Your selling ''New Age Glass Media for $15 ,50 pound bags.? small packs are listed online for 1bout $1.10 a pound..
I have just about everything I need to build one all I need to know is, If anyone out there has a DB150 can you measure the pipe coming out the top for me please, no need to take it apart just where it slides at the top. Thanks
There's a video on their web site of them removing a large patch of graffiti off a brick wall. It looked like it worked fantastic!!! And FAST!!! This looks like it could be a business. A lot of big cities are REQUIRING property owners to remove graffiti within a short time or face a fine. Some people just paint over it which looks like heck!!
Yes I have the New Age glass media in stock $15.00 for a 50 bag for the batch I have prices might go up on the next pallet depending on shipping to me. I dont want to get into the blasting business that is why I went the smaller way I did mine, no its not as efficent and fast as the big units but running a pair of fenders to the blast shop is time consuming. Plus not cost effective for a single or a few small parts.MY unit is simple & cost effective for small or just a couple of parts. When done run the heat gun over it then I just wipe down with metal etch with no flash rusting & I need to build a hanging rack to suspend parts from. If I was 25 years younger I would look into buying the big pro units but at 65 plus just not intrested.
Thanks Markkm , nice picture . What did you do , break into their vault How are you making out with yours ??
Just had 2 guys hand me a flyer on their new blasting business using this dustless system. They were totally stoked about its abilities. Said they went to Texas and witnessed it working and bought one. When I asked what they charged, they said it depended on each job. I'm going over to take a look at it soon, just to see if it's as great as they say. I'm not buying one, just want to see it. It would be a lot cheaper to pay them for the work I think.
moparmuscle1 I found the picture on a form, it was on there along with there older dry blaster, which by the way looks the same but yellow. Mine works but I need better control, it needs fine tuning. I see by the picture they have a hole in the tube close to the top I don't, I think that is part of the problem.I will post some pictures maybe a video later. Are you close to St. John's I think there is a princess auto there they have the glass for $9.99 a bag.
Sitting here scratching my head, wondering what the heck is the holdup. I ordered a DB 500 mobile unit on March 22nd, from the guys we all saw on TV. When I placed the order, I was told the machine would be ready for pickup in "3 to 4 weeks, maybe sooner". Friday (2 days from now) will be 9 weeks and when I've called, every 2 weeks, a different story. Of course they did have time to bill my Visa for the deposit. Maybe someone in Houston could stop by and see what's going on.
I own a Media Blasting company in New Jersey, Asbury Park area if anyone has any questions on the process. We specifically do Dustless Blasting, it uses recycled bottle glass, not sand.
Finally gave up on the "Dustless Blaster folks" in Texas, MMLJ. Almost 3 months of excuses and deceit. Don't waste your time with them. Ordered a Geo Blaster yesterday. It will be delivered Thursday (3 days) Now that summer is here and I can sweat my ass off.
the shop I used to work for tried some ways it was great, left the metal really nice. but, it is a HUGE MESS, also be careful of tip size, I belive you need a larger tip (#7 I'm pretty sure) we destroyed many panels with the smaller tip (the tips are also about $200 ea.) I would deffinately drill some drain holes if you are blasting inside panels ( we had a 70 camaro filled solid with damp sand/glass after we cut off the quarters) also we used to use plain water - no media- with hold tight in the machine to blast it clean after it was stripped.
OK, my GeoBlaster arrived Wed the 12th. The owner of the company John McEntyre flew in to Birmingham where I picked him up at the airport. We stopped by a rental company and picked up a compressor (with the option to purchase). When we got back to Jasper, one of Johns employees was here with the blaster. Bright and early the next morning, they delivered the machine and spent the entire morning hooking it up and checking me out on it's operation. It was 95 degrees, heat index 104, whew! This unit is amazing! We blasted the rear fenders of an early 60s Chevy pickup. Using only 50 psi, it removed all paint, bondo and rust in approx 15 minutes each. I was impressed by how little water and abrasive this thing used to do the job (about a quart per minute of water and less than 50 lbs of abrasive). Anyone who has ever used a sandblaster, particularly a small setup like many of us have had for years, would be impressed! If this sounds like a paid endorsement, that's OK but it is not. My name is Allan Faulkner and I approve this message.
Well, I've done a couple of jobs with the new Geo Blaster. It works so nice and leaves such a nice finish. The rust inhibitor keeps rust from starting for several days if parked inside. The best way I've ever stripped a car body by a long shot. It does take longer than some of the internet videos would lead you to believe (isn't that a big surprise). My rate is $125 an hour or with 2 men working $150 an hr. Diesel fuel and abrasive aren't cheap.
Wish the only guy I can find in ny could do it that cheap he is getting me for 1250.00 to strip my 31
I plan on doing this in the Sedalia 65301 area soon for auto body stripping these machines are $5000 for the small machine up to $70,000 for the large mobile unit.
I am doing it in the Branson area, I bought the DB500 system, I love it, it is a very nice setup does a great job, no warpage, and it is fast! Much nicer than sandblasting in my opinion. My only complaint is the flash rust that follows, I use the material that they recomend and it works great on some metals and dosent on others. For instance, I did a MGB fender for practice, it sat outside the shop for over a month, not a spot of rust, then I did a trailer and I could see the flash rust coming right behind me, now it wipes off with degreaser which I always use before I shoot primer anyway so its not a big deal but some might not like seing a bit of rust when you just finished striping their item. I did a trike that belonged to Elvis and have done a chevelle for a guy and several other smaller items and all have came out great. Jim 417-239-5662 if ya need anything done in my area let me know your a HAMB member and I will cut ya a deal!
I found that parts page of the db 150 I can't figure out how that pipe raises up and down without leaking air
Be careful. I know their machine parts are patented. If you make one I sure wouldn't be posting here... Just saying.
Hey TXTurbo...Is there any way you can look inside your Dustless Blaster and see how the plate is made in the bottom cone inside the machine.I'm pretty sure its a media catcher so all the sand doesn't pile up in the bottom of the machine.I guess the vibrator helps shake it to the bottom. I posted a pic and circled the part i'm talking about.