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Discussion in 'The Hokey Ass Message Board' started by trumph, Aug 8, 2013.

  1. BrandonB
    Joined: Feb 24, 2006
    Posts: 3,494

    from nor cal

    How do we know that you didn't copy him?:rolleyes::eek::D
  2. Almost feel like I was there without the heat, great pics, too much.
  3. What a great week. It's just magic when I see exit 4.
  4. 63Compact
    Joined: Feb 14, 2007
    Posts: 1,179


    Thanks for pics guys
  5. philly the greek
    Joined: Feb 15, 2009
    Posts: 1,863

    philly the greek
    from so . cal.

    Take it as a compliment and move on .
  6. Well... today was the last day of racing. We headed down early so that we could see the Poteet & Main Speed Demon try to back up the record run from the day before. We headed down the track to just before the 5 mile mark, and when he came past he was doing FOUR HUNDRED AND FIFTY ONE MILES PER HOUR!!!

    The Turbinator II came out not much later, another impressive machine, but I believe he pulled the chutes at the 3 mile mark. Not sure on speeds.


    After that we headed off and spent about half and hour and 10 bucks or so trying to get all the salt off the car. Pretty sure there's still some hiding under the car, but hopefully it will fall off along the way. Maybe some bush bashing might help.

    Anyway, we headed back towards Ely for some lunch, and did some exploring along the way. Found this great typewriter and had delusions of carting it around and pretending to be Hunter S. Thompson or something, but I got enough crap to carry already.


    Every good store needs a wooden indian.


    Cool signs are everywhere.


    We drove through some of the back blocks and found this Studebaker graveyard. Didn't mean to cut off the phone number. Sorry!



    Went into the general store for a look and was greeted by quite a bit of the local wildlife. Interesting...


    Flat cat.


    We then headed through Eureka and on to Austin. Just as you come into town there's a wrecking yard (of sorts). Officially it's Ray's Automotive, but unofficially it's Ray's collection of cool old stuff. He has some amazing number plates and even a couple of bunky old Ford more-doors.





    And then Davo found some fireworks. Right next to the toiletries if you must know. A couple of Aussies, cheap and nasty fireworks, a high desert area in drought... what could possibly go wrong.

    NOTHING!!! A bit of smoke and no sparks or anything.

  7. About time you headed home Boris you are having way to much fun....
  8. Extremely cool. I have always believed owning a hot rod just for show is a waste. A hot rod, no matter how nice, is supposed to be driven. These guys get it.
  9. THANKS everyone for taking the time to post your great 2013 B-ville photos!!!!!
    Anymore have more pictures of the "CITY OF BURBANK" Streamliner?
    I seen the original run back in the 50's.
  10. luke1929
    Joined: Jun 24, 2013
    Posts: 5


    My first Bonneville trip this year! Some cool cars there but for me this is the one that was just right

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  11. 193257
    Joined: Dec 10, 2007
    Posts: 327


    Hey Man You need to get your story straight. The same guy does not own the 55 Chevy that owns the 9913 Stupidbaker. The guy that owns the Stupidbaker name is Paul Gilliam and yes it was built by Johnsons Hot Rod Shop. I know Alan Johnson and Paul Gilliam both very well and they are not as you described. Not even close. Paul and Alan are also close friends and Johnsons Hot Rod Shop did go over the top with this build and it shows. The guy that owns the 55 Chevy name is Bob Johnson but is not related to Alan. They worked day and night to get the baker done in time and just made it. The car went through tech with no problems of any kind. Since it was a new car and new driver they decided to not go for the record yet but keep your eyes open in October. They went 227 MPH and decided to wait till October. I believe the record is around 240MPH. YES I was there.
  12. Nick Flores
    Joined: Aug 13, 2009
    Posts: 1,360

    Nick Flores

    Anyone have any shots of our #3663 XXO/PRO, '36 Buick they'd like to share. I pretty much had a wrench in my hand the whole time....
  13. I do Nick, but haven't sorted all my pics yet.

