Not so new to the H.A.M.B. but I recently moved out to Colorado from the Carolinas. Going to school here in Boulder on my G.I. bill. Just a shout out and hello to hambers in the area. Also I could use any tips tuning my 352 for the altitude. Thanks, Ted
Greetings from Durango. Find someone who still works on carbs and have it rejetted. Adjust the timming also.
Welcome. Anything you can do to lean out your fuel mixture will help, a little less choke when cold, leaner idle mixture, more advance in timing. And just make sure everything else is in proper order; plugs, wires, filters and so on. I avoid going inside the carb, It easier to readjust when visiting lower altitudes again. Boulder is not very high so I wouldn't worry about it much. Even when running at it's best you'll still feel like you lost a little power.
Thanks for the welcome. I see there are a few other new guys in the Colorado area. Anyone around here braving the weather and still doing any cruises?
welcome from Denver no more cruising for me for a while, tearing into an engine replacement and wiring job
I think there are a few people in Boulder, but there are a lot of people in the surrounding areas. No cruising now, but I did take my gasser out over the weekend for a quick drive in 28-degree weather, but at least it was sunny! I bet people in Boulder look at your Ford in amazement! Not much up there but Priuss and Subarus!
Damn EX-hippies! Welcome from Greeley-There are some great guys from Co. here {not the prettiest-but still bunch!} check out the Colorado member group~ I've gone to a couple get togethers with these folks & had a blast,NO DRAMA! made some great friends/contacts,
Welcome to 50 square miles surrounded by reality!!!! Cruz'in will not be happening till May but the Colorado HAMBer's are getting together in Feb.(see their site). Also big swap meet in Feb. Welcome to the state and maybe I'll see ya at one of the gatherings.
Ha, my other car is the subaru behind the Galaxie in the above picture picture. 46Steel, the carb is an Autolite 21xx series.
Well at least you'll be able to blend in with the Hippies in the Suby! Welcome to CO from just over the hill on 287 & hwy 36. Hit me up once the Mag Chloride gets rinsed off the roads we'll make our own cruise!
New to H.A.M.B. from Lafayette, CO. I grew up watching 1/4 mile dirt races at Vallejo Speedway, Vallejo, CA . . . moved to Colorado in 1982 and took my kids to the 1/5 mile asphalt track at Lakeside Speedway until it closed in 1987.