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Just wondering..why chop?

Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by 56don, Jun 30, 2013.

  1. Looking over threads I see that the first thing a lot of us do is chop the top. So I was wondering, why do want to chop your top?
    Is it :
    Because you really like the look, or
    Because you think a hot rod is just supposed to have a chopped top?
    I was thinking a lot of the younger builders just do it because its the "in" thing to do.
    There are so many chopped top cars out there now that I find it refreshing to see one the stock height. A radically chopped top looks ratroddy to me...But, thats one mans opinion.
  2. Don,,Chopped tops have always been a big part of hot rods & customs,for a lot of us that have been building cars all our lives have probably owned a chopped top car at one time or another.

    I think a Deuce 5 window looks great chopped but I love a unchopped better.

    I have owned a '32 roadster and a '39 Ford convertible,as you know I'm over 6' tall and I have gotten to the point chopped cars are not something I want anymore.

    These radical chops come across a rr to me also,,,but you and I are old school greybeards and appreciate having unobstructed vision. HRP
  3. fastrnu
    Joined: Feb 26, 2009
    Posts: 739

    from shelton,wa

    Oh boyo boyo boy! Here we go! if ya gotta have somebody explain it, ya aint gonna understand it.
  4. Flatheadguy
    Joined: Dec 2, 2008
    Posts: 2,037


    THis question is a contender for the most inane ever posted. Stand by, others are trying to wrest this honor away from him.

    Edited June 30.......10:00am......
    Okay, I give up. Maybe it's an age thing, I don't know. But, when reading the original question I immediately thought of the folks who ask questions like why did you paint your car that color? Why doesn't it have a hood? How come your tires have no tread? (they are slicks) And so on. Now, having read the comments by others, I apologise to the OP and others who flamed me. Yeah, it's an age thing. And it ain't gonna get better as times passes. Okay, gotta ago, it's time for my meds. (am I forgiven?)
    Last edited: Jun 30, 2013
  5. I think the original idea behind chopping the top on a hot rod was to improve aerodynamics. Custom cars went with chopped tops to make them sleeker looking. One man's opinion.
  6. christopher 78
    Joined: Jun 24, 2012
    Posts: 136

    christopher 78

    I look at it as making the car flow better with itself! I agree some cars are ruined with the radical chop! It's all about the flow!!
  7. DaddyO's..Deuce
    Joined: Jul 31, 2011
    Posts: 786

    from Missery

    I always thought it was because of cars running the salt flats and wanting aerodynamics. Others liked the way they looked and tried to immulate them. I sure never thought of this as a RR!

    Posted using the Full Custom H.A.M.B. App!
  8. jerseymike
    Joined: Sep 25, 2008
    Posts: 707


    easiest way to improve a cars overall shape and flow, a well done chop.
    easiest way to destroy the entire look of a car, an overdone chop.
    more is not better!
  9. Wildbill29tudor
    Joined: Apr 16, 2013
    Posts: 460


    Not that my opinion is that important, but I I like the chop top look myself. Just some thing about the small windows appeals to me but a friend of mine has a 30 a coupe and his is in cut and still looks good I think it's more of a preference thing than a band wagon type deal
  10. tfeverfred
    Joined: Nov 11, 2006
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    Naturally, it's done for the look. But there are exceptions. In racing, it's probably done for streamlining. Makes the car a little more aerodynamic. Some do it because they THINK that's the way it was done, but research and threads on the HAMB have shown that historically, most STREET driven hot rods didn't get chopped. But it was the chopped cars that got most of the exposure in the old magazines. WHY, did the chopped cars get more exposure? Because it was considered a RADICAL procedure, during those times. The average guy didn't have the skills, YET, to do a chop or channel, for that matter. There's also the guys who want to fit in and will chop ANY car to be in the "radical" crowd. But those types are into hot rods because they think it's a fad or the latest thing. They usually aren't really hot rodders at all. They'd be into collecting oven mits, if someone told them that was the latest trend.

