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Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by trumph, Aug 8, 2013.

  1. Jalopy Joker
    Joined: Sep 3, 2006
    Posts: 32,093

    Jalopy Joker

  2. Super88
    Joined: Nov 21, 2001
    Posts: 395


    Thanks for the great photos. Hope to get there one of these years.
  3. Here are some pics my 13 year old nephew took of No.77 He was sitting at the edge of our pop up (we were just shy of the 3 mile mark) taking pics of the cars being towed to and from the starting line. I didn't have the bigger lens on the camera so taking pictures of cars racing really wasnt in the cards since they would be a little small to look good on "film"

    No 77 was on the track racing and went out of control. Let me tell you it was incredibly surreal. The car was coming right at us and you just couldn't tell where the heck it was going to stop.

    All the spectators in our area started to scramble out of the way. Dalton was sitting next to me and we both jumped up ready to bolt. Wyatt was still in his spot where he had been taking pictures. It was coming at us incredibly fast, but almost in slow motion if that makes any sense?

    But it was over as quickly as it started. All of us spectators that hadnt peed our pants were talking about it. A bunch of us had been to Bonneville many times and no one had ever seen a car come that close to the spectators.

    I asked Wyatt if he was OK and he said yeah ... I took a bunch of pictures of it as it spun past!

    The still pic is of it at its apex right in front of us ... the other pics are the ones Wyatt took of it that I strung together in a 4 second video.


    Forgot how to imbed video ... Ill work on it

    Last edited: Aug 15, 2013
  4. It was my first time back to speed week since 2001. Way too long. I was blown away by how many people were there......racers and spectators. Crazy.

    Anybody have a number count of how many entrants there were?
  5. Rattleon
    Joined: Jan 19, 2008
    Posts: 142

    from Idaho

  6. rpkiwi
    Joined: Jan 16, 2006
    Posts: 284

    from Truckee CA

    Some more pics,not the best photos but you get the idea.

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  7. X-Farmboy
    Joined: Aug 17, 2009
    Posts: 128


    Same here, not the greatest pics, but......

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  8. At the drivers' briefing on Saturday they said there were 516 pre-entries. I'm not sure how many actually turned up, but it was pretty busy for the first three days. Thinned out a lot the last couple of days, but still plenty to see.

    I think if you want to see all the cool spectator cars that show up, then you need to be there between Saturday and Monday. If you want to see the racing and get close to the cars, then Tuesday on is probably your best bet.
  9. BrandonB
    Joined: Feb 24, 2006
    Posts: 3,494

    from nor cal

    Here are a few more. Three fellows from France running their bikes of which one held a record, the "Love Machine", an Offy powered Indy car and a "Stagecoach".

    Last edited: Aug 16, 2013
  10. gnichols
    Joined: Mar 6, 2008
    Posts: 11,384

    from Tampa, FL

    Thanx for all the pix, especially this sprint car. Gary
  11. Shaggy
    Joined: Mar 6, 2003
    Posts: 5,207

    from Sultan, WA

    Sweet to see some hummers out there, BTW the 1st year was 1948(really it was 1955 they when they renamed the model 125 after the dealer dean hummer) .... I was pretty heavy into restoring them when I was in elementary thru middle school
  12. Spent all week at Bonneville and didn't see this... faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaark!!!

    Did it run?

  13. I think those are the first spin shots of Hammond posted anywhere online!? Damn that was close! You must have been sitting next to Terry?
  14. Killer pix gang, thanx for sharing. Ill be there next year for sure !
  15. Cyclone
    Joined: Mar 31, 2006
    Posts: 222

    from Sonoma, CA

    I saw on the SCTA site that they (Marino=Batto) made a run on Sunday, not sure of their status.

  16. Banned HAMBer Rocky Marino. Car was previously red primer
  17. BrandonB
    Joined: Feb 24, 2006
    Posts: 3,494

    from nor cal

    Here is a before shot off his website.
  18. Terry is?
  19. What Jimmy said. :D:D for the first time
  20. jr9162
    Joined: Sep 8, 2008
    Posts: 247


    Spoke with Ruth and Erik. She did 217 mph in her 1st pass. Was shooting for 221 or better on her 2nd run. Heard she only ran 195. Don't know what her final results were. He told me they were running a Model A banger motor with a Volvo head on it. Lot of background noise on the starting line so I may not have heard him correctly.
  21. [​IMG]

    This must be Flat Top Bob?:), Have fun Bob.
  22. 38chevy454, he had his Ute there.
  23. jr9162
    Joined: Sep 8, 2008
    Posts: 247


    What a beautiful car. Met the owner and crew at the Motel 6. Finally got to see and photograph it in impound Wed. 230 Buick straight 8 with dual Holley 500 cfm 2V carbs. Left for Flagstaff early Thurs am so don't know if they sucessfully backed the qualifying run up for a new record.
    Last edited: Aug 16, 2013
  24. Rattleon
    Joined: Jan 19, 2008
    Posts: 142

    from Idaho

    Canopy looked to be up during Hammond car spin. Wonder if that had anything to do with the spin.
  25. Yep they were two spots down from us. I really like that area. We had always set up just at the far end of the pits, but they keep making the pits longer and narrower. Damn near to the checkered flags this year so we tried something new and it paid off since we didnt get mowed down lol.

    Wyatt will pretty happy so many people are digging his pics. The full sized ones are better than the little movie. If those people need them for any reason Id be happy to email them to them if they contact me.
  26. BrerHair
    Joined: Jan 30, 2007
    Posts: 5,052


    How cool is it to run an AMBR contender on the salt?

    Great pics everyone, thanks. Incredible machinery.
  27. I reposted that on so they could see his awesome shots! Many pro photogs wait for years to get those shots! Tell the kid he might want to look into photography classes in school.:)
  28. autobilly
    Joined: May 23, 2007
    Posts: 3,221


    That's the ones, Jimmy. I should have remembered that they were yours.
  29. hotrod3w
    Joined: Jul 8, 2005
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    Member Emeritus

    Wow, Who the hell is this guy who pretty much cloned or copied my paint scheme on my '32. Apparently he does not have the creativity to come up with his own paint job.

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  30. WiredSpider
    Joined: Dec 29, 2012
    Posts: 1,274


    I never realised you were the first guy to scallop a car

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