said, Bill. :) And actually, I think rather than "differing," your comments augment and underscore that HAMBers support our past and present military personnel. Matter of fact, in my four brief years on the HAMB, I've noticed that numerous guys and gals from the military do frequent the HAMB pages! GREAT. Since many are far from home, anything we can do to help them get by, be entertained AND feel "connected" to home, so much the better. :cool: God bless them all.
  30. tinsled
    Joined: Sep 7, 2007
    Posts: 614


    Yup, Big Brother is watching us.

    Whatever, that's our past, g'd ol' days... Sigh. hypocrisy is creeping in.
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