    I'd never have a chopped car because I'm tall and saw a guy squished into a car at "Burn Out" last year. BUT, I do like the look on a few cars. To me, the chop has to look like it belongs. Like it came stock that way. It's part of the overall look of the car. Not an after thought.

    Lastly, the "mail slot" look has rat rod written all over it. IMO
  11. Read your own byline!

    This is the Hamb,I'm sure Don threw it out as a discussion,,to sit there and imply it is a inane post is rather a pompous attitude.

    I remember reading a rant by you about ebay,,that will be added as a contender in my book!:mad: HRP
  12. Rickybop
    Joined: May 23, 2008
    Posts: 10,136


    You already know the answer. You're just being provocative.
  13. tfeverfred
    Joined: Nov 11, 2006
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    This, as far as the thread goes.
  14. BIG-JIM
    Joined: Jun 13, 2009
    Posts: 1,378

    from CT

    So you guys were born knowing everything? The guy asks an honest question and he deserves an honest answer not smart ass remarks from know-it-alls like you.
  15. I like chopped cars. I do not like RR type mega chopped cars. Stupid and impractical!! And to answer the real question - It was for aerodynamics. It spilled over from the salt flats to street drivin cars. Soft top cars were much easier to chop and do so in the garage by owners.
  16. Some may think the question inane or provocative. Its a simple question.
    Some people can't post on here without being snarky so thats ok, its just the way your are.
    As provocative, yes, I wanted to provoke answers for a general consensus on why there are so many chopped cars now. I know the history of them. Done mostly for aerodynamics,then to get "the look". So is that why most of your do it, for "the look"? Don't get me wrong and try to read anything into this post that I do not intend..I also like chopped cars. 32-34 Ford pickups look better with a lowered lid. And a lot of coupes look better with about a 2" chop.
    I just wanted to know why those of you who decide to chop make that decision. Simple question. Not looking for a pissing match, which some of you are capable of.
  17. fastrnu
    Joined: Feb 26, 2009
    Posts: 739

    from shelton,wa

    OP says "the first thing a lot of US do is chop the top. Then asks why we do it??????
    Post is a set up. get the popcorn post!.

    I played nice as the OP's post was not designed to get an answer, rather to evoke response from over 150,000 other HAMBsters.
    Also took time and read OP's profile noted where he says he has never built a complete build to how he wants it.
    As the quote goes " as you stand up to your ass in alligators you ask why was it that I drained the pond"
    Hate to have to say it but it appears you took the bait and are now making some misguided attempt to defend your pal. Hes a big boy and been on here long enough to know what happens when you stir up the HAMBsters.
  18. Itchy-Pit
    Joined: May 7, 2008
    Posts: 520


    Then there was the day wen you HAD to change to a dual point Mallory Distributer and we all did it and the cars and trucks ran like crap until we realized the old stock one was easy to time, reliable and put them back in. If FORD spent all that time and research - it probably is a good bet it will run just fine stock. I do like the Chopped look. But I don't think you have to be chopped to be cool. Then again - who cares what everyone else thinks. It's your ride. The loudest detractors usually have no pot to piss in...
  19. F&J
    Joined: Apr 5, 2007
    Posts: 13,279


    The first old coupe body and frame I bought around 1967 for $100....the first thing I did was chop it. At that time, all fenderless coupes really needed a chop :)
  20. AnimalAin
    Joined: Jul 20, 2002
    Posts: 3,416


    Originally, it was done to reduce aero drag. Eventually, it became a fashion statement. I love the look, but beyond my roadster having a little off the windshield posts, I doubt I'll ever own one.
  21. Rickybop
    Joined: May 23, 2008
    Posts: 10,136


    Oh, ok. So sorry. In that case...

    I'd chop a top because "it's the in thing to do", and I like the "rat-roddy" look.

    "Okay, I give up. Maybe it's an age thing, I don't know. But, when reading the original question I immediately thought of the folks who ask questions like why did you paint your car that color? Why doesn't it have a hood? How come your tires have no tread? (they are slicks) And so on. Now, having read the comments by others, I apologise to the OP and others who flamed me. Yeah, it's an age thing. And it ain't gonna get better as times passes. Okay, gotta ago, it's time for my meds. (am I forgiven?)"