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  14. BrandonB
    Joined: Feb 24, 2006
    Posts: 3,494

    from nor cal

    A few more with a couple at tech. The 32 roadster with the banger was a new car and had just passed tech.....

  15. 80WTI
    Joined: Sep 16, 2012
    Posts: 319


    Great pics wish i was their. thanks for sharing
  16. Ranchero59
    Joined: Feb 21, 2010
    Posts: 494


    Nice pics On my bucket list Maybe next year
  17. carpok
    Joined: Dec 29, 2009
    Posts: 574

    from Indy

  18. OK... where were we? I think last time I posted pics we were on our way from Wendover and hoping to make it all the way to Minden, but we sort of got distracted and only made it as far as Fallon, which coincidentally is where the Top Gun fighter training school is. No, I didn't see Tom Cruise.

    After a GREAT breakfast at Squeezy's Cafe in Fallon, we started winding our way down to Fresno via South Lake Tahoe. Beautiful countryside and a very interesting drive.


    We were heading to Fresno because we needed to shoot Mark Skipper's 'Royal Victoria'. If you're on the HAMB or you get Rodder's Journal, you'll know all about this car. Their house is just as cool and is a full-on mid-50s time warp, but done very tastefully.


    We then headed up to Pleasanton and then I went to visit Sam Strube (SamIyam) in Livermore. He took me to George Madden's yard. He's got a bit of a thing for Novas, Chevelles, Tri-Five Chevs and '40 Fords. Some are in better shape than others. This is/was a 427, 4-speed car.


    I horse traded a book from Australia (a gift for Sam's wife) for this Hurst Autostick. Cool. Apparently they put these on Hemi Dodge Darts and the like.


    We also headed up to Kent Fuller's place in Santa Rosa, but I didn't get any pics. I was too busy interviewing him. The next day we headed down to Salinas to visit Cole Foster. This is his wife's car that Simon Davidson (the photographer) is posing next to.


    Davo doing his thing.


    After copping some damage in the Snake v Mongoose movie, Cole fixed up the Corvette funny car that his father restored about 10 years ago.

  19. Headed out to a few shops today as part of Hot Rod Week, the lead up to the Pleasanton Goodguys Nationals. Here's a few pics. We went to Dennis Varni's place (WOW!), Sparky's Hot Rod Garage and then Brizio's/Sanderson Headers. (More WOW!)

















  20. Magnus
    Joined: Apr 30, 2006
    Posts: 904

    from Sweden

    I admit that I'm more of a customs guy than rodder, but this.... Holy moly

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  21. Martino
    Joined: Nov 26, 2010
    Posts: 248


    Hey Brootal
    If you have the location or phone number to that Studebaker Graveland I would love to get ahold of them. I need some Studebaker Stuff.
  22. Some of the best Bonneville pictures I've seen here! Almost feels like I was there!
  23. hotrodderhaag
    Joined: Jan 22, 2007
    Posts: 2,140


    great pictures! thanks ! i can never get enough of bonneville
  24. It's in Ely, Nevada. Just a block west of the main drag. Only a small town, so it's pretty easy to find.

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  25. You were!:D:p
  26. nmbuellist
    Joined: Feb 3, 2007
    Posts: 462


    I was in a tow vehicle as it spun it front of us----GREAT SHOT
  27. Rusty Junk Ranch
    Joined: Dec 13, 2006
    Posts: 797

    Rusty Junk Ranch

    Just for the record, when was I banned ???:confused:
  28. I think he ment "Band". What do you play? :rolleyes:
  29. firingorder1
    Joined: Dec 15, 2006
    Posts: 2,147


  30. Rusty Junk Ranch
    Joined: Dec 13, 2006
    Posts: 797

    Rusty Junk Ranch

    Well? I've been playin the Telefunken U-47 since the early 70's !

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