Anyone here a garage slob like me? Seems no matter how many times I straighten it out, it becomes a mess and leave it for another time. Wondering if it's laziness or just don't know how to arrange things.
Yeah I here ya!! In my younger days the garage was always a big mess but since I retired I now have the time to clean it up a little(now I have a little mess!!) Pete
I guess I qualify. Every time I get to the garage I go to work on something and the cleaning goes to the wayside. I have found if I go there during the day without the intention of doing any actual work on anything it ends up getting a quick clean.
A month ago I had my Sheetrock finished and I painted the garage. I told myself I was going to keep it like that. It was for about a week, now I trash it for a couple of days and it gets to the point I can't stand it then I will clean it and start the vicious cycle all over again.
Just like excessive hand washing and overly repetetive activities,A spotless shop is a sure sign of mental illness....... Having said that I have been given a clean bill of health.
I'm much better with keeping my stuff organized *IF* everything has its place. If so, I'm usually not bad about putting it back in its spot. But a lot of my stuff doesn't have a place so it gets placed wherever....causing a mess eventually. For me, spending some time making sure everything has a "home" goes a long way with keeping things organized.
It's about time management and thinking past the end of your nose. It does take 2 mins extra maybe 10 to put stuff away. Those2-10 mins can be better spent doing something else more productive. Later you need to find the stuff you didn't put away now that takes 30-120 mins. So if you are one of those types that can do 2 hrs worth of work in 2 mins them you can afford to not put shit away. You probably can afford to hire someone to help you look for crap too.
Yeah, but I'm working on it. My buddy Rick (FlamedChevy here) has one of those organized, eat off the floor shops... I have a everything on the floor in a pile shop. By since I sold my Belair I'm taking a break between projects to regroup and organize.. Throwing shit out, optimizing space, etc. Today I'm building a heavy duty welding / cutting table.
I put shit away only if I fall over it and bleed as a result. Friends and family enter at their own risk.I do try to replace burn out light bulbs occasionally. It's really not fair if they stumble over shit they can't see.
Every time i try to 'clean' the garage- i get a crap load of folks thinking i'm having a garage sell! NO I won't take $5 for that intake! ok i'll sell those wheels......hey wait i might need those later????
This is how I left my garage last night. I'll pick up the washers and brass fittings on the bench as soon as I need to putt something on it. The plastic box is where I keep my leftover gaskets where I just found a full set of new valve O rings that I just reordered. Amazing how I get anything done.
I usually work until I'm beat, kill the lights and go in. Next morning, hot coffee and cleanup time. Can't stand stepping over yesterday's mess.
No shop but all my tools and parts/car stuff in kept in a School bus and it gets pretty crazy in there.
If your shop is messy but you can find what you're looking for then that's great. But, if you're shop is messy and you can't find the $400 worth of parts you just ordered so you have to order them again, that's when you need to pick up or reorganize.
Yes, it's a mess. I tend to work until I get pissed at not finding something. Then I do a major cleanup, and then I can't find anything after that!
On my last cleanup,in a mountain of tools ,I found my wedding ring that I had lost 3 months ago at the bottom of the pile. That should tell you something. Oldmics
I did pick up some cardboard boxes from the garage floor full of Falcon parts and moved them to the trunk of the Falcon and found two sockets I have been looking for since I put the car on the back burner while I installed power steering on the '48 Plymouth and changed a cracked head on the Cad engine in the '48 Ford. Hey I might have had a breakthrough. Maybe I should just do one thing at a time.
I go through after I complete a project and try to clean up as much as I can. It's hard when you in the middle of something and you get drug away from it for some reason like the kids, then you go right back to what you were working on. The last month I had a few projects going on at the same time and it was a damned mess. It took all day to clean everything back up. The worst part is when, you have 20lbs of shit in a 5lbs bucket and a lot of stuff just don't have a home. In my 25x25 garage I have, 3 welding carts, 1 split unit mig, a lathe, a 4x4 plasma table, drill press, Shriner/stretcher stand, 4' pan brake, tool boxes, a rack of steel tube and plate, a project 40" press brake I work on when there is nothing else to do, a fridge, a soda fountain, a full wall of cabinets, and my 7 yr olds 28 dodge. I had to build a small shop in the back just to hold my wood tools just so I could empty my work truck.
Mine is a mess but I constantly amaze others with my ability to find any tool or part I want in the chaos.
I have an amazing ( hoarders) mess as well. There,s not even enough space for the stray cats to crap.
Mine is a mess between the machine shop equipment, material laying around, garden tools, etc. I need to build a shed, but my wife fights me on it. Be real cool to go out another 12' on the back of the garage though. That would make it 24' x 37'. Shortly we will be dragging all the stuff out, tossing a lot of it and putting it back neatly. I have to dive into my machine shop, that's real bad... Bob