Thanks to Nick for making this deal work, and a big thanks to Bill of Bill's auto works for getting it here safely and on time.
It's a '50s hot rod reconstructed by Nick in Michigan, he did a great job of keeping with the '50s theme. I'll try to get some more pics. of it tomorrow. Passenger door was leaded shut and fender recess had panels brazed in, Nick couldn't dig up much history on it but thought it was built in western Mich. so if anyone out that way remembers a little roadster with the pass. door welded up I'd like to hear about it. Thanks
Thanks, Nick deserves all the credit he is a true artist. He said the wheels are original Halibrands, and the first pic. was from his collection at his shop.
I thought it was a hand fuel pump when I saw it too, it's a bell, maybe in the '50s that would pass as a horn haha.
I was told that it was bought mostly apart and put together as close as he could tell from what he had. There was no history available and no old pics. that I know of. Just a true artist that recreated what he felt it should have looked like.
I really like the style. I'd feel compelled to fix the paint and chrome, it deserves to look its best.
Great resurrection job! Does this remind anyone of the end of the Henry Gregor Felsen novel Hot Rod? This could be the sequel, 60 years later...
Yeah I can appreciate the need to add some shine to it but that won't happen as long as I have it because I feel the work Nick put into it is deserving of preservation. I know I'll get a lot of "nice rat rod" comments, but I know I will also get to talk with a lot of guys who really know and appreciate what has gone into this build. I fell very fortunate just to be the caretaker of it now.