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Vintage shots from days gone by!

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by Dog427435, Dec 18, 2009.

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  1. Ester Eddie
    Joined: Feb 26, 2012
    Posts: 3,988

    Ester Eddie
    from Alaska

  2. leon renaud
    Joined: Nov 12, 2005
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    leon renaud
    from N.E. Ct.

    Last edited: Jan 27, 2013
  3. dblnkle
    Joined: Jul 22, 2011
    Posts: 9

    from washington

    This is the ferry to the south end of Vashon Island. The ferry from the North end went to West Seattle. I lived there for forty years. Glad to no longer depend on the ferries.
  4. Ducky is NCIS...
  5. leon renaud
    Joined: Nov 12, 2005
    Posts: 1,937

    leon renaud
    from N.E. Ct.

    Ya my screw up ! NCIS is my favorite to with Abby! Going to have to fix that
  6. donbmw
    Joined: Jan 21, 2013
    Posts: 9

    from Monroe LA

    Anyone know what this is about.
  7. Checkerwagon
    Joined: Jul 30, 2007
    Posts: 449


    "Anyone know what this is about" Attempted robbery..per the file name.
  8. starwalker
    Joined: Sep 5, 2010
    Posts: 707


    That looks like my 1st cousin from Oklahoma. What year?
  9. John T Conover
    Joined: Nov 9, 2010
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    John T Conover
    from US

    Go to the USC Digital Library here and search 'robbery attempt inglewood cafe', there's 5 sets of pictures there.
  10. chevyhound
    Joined: Dec 26, 2008
    Posts: 38

    from usa

    Be careful what you wish for... You may just get it.
  11. dmorago
    Joined: Nov 18, 2012
    Posts: 228


    Is it just me, or is that horizontal grille staring at her vertical stripes ?
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  12. Ester Eddie
    Joined: Feb 26, 2012
    Posts: 3,988

    Ester Eddie
    from Alaska

    . Robbery attempt (Inglewood cafe on Manchester), 30 December 1957. Roger A. Hoskins (Suspect) -- 19 yrs.; Howard Scott -- 19 yrs. (Suspect in jail); Officer Tony Mascola; James Triggs (hostage); Evelyn Shane (hostage). (Olmo negatives).; Caption slip reads: "Photographer: Olmo. Date: 1957-12-30. Reporter: Adler. Assignment: Holduppers. 5-6: Suspect Roger A. Hoskins, 19, at Inglewood station. 9-10: Suspect Howard Scott, 19, in Inglewood jail. 7-8: Inglewood Officer Tony Mascola holding two phony guns found on suspects. 1: Suspect Howard Scott, nylon stocking over face, emerges from rear door of bar with hostage Evelyn Shane ahead of him. Tear gas slightly envelops [sic] them. 75/76/77/78: Suspect Howard Scott and hostage Evelyn Shane behind broken window in back entrance of bar, try to get fresh air after tear gas had been shot through door. 2. Roger hoshkins, susp. 3: Hostage James Triggs". Edits: "Suspect Howard Scott, nylon stocking over face, emerges from rear door of bar -- with hostage Evelyn Shane ahead of him".
  13. dmorago
    Joined: Nov 18, 2012
    Posts: 228


    Cops in suites and ties! What planet are they on?
  14. Ester Eddie
    Joined: Feb 26, 2012
    Posts: 3,988

    Ester Eddie
    from Alaska

  15. rodney woolnough
    Joined: Mar 11, 2008
    Posts: 131

    rodney woolnough
    from tasmania

    Thanks, i think I understand.Does any body remember the double page ads
    in the sixties,, in the sat post, that showed all the US cars in profile I think it was a Firestone ad
  16. I have discovered how to show an enlarged picture of images on that site ( and many others ) Here is a link to that image
  17. Ester Eddie
    Joined: Feb 26, 2012
    Posts: 3,988

    Ester Eddie
    from Alaska

  18. My old street gasser, 1974
  19. Ester Eddie
    Joined: Feb 26, 2012
    Posts: 3,988

    Ester Eddie
    from Alaska

  20. I was 17 when I got my dad's 60 Caddy. I didn't keep it long.
  21. dmorago
    Joined: Nov 18, 2012
    Posts: 228


    Got to love the large format file negative cameras of the past. Just hard to compare. Dick M
  22. My 1st build @ 15 years old. If you think this is bad, you should have seen it when I first got it.
  23. Ester Eddie
    Joined: Feb 26, 2012
    Posts: 3,988

    Ester Eddie
    from Alaska

    What ended up happening to it ?
  24. Tucker Fan 48
    Joined: Oct 21, 2010
    Posts: 650

    Tucker Fan 48
    from Maui

    This one????


    Attached Files:

  25. @ Ester Eddie, sold it off to pick up another project and put it on the road. 1956 Chrysler 354 Hemi. Repainted it black and left the engine compartment white with all chrome and silver painted goodies. I wish I had a photo of that car.

    PS Also nosed and decked it and shaved the front bumper.
  26. Deuce Daddy Don
    Joined: Apr 27, 2008
    Posts: 5,568

    Deuce Daddy Don

    Failed the smog test!!!
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