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Is it just us car guys?

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by borderboy1971, Jan 12, 2013.

  1. traffic61
    Joined: Jun 15, 2009
    Posts: 1,550

    from Owasso, OK

    How about in the classic film Dr. No, when Bond is being driven in a '57 Chevy Convertible, but when they show the dash it is in no way a Chevy?
  2. junkyardjeff
    Joined: Jul 23, 2005
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    I even found not so era correct toys in The Christmas Story,when they were looking in the stores window there were some Radio Flyer wagons with the red caps on the wheels and the same thing with the tricycles inside the store. Other then that they done a great job of keeping it period correct.
  3. Mike51Merc
    Joined: Dec 5, 2008
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    When Ralph Kramden slams the door, the entire wall moves!
  4. Shane Spencer
    Joined: Oct 3, 2009
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    Shane Spencer

    Some of My family are fans of sons of anarchy. I recall one episode the "mechanic" was working on a bike when another character walked up and asked what he was workin on. Claimed to be rebuilding the transmission...... While pulling off the front forks. Theres been numerous instances on that show. And i agree, the show vegas has numerous things as well. Either way, i try to look past it all while watching a show or movie

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  5. kyvetteman
    Joined: May 13, 2012
    Posts: 759


    My ex-wife said I ruined every movie we watched by pointing out incorrect era cars, clothing and other props. It's obvious to me, must not be to everyone else. Maybe one reason why she's my ex-wife. :D
  6. When I start being a arm chair critic and start to point out all the faults,,I know not to look over at ladyhrp,because I know that my Brown Eyed Girl has a fixed look of displeasure.:rolleyes: HRP
  7. deto
    Joined: Jun 26, 2010
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    My brother always gets annoyed because we will be watching low budget tv shows or a movie and I will point out some technical inaccuracy and he always responds "so that's what ruined the show for you? Really?"

    Anybody notice in "walk the line" one of the cars on the street has polished torq thrusts on it? It's the only mistake I could find in that movie concerning cars...

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  8. tommy
    Joined: Mar 3, 2001
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    My buddy and I went to see 'The worlds fastest Indian" Half way through the movie my buddy said he drove the Chevy across the desert in park!!!:D I just like things to be as accurate as possible. A character flaw I guess. To me it's attention to detail. If I was a director I'd tell the pops guy the dates of the scenes and I better not see any thing newer than those dates in the back ground.
  9. The 57 ford in thunder road makes a six or four banger exhaust noise. War movies drive me nuts too.
  10. Nitro-Nicky
    Joined: Sep 23, 2009
    Posts: 28


    For me it's always been the gun movies and the novels. I just can't finish a book when the character rotates the cylinder on his 'Glock'. But lately I've gotten my man drawers all up in a wad over over these reality shows. Take for instance the newest one: Amish Mafia- Before being released, It was described by the network as a 'likeness' idea, to be filmed by actors about alleged rumors and stories. Yet everyone I talk with thinks these are real Amish people doing real documented activities.
    I'd rather look for more truth & accuracy in Speed Racer reruns.... Nitro-Nicky
  11. Cruiser
    Joined: May 29, 2006
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    Movies are fantasies on a budget, if they made every detail perfect they would lose money and be over budget. I will pick a car apart if it lacks good detail or poor design. Movies are just that for entertainment, if they get things wrong or miss something, so what, as long as it's entertaining. :D

    CRUISER :cool:
  12. Dynaflash_8
    Joined: Sep 24, 2008
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    from Auburn WA

    ever notice how EVERY SINGLE CAR in that movie is an LTD?
  13. Dynaflash_8
    Joined: Sep 24, 2008
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    from Auburn WA

    Also, the movie Lawless showed a 25 TT truck with a Gm 10 bolt and hairpins.
  14. HEY! It's us car GIRLS too.... I flinched last night during a preview for Gangster Squad. Chase scene = wrecked rides. The fellas always tell me to shut up when I point out the automotive spoilers :)
  15. philo426
    Joined: Sep 20, 2007
    Posts: 2,097


    yeah all the time!IWhen I was watching the first episode of Vegas the cars were wrong for '60.The producers figure most people won't notice or care but we do!
  16. Post Apocalyptic Kustoms
    Joined: Oct 21, 2012
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    Post Apocalyptic Kustoms
    from Outside

    Ever notice how the silver '57 Chevy in American Graffiti has modern radials on it?

