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Event Coverage Knock Out

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by Ryan, Jan 28, 2013.

  1. zep058
    Joined: Jan 9, 2007
    Posts: 599


    Well it's about time you guys got your shit together and finally stopped awarding AMBR to abortions.

  2. <iframe width="640" height="480" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

    Sorry about that,,this is my personal opinion and does not reflect on Ryans editorial! :D HRP
  3. when i did my GNRS escapade i threw the judging sheet and hope to never find it again:p
    most coments were "poor" , well i did that and had a great time and dont ever need to do it again, just like detroit last year one parking ticket is enough for my life in Detroit:eek:
  4. flathead okie
    Joined: May 22, 2005
    Posts: 1,480

    flathead okie

    This is what I needed today, .....a good laugh. Thanks
  5. injunjoes
    Joined: May 8, 2007
    Posts: 236


    well deserved win!
  6. notrod13
    Joined: Dec 13, 2005
    Posts: 1,022

    from long beach

    i love your writing ryan now go hit yourself in the head with that 38.

    congrats to the car that lived in the rafters.....

    Hell of a good job Roy! See you in Bonneville Mumford.
  7. HomemadeHardtop57
    Joined: Nov 15, 2007
    Posts: 4,335


    I'm wondering how many have sent him a "welcome" PM
  8. big creep
    Joined: Feb 5, 2008
    Posts: 2,944

    big creep

    you should call


  9. Mr48chev
    Joined: Dec 28, 2007
    Posts: 34,634


    I think you nailed that one:D Someone's significant other's computer now goes by Judge1.
  10. NickJT
    Joined: Jul 17, 2012
    Posts: 640

    from S.E. PA

  11. 1. that car is awesome
    2. despite past failures, feel that this time the 'judges' actually did honour to the trophy and name, and whilst there are a couple others cars which are also standouts, hopefully in future years the pattern will continue


  12. You guys got punked.....I fell for the same gag back in 2010.....:D

    "Meanwhile, the reactionary Jalopy Journal Best Roadster trophy, intended to serve as a counterpart to the AMBR’s recent preference for flashy street rod-style cars, went to the 1928 Ford of Logan Davis, a simple, windshield-less highboy that appears straight out of 1948. Interestingly, at least three cars shortlisted for the Jalopy Journal award overlapped with the short list of AMBR contenders.

    Could it be that the AMBR judges now appreciate authentic traditional hot rods, or have they simply shortlisted those few to placate hot rod" malcontents?

    - By Daniel Strohl

    You can change the world! Thanks Ryan! It's great to see that in 10 or 20 years guys won't be saying "what were those guys thinking" with the winners this year and last year. I think the clown cars are gone for good, at least I hope so!
  13. fab32
    Joined: May 14, 2002
    Posts: 13,985

    Member Emeritus

    After so many Boyd 'bortions it's a breath of fresh air to see a hot Rod win. Thanks John for putting up the $$$'s and thanks Roy for showing the restraint (combined with the talent and skill of your crew) to put an appropiate contender in the winners circle. Even if it never happens again we can all say that finally here is a car that can stand proudly next to the Neikamp AMBR.

  14. Great write up,
    enjoyed the one in the calendar too.

    I prefer a punch to the throat,
    don't want someones dna on my hand cannon.
  15. deto
    Joined: Jun 26, 2010
    Posts: 2,619


    It's funny how nobody thought this thread was disrespectful until this ass clown takes the time to become a registered member to complain about feeling disrespected. What did you learn fucking new guy? Now do an intro you silly goose...

    Posted from the TJJ App for iPhone & iPad
  16. my exact feelings ryan. see ya a t the roundup
  17. seatex
    Joined: Oct 24, 2006
    Posts: 2,670


    AHA! So now we know who voted for the New MonkeeMobile!!!:rolleyes:
  18. Blue One
    Joined: Feb 6, 2010
    Posts: 11,475

    Blue One
    from Alberta

    The winner is a beautiful roadster to be sure, but the GNRS show grounds are hallowed, not hollowed ;)
  19. mgbtc
    Joined: Dec 22, 2006
    Posts: 112


    Still wish you had come by for a drink. A good show all in all.
  20. flamingokid
    Joined: Jan 5, 2005
    Posts: 2,203


    Screw the .38,you can borrow my 45.
  21. truckjim
    Joined: May 21, 2011
    Posts: 166


    thought it was just me that 'got' the satire of the satire.

    OK! I read the rest of the posts and you guys are right on. This was a really good 'punk'. Thanks Ryan. Funny thing is this was going to be my first GNRS. Went to a swap meet instead.
    Last edited: Jan 28, 2013
    Joined: May 11, 2011
    Posts: 292


    Thats exactly what I was thinking!
  23. 296 V8
    Joined: Sep 17, 2003
    Posts: 4,666

    296 V8
    from Nor~Cal

    So thats our 38 update? :D
  24. weez
    Joined: Dec 5, 2002
    Posts: 860


    I'm confused about who's being facetious, (or am I?)

    In other news, I'm extremely stoked that a beautiful car with no lame stuff won! Darryl and Roy gave me a tour of it on Thursday and I was drooling... I want to just take that engine home and sing lullabies to it while weeping quietly.
  25. n.z.rodder
    Joined: Nov 18, 2008
    Posts: 1,015


    So...... same again next year then.:p

    Joined: May 6, 2012
    Posts: 325

    :D...about the .38. You weren't using one of those new-fangled composite or titanium framed girlie guns were you? You need an old-school Colt - Officers Model or Police Positive. Three pounds of steel, plus Hamb friendly... or use what I use - a 10" piece of #8 rebar dipped in multiple coats of bedliner:eek:
  27. flamingokid
    Joined: Jan 5, 2005
    Posts: 2,203


    No,the Police Positive and the Officers Model revolver are just too damn ugly(although a semi O.M. is way more stylish)I'm thinking a Colt Detective snub nose or an early Colt snake gun(pre 64,of course) to give our film noir hero the style that he deserves.
  28. It's good to see a real hot rod win @ GNRS. It's been a while.......
  29. Gambino_Kustoms
    Joined: Oct 14, 2005
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    Alliance Vendor

    a big congrats to roy Darryl and john beautifly done
  30. Hot Rods Ta Hell
    Joined: Apr 20, 2008
    Posts: 4,702

    Hot Rods Ta Hell

    Guillape Journal. Shit Tom I love it. The big wigs running the show never caught on.

    For fun, I pull the alias, pseudonym crap all the time. I never use my real name when making restaurant reservations, etc. just to see if people catch on.

    Long live Floyd Lippencote Jr.!!

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