Picked up this fuel tank up at the LA swapmeet this last weekend. I can make out a date of 1965 and some writing on the end that says to "refill this tank when going into combat-tech" and then something I can't make out that's smudged too badly. Any idea on what piece of combat equipment it might have been on? The date would put it into Vietnam I suppose. Help if you can. Thanks
Anybody that was in Nam might have a clue on this. Like to identify. It's probably a little over 20 gallons I'm guessing.
I'm going to use it in my 34 coupe. I'm in for the night so I will have to get the dims tomorrow. It's aluminum and I thought it fit the theme of my car better than the poly tank I had planned to use. Any ideas. It's about 34" long and about 12 high I think.
Hope someone can chime in and identify it. We have quite a few military vets on here. The dimensions sound about what I need for my RPU Decent looking tank.
Looks like it says: REFILL THIS TANK WHEN GOING INTO COMBAT - TECH ORDER ?? 1-65 (Actually that first word looks to me like "remove" but I suppose you're looking at it closer than I am.) Let me post a link on the Warbird Information Exchange forum and see if anyone recognizes it.
The first word is definitely the word refill. It does not have a pressurized cap so I do not think it's aircraft. It is a piece of ground equipment of some kind. Just be kinda nice to know what it is. someone on here will know eventually. Thanks.
Not sure Ford took tractors into combat in 65 but you might be right. Let's see a picture of a OD green Super Combat Brushmaster Ford tractor with a 50 cal. mounted. ha!
Are you REALLY sure on that "refill"?? Aircraft deicer tanks have the "remove before combat" on them, I think because the deicer fluid was basically flammable alcohol.
It looks a lot like this one http://www.jalopyjournal.com/forum/showthread.php?t=233883&page=2 post 29 6th photo
Bruce, You may be right but the first word looks like it has two L's at the end of the word. I'll have to look closer. I guess it doesn't really matter much because you won't be able to read it when it's in the trunk of the 34. I am going to use it. Now, I just gotta get that crusty sight gauge off. The screws are really rusty and I want to convert to a regular fuel sender in it's place. All the lettering is gone off the gauge so it's no big deal. Here is the tank from the link posted.
I copied your picture and blew it up on my computer. I believe I can see the shadows of what is left of the E at the end of Remove. I could be wrong but
Went back and looked at it. Yes it says Remove. It is all gone now though as I cleaned the tank today in preparation for polishing. It's gonna look a lot better when done. It looks killer mocked up in the car. So, it's a deicing tank. Model of plane to be determined still. Were making some progress here.
I filled it with water and no leaks. That's good. Fuel may be a different story. It holds 20 gallons, which is awesome for road trips. I am cleaning it now. Any info on the origins would be great.