try these . hope they show up I know it looks like some of the same pictures but the changes I am trying to capture are the reinstall of the driprail fading away to nothing and the rebuild of the rounded doortop opening . I also cleaned up the quaterpanel opening a bit . I will have to remove it again and run it through the english wheel to get the proper compund curve to the panel . Thats later though !! I am a little disappointed that I was not able to get out here at all since January as the wife and life kept getting in the way . I am sure you guys know how it is !! See ya for now , Andy...
Non mes aimee . Je nes pas comprende francis . Un per . LOL thats as good as it gets, with me anyway . But I do know that ici is here and it does not refer to icey , like cold !!! Now Jimmy you can add that to your french language lexicon
Well its been since December 2012 that I have anything constructive to report on the Buick . I have now an update with some pictures. Stripped the car on the passenger side of all the original paint . As mentioned before the car only had been painted once in its years on the road . I worked on the door front corner and patched that all up . Always more rust than expected , you guys know how that goes . Got the door gaps all aligned and the door fitting very well . I replaced the brass bushings and now the door fits well . Moved onto the fender and removed the portholes . I like how it changed the look of the fender. It seems a mile long now . May do custom portholes later . I will see how this wears for a while ?? I am thinking that I need to cut the front fender opening and massage it a little so there is a more even space from the tire to fender . Look at the picture you will see what I mean .
Yah Jimmy why not eh ! I like welding and grinding !! you know thats what it takes though . Come on I know you do LOL . Anyway I take it you see what I see ? Andy.. That a nice Buick you have as well timelord . I wish I could find a nice mustache and fender extensions trim like yours . Very nice car . Andy..
Got a couple hours on the Buick tonight . Started on the front fender reshaping . Have a look . I think it will look better than before once all the new metal is in place . Later !
Got some more done on the fender . Still some welding / grinding to do but that's all for now . Moved onto another section of the car . I am shaping up a new quarter panel panel as the old one I made had a joint in the middle and it had shrunk and buckled with the work on the roof months ago .
I like the new front fender shape Andy ! I will hopefully be getting back on the 47 tomorrow ! Posted using the Full Custom H.A.M.B. App!
Thanks Steve. I check your thread from time to time looking for pics . Nothing getting done lately ? Hope tomorrow you will get back at it . Later , Andy...
Starting to get the hang of the shrinker stretcher that I bought a while back . Bent up new fender lip . It sure did add some shape to the quarter panel . It now holds some shape to it . I wll be able to fine tune the panel once the body goes on rotisserie . When that happens I will be able to tie in the fender lip with the outer wheel house . I am pleased for now . Lots of welding and grinding ahead of me now . That's the fun stuff ,, isn't it ? Andy...
I have been catching up on stuff around the house that I didn't get done last summer .... I have been doing a few things though when I had a bit of time, I am gonna try and get the body back on the frame in the next couple of weekends, I killed the camera so all I have are phone pics but I will get some up soon!
For anyone interested Ryan has reopened my thread . There was an oversite and we are now past that and we live for another day . Thanks Ryan .. Andy...
Thank you gentlemen for the encouragement . I am in the process of building my shrinker / stretcher stand then I will get back on the Buick . Got to have a stand so I can apply foot pressure and manipulate the work piece as well . If your interested I can upload some pics of the process !! Maybe in a new thread !! we'll see . Andy..
Nice to see your thread alive again.The shrinker/stretcher purchase was a wise move,it makes your life a lot easier. I dont know have you seen this,but i made a shrinker/stretcher stand: It still works great,just used it at yesterday.
I seen your thread on your shrinker / stretcher stand Antti . Excellent work . I don't have the abilities and access you have , lucky guy . This is what I came up with so far anyways . I still need some springs and to pull the foot pedal up . Have a look so far . Maybe I will even be so anal as to paint it !!