Last Saturday night boy it was cold, sure hope it is a little warmer this week. Who all plans on showing up this week? Hope everybody survived the New Years. LoL New year time to get back on the Belvedere and get it good, so I can do more get togethers. Hope to see you all Saturday who is this Steven Gutmans guy? Seems kinda weird someone else with my name running around.
So,,,where was everyone tonight??? Sat there fron 6:45 till 7:30 when a couple of guys showd up for a bit. Saw a Large guy ride by on a bicycle & someone in a bucket T with a hoddie tied so tight I could only see his eyeballs!! (Chip??) Bucket T drove right past me & back out on central & was gone. Sure a waste of time to drive down there if nobody is going to show!!
Worked on my car till 8:00 and drove by too, didn't see a soul. Figured some people got tuckered out at the rockabilly thingy at Firebird or whatever it's called these days.
There were 3 of us sitting inside till at least 8:30 No HAMB friendley vehicles in the parking lot though.
Ha! Bastards! I didn't see anybody parked so I just turned back out and went for a ride. The big guy on the bicycle was Bodi. Kinda got to drive your cars before this deal works!
With 16-18 hour days & car still broke down, kinda hard to drive it!! maybe next saturday? Is everyone still on for the 3rd Thursday gathering?? 16th of january? Harveys on Camelback, 7 pm??
I will not physically be there, but I will in spirit. I need to complete this house out in aj before the end of january.
I will be there this week, wow what a stretch. Hope to see you all this weekend, miss being up there and BSin. You all have a great week.
Hey guys, we all made 50,000 views. Wouldn't it be nice if we could get 5% of them up on Central and cruise and park and enjoy. Come on guys come join us and write your on thoughts. Hope you all have had a great week, look forward to seeing you all Saturday.
Hey Guys according to the weather man this Saturday night should be real nice, also to those who didn't show. Friday will be the last day McDonalds will be open, lets all get together and figure out a plan. Do we want to move or try to stay there, there is always J.I.B. or B.K. or I heard at on time Macayo wanted to be part of it ? Any Ideas would be great. Have a great week.
Yup. In their brilliance they decided to move from the location of the original first franchised McDonald's and over to 7th AVE and Indian School. The kid they had managing it didn't know anything about the Central Ave location history.
Man, the weather has been so perfect out here in AZ the last few weeks. I can't wait to get my ride back and do some cruising.
Actually I believe that the first McDonald's was across the street and a little closer to indian school rd. later jim
This saturday let's cruise out to the scottsdale pavilions. Meet up at mcdonalds on central at 3:30 leave by 4 pm
Very true, but what most don't seem to know was the fact that it was the very first franchised MacDonald's in the U.S. It was opened by a pair of brothers named Fox, I believe, and was in operation about two weeks before the Downey, CA. branch that is mostly credited with being the first. Later, after Ray Kroc bought the chain, you have reports of some in the Midwest such as Roseville, MN and a town in IL as being the first.
Never understood why they tore that one down in the 70s. Was so much a part of cruising central "back in the day".
Not sure exactly when it was torn down but, do not think it was until the early 1980's. In the mid '70s one time, I remember a friend and me riding our bikes all the way there and back from 50th st and Thomas area ( where I grew up ). We could not wait to get our cars and licenses to go cruising Central. I remember riding to that MdDonalds and checking out the cars before having to ride back to 50th st. Not sure if my parents ever knew I rode that far from home at night back then. Also remember cruising in the old McDonalds in my 'glass tilt front end '69 GTO that I still have. So, I am guessing the McDonalds moved to its current location sometime, oh, '82-'84? Central was shut down around '87 if I remember well. I was still cruising there in '85-6 time frame in a blue '72 GTO. Before that in a copper '71 GTO.
Nah, Central soldiered on until '92 when the police shut it down. the Macdonald's-Arbys land swap thing went down in about '88 or so, right after I moved into the neighborhood.