I agree - real nice truck. Good wheel choice too! Impressive sheetmetal skills on the roadster also - I'll be watching this one for sure!
Super beau travail, très inspirant! Beaucoup de bonnes idées. je vous trouve courageux de faire des Rod traditionnels en France. Moi je suis du Québec et les pièces ne sont pas évidentes a trouver, imagine en France!!!! félicitations!!
I first stumbled across this topic some time ago, but lost track of it. It is absolutely amazing and inspiring. I wish I could master this sort of skills myself, I love it. You are an artist, Schoum, and in the best french tradition, you combine artistic and engineering skills to an amazing result. It's a pity that most of your work will remain hidden, as that chassis is incredible in all its detail. I'm definitely going to try my hand at metalworking after this... what an inspiration! Keep up the good work! Cheers, Eddie
I usually skip past some of the "hand made" body threads, because usually they aren't always 100% spot on with a real one or even a Brookville.. something always just doesn't look quite right to me. But this thing, holy fuck. It looks perfect. I still can't believe those quarter panels started out as flat sheet. Crazy..
Now THAT is a beautiful early A! Beautiful integration with the 32 frame. Great color and chrome, too. Certainly no belly-button A.
WOW !!! The HAMB, never ceases to amaze me with the amount of talent out there. Absolutely amazing stuff !!
a nice pics of my roadster and lakester on the PowerGlide magazine area during a vintage car show in Paris the past week end! Great week end!
about my roadster, I wait some parts from Hot Heads. The headers, the offy tri-carb, joe hunt magneto and some cool other parts are crossing the Atlantic now! I hope receive it the next month...
Today was a good day! It was the first start of the roadster and his Hemi! the best christmas present I could wish! here is a short video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wimSZphAUk8 [youtube]wimSZphAUk8[/youtube] Thanks to Gary(73RR) and hot hemi heads for the help about the hemi specs and parts!
I'm near of the end of the project! I need a 3 port fuel block and the carbs linkage, and the hemi is done! tobay I receive my freshly rebuild front seat (I will made myself the doors garnishing, the carpets and the soft top) now I prepare the roadster for the obligatory technical check, to be "french street legal"
<iframe width="420" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/wimSZphAUk8" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
I start the inner door panel: How do you find it? the official technical visit..... Done!!! the first road test with my childrens! They love it!!!!