mirror tint the rear window? or try blackboard paint, doubles up as nostelgia rumble seat entertainment with a good packet of chalk.
Tinted rear view mirrors, both on the inside and outside, help cut the glare of modern lights behind you. They help a lot.
My '31 had the remnants of a roll-up window blind above the back window and I couldn't imagine what it was for until I drove at night the first time. It wouldn't do a thing for the side windows, but it definitely solves the glare from the tailgaters.
they do make a halogen 6v bulb , costs twice as much as a 12 v but the light is whiter . I use them on a tractor that I have , the old 1157 style headlights were as weak as a birthday candle , the new bulbs were almost as bright as a modern car bulb .
Maybe window/windshield reflections are the reasons cruise nights are over at 7:00 PM, and the rest areas are full of motorhomes before dark.
Not to mention the clowns that get behind you in 4x4's with armor piercing, blue lazier beam headlights and don't know how to use a dimmer switch. HRP
Thanks a lot, guys! I have never really noticed it. Now I'm going to be looking for the problem! Kind of like when someone says "listen to those flourescent lights hum!" Posted using the Full Custom H.A.M.B. App!
Good night training driving is riding around in a WalMart parking lot after dark. You will learn a lot there. Try it!!!!!!!
My first car, a 31 Ford sedan (wish I still had it), had a neat little roller shade over the back glass. Now we know just what for...