    The thing I hate the most it that EVERY time a car moves the tires squeal, stopping, turning, hell even when they are parked it seems like. Even modern cars in movies do this. Pretty sure since the advent of disk brakes and radial tires cars haven't squealed around corners doing 20 mph for the last 50 years.

    Or the scene in that recent movie where johhny depp plays john dillenger. The same scene, one view he's in a '34 Ford, the next scene, at the same stop light in the (supposed) same car, he's in a Chevy. WTF?
  17. ken1939
    Joined: Jul 5, 2008
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    The 15 shot revolver.. Squeeling tires on dirt was already touched on.

    Its not just car guys lol.
  18. Mazooma1
    Joined: Jun 5, 2007
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    I cringe at seeing Donald Duck not wearing pants.
    HELLO DISNEY.....wearing a little blue jacket is NOT being fully dressed.


    DISNEY knows this is NOT proper, 'cause when Donald gets out of the shower, he wraps himself in a towel so he's fully covered up.
    But when it's time to go see Daisy, he's go NO pants!

    You ever wonder why society these days is so screwed up????
    IT"S because kids think that Ducks don't need pants.

  19. tfeverfred
    Joined: Nov 11, 2006
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    I'm usually watching the movie for entertainment, not a history lesson. Any movie or TV show can be picked apart, but if you're looking THAT close, well, it's kinda anal. Counting bullets in a shoot out. Looking for missing hubcaps. trivial compared to the overall content. HOWEVER, sometimes it's just too obvious, but that's usually a movie on a tight budget.
  20. its a classic
    Joined: Jul 15, 2010
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    its a classic
    from montana

    fast and furious, the first one especially! thats all i have to say...
  21. Lowriders Art Gallery
    Joined: Apr 9, 2010
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    Lowriders Art Gallery
    from Montana

    You want a real good movie with lots of cars gaining and losing headliners, and doors. Thunder and Lightning has it all. Dashboards change colors, wheels change, all on one 57 Chevy during a chase. Great movie though.
    Joined: Feb 21, 2010
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    Engine sounds & speedometer views that don't match with the model car/truck
  23. Mr48chev
    Joined: Dec 28, 2007
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    I thought that was part of being a certified car guy:D And sometimes you have to have something to do during a movie that your significant other just had to see and dragged you to it. Can't remember the story line but remember that the ___________________ in the _____________ scene was all wrong for the time period.
  24. Devin
    Joined: Dec 28, 2004
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    from Napa, CA

    I'm a chef and for the life of me I can't watch about anything cooking or food related without doubling my blood pressure. Half the so called "chefs" on these shows can barely hold a knife lol.

    Posted from the TJJ App for iPhone & iPad
  25. like in shawshank redemption the character supposedly excapes in 66 and they show him driving a 68 lemauns after the excape

    and as was mentioned the tv show vegas i was really wanting to watch it and like it but the first car they showed in it was 3 or 4 years too new for 1960 then all the other "future" cars being in it just soured the whole deal for me
  26. go-twichy
    Joined: Jul 22, 2010
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    do we have to explain the birds and bees???
  27. chrisp
    Joined: Jan 27, 2007
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    There's a great scene in Deep Impact when they are on the asteroid heading toward hearth... They drive over grass with their lunar module.
    I was watching a US made movie that happens in Japan: not a single RHD car?
    Sometimes it's just funny to look for mistakes like that.
  28. Jims35
    Joined: Dec 22, 2009
    Posts: 279


    That one can happen, we had country roads out here before the were graveled that were packed sand in the desert areas, packed hard almost like concrete until it rained, you could do burn outs. Done it lots of times.
  29. The37Kid
    Joined: Apr 30, 2004
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    "Fried Green Tomatoes" a 30-31 Ford pickup drives into a lake or river, and they pull out a 33-34 Ford pickup that is missing the engine.
  30. Fenders
    Joined: Sep 8, 2007
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    Or puts a silencer on his revolver...
    happened more than once in a novel... blame the author, blame his (or her) editor...

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