Many of we who are of "mature years" will recall Terry Cook, the outgoing and innovative Editor of Car Craft magazine during the 70's. It was he who shocked the custom car world with "Scrape" and its off-spring. Now, TC has re-emerged with a new enterprise named "Delahaye, USA". He's creating some pretty great looking cars. Read about it here and see the photos:
I remember TC as the editor that ushered in the van craze into HOTROD magazine and killed all Drag race articles and coverage. Thats when my subscription ended
Somewhere in the dark reaches of my mind,I seem to remember that Terry gave Wally Wyss a job at Petersen back in the day. I still maintain that the Scrape was purchased by Pete to atone for some perceived slight in the way Terry parted ways with Petersen.
Terry Cook Is one the best car designers ! He style of kustom car building are second to none I'm a huge fan and in my opinion "SCRAPE" is one of the best Kustom car's of all time..... I'm sure the cars he will be building will be assume
He's probably waiting for a good tech thread and laughing at everything else. Something a lot of good hot rodders have been doing and are starting to do.
He had one of the first configurations of the Delahaye at The Elegance at Hershey two years ago, orange and black. I liked it, it turned a lot of heads like most of his cars.
Naw, pretty sure he got his feelings hurt. You sound bitter, post up some tech instead of snarky remarks. I did by starting back on my Tudor
Scrape was built in a one car garage 1/2 mile from my house . Saw it all come together . Built by very talented car builder Ramsey Mosher who also did some work on my 85 Chevy PU , my 47 Chevy PU , and my 39 Chevy hotrod . ,
When Terry was at Car Craft in the mid and late 60s the magazine was the go to drag racing magazine along with Super Stock and Drag Illustrated.Great tech articles and excellent drag racing coverage,
Nope, I'm on a leash and doing fine, but I asked a friend who used to be on here, what happened and he said he was tired of the experts, so he stopped posting. My new engine is broke in and running GREAT. It rained today, but I'll be cruising tomorrow and hitting a few shows/cruises this weekend.
I think he's on here with a new screen name. Pretty sure he was on Chips "full-fendered T" thread. I'll see if I can find it. Will the real Terry Cook please stand up?
Yep, and I saw enough reading some of TC's comments pertaining to Sheep Rods place in the sun. They have one, just not here. Easy to grasp. Shoot those car styles have a legion of millions by the looks of the last 30 years. They can start a web site fit for that style. Jungle Juice for the All Hallow Eve crowd! It's a par-tay beaches!
Here's a sighting of him post-Lead East, at the Palos Verdes Concours with one of his Deco Ride "Bugnotti"s.
Where is Terry Cook? Right here in Long Valley, NJ, the same office I've been at since 1979. Lead East is going on 32 years now, Deco Rides (fiberglass Zephyrs and Boattails) is going on 15 years, and Delahaye USA (fiberglass Bugattis) about 7-8 years. I stopped posting on the HAMB years ago because I was disgusted with the fact that some young snot-nosed punks thought they were cool and chose to use that otherwise outstanding forum to make rude comments about other rodders or other rodders cars. They would humiliate them in public while hiding behind some pseudonym. In the old days, rodders may have criticized cars or other orders privately, but never disrespected them in public. Been covered up with my fiberglass Bugatti Type 57S project. see
Glad to see you're still here Terry...and I agree with your comments about "youngsters" and their rude comments...but I don't let that bother me in the least...all you must do is consider the source and dismiss it. Love the "Delahaye"...wish I could afford one, thanx for the brochure. R-
Terry Cook Is the P.T. Barnum of the automotive world, and I mean that in the nicest way! Always the innovator, never any grass growing under his feet, and a true Showman! Used to take the family to Lead East every year when we lived in CT, a lot of bang for the buck. KK
Terry made the WSJ today in a front page story on the 70's van culture. He was credited with starting the Nation Truck-In as editor of HOT ROD magazine in 1973. Posted using the Full Custom H.A.M.B. App!
Terry, I remember when we brought the first WOT teeter totter to lead east. Thanks for the memories. Dick L
Terry.... We're greatly honored by your presence, good humor and vast knowledge here on the H.A.M.B. Sorry about the loose remarks uttered by the low cowards. Jim G.