    Me: (to the OP)
    Yeah, me too I guess. You used the word "snarky"...but that's what I thought you were being. Maybe I was wrong. It just seemes to me to be somewhat provocative to ask a supposedly "innocent" question, yet give an opinion in the same breath. ("I think some young guys do it because it's the in thing to do." and "radical chops look ratroddy to me.") I mean, in my way of thinking, if you're truly asking an innocent question, then you haven't even formed an opinion yet. It just seemed more like a leading question rather than an innocent question. And that's why I said I believed you already knew the answer. On the other hand, maybe it was simply because I found a turd in my Cheerios this Peace.
    Last edited: Oct 22, 2013
  22. outlaw256
    Joined: Jun 26, 2008
    Posts: 2,022


    well i don't own one and i never have. but i have a 51 ford that may get a haircut. not to be cool but just because i like the look.but i really don't care one way or the other. i like them with stock tops and chopped tops. when people talk about the sbc as a cookie cutter i think some haven't looked at all the rides out there. they are starting to look alike, we went to a local car show last month and every car there that we would consider for a haircut had one.everyone of them!!!
  23. You have a problem with reading comprehension. Not knowing me you read things into my post that aren't there.Please move on, this thread is above your level.
    Simple question and you still can't get it.
  24. .

    WARNING... Rat rod content below... ;):D



    Seriously, The reason I chopped mine was that I wanted a coupe that looked like it was ready to blast down the salt at Bonneville.

    I still needed the car to be drivable and mine is. I put 5 hours in the seat yesterday and plan to go 11 hours to Goodguys Indy and approx. 24 hours (round trip) to the Rodders Journal show in Sept. It ain't no Cadillac, but the look is well worth it.

    I drove my car to the bank last week and the female teller looked at the chop and asked me "Why do you do that? Isn't it uncomfortable?" My response was " no more uncomfortable than those 3" high heels your wearing. Why do you wear those?"

    It's all about the look baby!!! :D

  25. Hnstray
    Joined: Aug 23, 2009
    Posts: 12,355

    from Quincy, IL


    A) It's early and haven't had your coffee yet

    B) Wife/girlfriend/"life Partner" says you can't go play today, have
    to stay home and do chores

    C) Just generally a disagreeable person

    D) All of the above
  26. mrjynx
    Joined: Nov 24, 2008
    Posts: 970


    Posting before this gets locked for arguing.

    Someone has a signature I like. it reads something like - tradition without intelligence is not worth having.

    There are people who will chop everything hard "just cos".. regardless of if it suits the car, regardless of proportion or even if theyre gonna race it.

    They just do it "cos tradition".
    then one day all the cars will be chopped and there wont be any unchopped cars because nobody questioned it. So to me, it does matter to ask why.

    Then I close the window, go about my business, and remember people can do what the hell they want aslong as theres a car for me.
  27. I plan on leaving my 32 tudor stock height, partially because there aren't a lot of unchopped ones out there anymore. I do like the mild chops, not a fan of the radical chops mainly from a drivability point. But people ain't doing a chop to please me so it don't matter.
  28. Hardly a rat rod!. Thats a nice car and well proportioned.When I said radical I meant more of a chop than that. Thanks for answering the question. Like I tried to state earlier, I like them both ways. Just wanted to know the reason for the decision to chop.
    I have a 34 pickup I am still debating on chopping a couple of inches.Can't decide. There are so many chopped ones that it might look better uncut.
  29. Dreddybear
    Joined: Mar 31, 2007
    Posts: 6,140


    At some point you can question everything. Why take the fenders off? Why swap engines? What's the point of the whole thing? Mild chop looks good. Heavy chop looks mean. It's not a fad. I wouldn't say us younger builders aren't doing anything cause it's the "In" thing to do. Nothing about these things is "in". We exist quite outside the norm.

    Me and my buddies cars. Both chopped 6". His looks a little heavier because its a 31. It's perfect. And completely easy to drive and see out of.

  30. A strong argument for chopping a car! :) HRP


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